The February 2025 Member Monthly
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This month our topic is Shamanism.
Shamanistic practices are often very grounding and down to earth. They get you into a balanced place, especially in the lower chakras.
Shamanism at its core is designed to resolve imbalances in the mind, body and spirit, which can result in dis-ease.
One of its principles among practitioners is that many symptoms of dis-ease are usually either spiritually or emotionally based.
If you can identify and remedy the cause of spiritual or emotional imbalance, then the overarching physical symptoms subside.
I was introduced to shamanism over a decade ago when I worked for an agriculture department at a major university, and we received World Health Organization funding to go to the Amazon Rainforest.
We were to figure out why there are nutritional deficiencies among the rural tribes at high elevations in the Andes and at low elevations in the Amazon, and come up with a plan for what could be done about it.
The expert of each village we visited was usually the shaman, who also doubled as the remote town’s doctor and agricultural specialist.
He or she was who you talked to about the work done so far with what was achieved in ensuring the wellness of the community, and the wishes the community still had regarding their wellness needs.
These talks usually revolved around various plant medicines or local agricultural assets, plus spiritual needs.
Each shaman in these villages had a similar story - yes, water filtration mattered, a diverse diet mattered, using local abundant resources to make income mattered, but what also mattered was the spiritual condition of each person seeking any solution we were to offer.
If their spiritual state was off balance, nothing the plants, crops, income or water could do would help.
Similar statements were also made amongst shamans in Costa Rica.
In another agricultural trip, I met with mostly female shamans, who were also academic research specialists and instructors, to discuss plant medicines you can incorporate for a sustainable, healthy landscape.
These shamans also used tree shamanism for healing. They grew herbs used for menstrual ease near sacred trees.
They were happy to teach us how to connect with Tree Spirit Energy to improve the effectiveness of the plant chemicals in nearby herbal crops.
In meeting with the village shamans in South and Central America, I learned there were agricultural AND spiritual solutions necessary for health.
Both had to be addressed.
Shamanism can meet these needs. It can answer wellness questions that can be solved with plant medicines, vibrational medicines and spiritual remedies.
With shamanism, you can blend herbalism and spiritual practice, and you can do it in a commercial or academic setting.
Over the years since my first crash-course in practical applied shamanism, I’ve learned even more about the practice and how to use it to improve life’s conditions.
This month, you’ll learn shamanic exercises and tools to be your own shaman, healing the imbalances you may have with vibrational, spiritual and even plant-based remedies.
As we get started with this journey, scroll for supporting resources:

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Feb 4: Jupiter Goes Direct
Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth and opportunity. This planet has been in retrograde since October 9th, which means this period was more a time about reflecting on all that has come to be so far, so you have a better idea of where to take your life next. Jupiter Retrograde is a great time to reassess.
Jupiter will be going direct in Gemini, which can signify the forward momentum will now begin, perhaps with some communication and conversations that need to be had. Marketing and social media projects may see progress.
Feb 12: Full Moon in Leo
This full moon brings fiery and passionate energy together for a boost of creativity. You may find yourself stepping into the limelight through embracing your passions, while letting go of any self confidence issues or fear of being seen for your true self. 
This full moon will oppose the Sun in Aquarius, which means you don’t have to worry about being egotistical - you’ll find a way to match your individual desires to the group’s needs, as Aquarian energy is very socially minded.
Feb 18: Sun Enters Pisces
This intuitive, watery sign is the 12th astrological sign of the zodiac and thought to include the wisdom of all prior signs. It is also the sign that welcomes in the Spring Equinox, ending the year’s period of darkness.
During Piscean season, everyone has access to heightened intuitive awareness, deeper wisdom and the ability to be a little (or even a lot) psychic. Trust what you’re guided to do during this time.
Feb 23: Mars Direct
Mars went into retrograde on December 6th. As the planet of action, this may have meant you haven’t been able to move forward on your goals or have been met with delays. Now that it is direct, you should see progress on things you’ve been trying to implement but were stalled.
Feb 27: New Moon in Pisces
This new moon may awaken your inner psyche, encouraging you to dream big and stir up creativity towards pushing forward on your bigger dreams. It could open your mind up to see where changes could be made that will support your higher calling.

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This month our focus reading will be on Navigating Dilemmas. We’ll be using the Energy Oracle Cards, which is one of my favorite oracle card decks.
We’ll do a three card reading, plus have a bonus card for a final message.
The first card focuses on The Situation, the second card focuses on The Obstacle and the third card focuses on The Lesson.
The layout is designed to reveal the true nature of the problem, which is often different from the way you originally perceived the issue. It also highlights what the real obstacle is and provides valuable lessons to make more informed decisions.
To begin this reading, think of any present dilemma you are facing. Bring it to your mind and imagine holding an image of it in your mind’s eye. 
Inhale, exhale and let’s begin.
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The Situation - Door To Romance
A new beginning in love is here!
Whether you’re looking for a new relationship or becoming more in love in the relationship you’re in, the door on this card represents your heart opening towards a deeper level of love in your experience. 
You are being brought together with this new love in a strong, resonant connection. A tenderness is about to bloom into heartfelt affection.
This relationship already exists energetically, so to bring it into tangible reality, project the kind of self-loving energy you want to receive from others. The Universe is opening the door to more caring treatment towards you and sending it outward is akin to walking through that door.

Embrace radical self love - give yourself the loving acceptance you want to receive. As you deepen your own self love, you’ll attract this loving tenderness towards you.
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The Obstacle - Action
This card represents energizing effort and a willingness to work. It represents you taking more aggressive forward movement toward your goals.
The galloping horses signify intention; a concerted action directed to reach your goals is needed. You’re on the right track and your determined efforts must increase.
The white horse represents work that needs to be done, while the black horse represents spirit and thought. Together, these horses suggest you combine trusting your intuition with action.
With time, you’ll break through and get the results you’ve hoped for - but only if you take determined action and increase your willingness to put in the work.
You can be responsible for the outcomes of your life by taking actions toward your goals and personal happiness every day.
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The Lesson - Door To Personal Healing And Happiness
New beginnings in your personal life are on the horizon; specifically positive personal change.
Whether you’re working on positive change internally, like overcoming an addiction or mindset, or externally, like finding a new place to live or work, this card signals these new opportunities are about to appear.
The changes you’ve been working on are ready to blossom with wondrous results! So echoing the card above, see your personal intentions through with continued action and optimistic expectation. 
Don’t give up on your dreams just before they materialize, because you’re on the cusp of achieving some personal healing and happiness this month. 
Maintain your strength, focus and sense of self-direction. You have the power to create wonderful new opportunities.
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Final Message - Man Holding A Coin
This card signifies a male connection to money, health and value. In this deck, there’s also a Woman Holding A Coin card, so this card really does mean a man.
For men, a masculine aspect of yourself is ready to further your goals and receive increased health, money and value. It’s a sign greater success is on the way when you take control of your finances and act.
This card also indicates a male financial advisor or healer you’ll soon meet. He’s helpful, bringing advice about actions concerning your finances that are needed next. Be open to this person when they appear.
If you’re single, this card represents a wealthy love interest, perhaps from work. If you’re partnered, this card can signify that your male counterpart may have a smart idea that’ll improve your financial success.
Be willing to listen to any pertinent masculine source offering financial advice this month.
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Bringing your dilemma back to your mind, these cards suggest it can be solved when you open your heart to a deeper level of love, allowing space for tenderness to bloom with an increased level of self love.
With an internal environment of love, determined efforts will advance you towards your goals more quickly. You’re on the right track towards solving the situation, so increase your actions and do the work that will get you there.
You aren’t far off from achieving positive personal change. You’ll want to guide your personal intentions to completion with continued action and optimistic expectation.
To help you get there, step into your masculine financial side to take control of your money or listen to a Divinely sent male with wealth information who steps in to assist.
All in all, a sense of radical self love, determined efforts towards your goals, and a willingness to take masculine assistance with your finances will bring you the positive personal change you seek; it’s on the horizon, don’t give up!

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Live Workshop
When: Wednesday, February 12th, 7:00 - 8:30pm EST
Click HERE to register for the event and practice shamanic techniques with us live ~ 
To register, add your name and email to the link above. Registration provides you with your call-in link via email. All you need to participate is internet access and a working audio connection!
Workshop registration is included in your Membership subscription, so there is no additional fee to register, but you do have to officially register to attend live.

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Richard Gerber
This book is a wealth of information that covers the foundations of energy healing and the different modalities available, plus shamanic healing tools like plant medicines. 
Shamanism is a blend of physical tools, energy healing and spiritual contact, meaning you'll be able to use these technical details and insights in your shamanic practice.

Begin this month’s journey, Shamanism, by heading to the Member Journey page within The Member Center to watch the Welcome Video and read the Lesson and Exercises!
Amanda Linette Meder
2025 The Membership
1623 Salford St #141
Salford, PA 18957, USA