Our new theme starting this month is Effective Instructional Practices, and
Mathemagical™ is designed to incorporate all of them into one highly effective program.
Each week we’ll dive deeper into an instructional practice, exploring what is probably the most controversial topic in math education… what types of instruction are best!
First, let me give you a sneak preview… I am not an either/or person, I am a BOTH/AND. One of the best expressions I learned years ago was: “Chew the fish, leave the bones.” Every training, person, and experience I encounter has something valuable to teach me. I keep what resonates, and leave what doesn’t.
Over time this has created an approach that incorporates many different types of instruction, with a clear focus on what creates the most effective learning for each student. Since every student is different, I adjust the approach based on what that student needs. I have found that the more effective tools and practices I have in my toolbox, the more effective my instruction is. My fidelity is never to a curriculum or a particular approach… it is always to the students and their learning.
Stay tuned for more! Here’s some topics we’ll cover:
- Structured Numeracy
- The Neuroscience of Learning
- Explicit vs. Inquiry-Based Instruction
- The Science of Math
If you’re curious to learn more about my background and training, visit my About Becky page.