You may remember I did some big time updating of my own website recently. 
It was a lot of work focused on functionality - behind the scenes stuff mostly having to do with which Squarespace version I was on. 
But it was also a really valuable opportunity for me to assess the current state of “my brand”. 
That phrase used to turn my stomach, actually, First name / you. It sounds kind of icky at first…like, maybe personal branding is important for Real Housewives of Wherever…but me? 
Turns out: YES! 
A brand is about way more than colors and fonts! 
Although creating a logo and other visual elements is important for establishing a memorable and consistent public image, it is merely the tip of the branding iceberg. 
Your brand is the beating heart of your business. It starts with your business's core values pumping life into every aspect of your business's identity and presence.
Your brand is about your interactions with clients, partners, and the public. It's what people say about you when you aren't in the room and what people see and read about you online.
So when I went back to my website to assess things I knew I needed to add in a few more tools to share the passion and purpose that fuel my business.
I recorded and put up a new “Welcome Video”! (See below) 
And I started posting these newsletters to the blog. (Please share)
By focusing on what inspires you to embark on your professional path, you can cultivate a brand that resonates with your target audience, fosters meaningful connections, and builds a loyal customer base. 
Ultimately, this holistic approach to branding will support your business in an ever-evolving market.

 - Stefanie
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Hot tips
3 Straight Forward Tips to Build Your Personal Brand
Many of you are independent entrepreneurs, making you simultaneously a person and a business. When people lean in to buy your services they are essentially buying into the belief that you can and will deliver what they need - from the hand-holding and strategy to actual deliverables. 
Your public persona then needs to address all the different kinds of things you do for your clients - your soft skills and the tangibles. (Even if the tangibles are digital products or a training or service.) 
Here are 3 tips to building your professional brand.
1. Spread your social media wings. Your brand is the most important asset of your business, and yet it's also the least measurable. That can be incredibly frustrating when you are first building your brand and it feels like you're just throwing $h!t at the wall and hoping something will stick. Then, when something suddenly lands big it can be tempting to focus your brand around that one thing with the highest, quick responding metrics. You must resist! Tell all your stories and be authentic. 
2. Differentiation wins every time: Break out of the “sea of sameness” in your industry. Talking about how yoga helped give you more strength isn't exactly revelatory. So tell your story about why you needed that strength at that time in life. Set the context for your business and don't be afraid to overtly tell the people what makes you special! 
3. Talk like a friend: Before you send out anything into the world on behalf of your business, re-read it and see if it's something you would send to a friend. If it doesn't sound like you (too affected or inconsistent with your natural speech), stop and edit! Because at the end of the day, brand building is actually relationship building. That relationship will look different if you’re selling hot sauce, tax software, or consulting services — but they all require authenticity.

What Don't You Want To Do?
Some of us procrastinate getting things done because we like the adrenaline rush of an impending deadline. 
(Not me, of course. 🤐)
Unfortunately, many business owners simply don't get done the things that take too long, they are inexperienced at, 
or they simply don't want to do.
Give yourself the opportunity to reach new goals in 2025 by offloading the things you aren't getting to now.
How can I help you?
* Ghost writing your newsletters
* Regular SEO-optimized blog posts
* New product development
* Lead magnet design
* Strategic accountability check-ins
* Seeking out partnerships and sponsorships
Give yourself the freedom to focus on the things you want to focus on and I'll help you offload the rest.

Just for fun
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