Quilt Guild Meeting is February 10, 2025 @ 6:30 pm Location is First Baptist West Church 73th and NW Cache Rd in Lawton, OK PROGRAM IS BAGS BAGS BAGS by Karolyn Vaughn |
Sew Social will be February 13, 2025. Doors will open at 1 pm. Join us! We will continue to work on the potato chip quilts and also layer quilts for quilting. NOTE: If any of you that have long arms would be willing to quilt some of the donations quilts it would be great appreciated. Please let Traci Crumley know. |
Hello Fellow Quilters! February is upon us and I hope you were or are able to make it down to the Leslie Powell Gallery to view our quilts. I was there on opening night and was quite surprised at how many people showed up for the opening viewing. It's fun to stand around and listen to comments about the quilts. The show will be up until February 28th. February meeting has our own Karolyn Vaughn doing a bag trunk show and giving us tips and tricks when making bags. It's been a while since I made a bag. This will be fun. Remember in March, our meeting date has been changed to Friday, March 14th because we have a trunk show from Vonda Blando and then on Saturday is her workshop. She is a Laura Heinicke certified instructor. Still some openings in the class. Even if you do lots of applique', there is always more to learn. The Guild Board met at the end of January. Put up for vote and passed is an increase of starter money for the quilt show from $3000 to $5000. The starter money hasn't been increased as far back as I can remember. Like everything else, rent money has gone up, as has other things needed to put on a show. We are also stepping into the 21st Century and getting a shopping cart for our website. Once up and running, it will allow us to pay for classes, sell show tickets, take credit cards, sell quilts online, renew membership and have access to funds before the event. These are big changes, but necessary for the guild. Barbara Johnston is heading up the nomination committee for our new elected officers. Positions that need filling: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Programs. See you at Guild, Peggy |
New Challenge It's a Bugs LIFE |
Tentative Schedule for Programs February 10, 2025 Bags Trunk Show-Karolyn Vaughn (learn tips and tricks to bag making) March 14 2025, Vonda Blando Trunk show (Certified Laura Heine Instructor)- this is a friday! March 15, 2025 Collage Class -pick your pattern and learn all the tips and tricks for successful collaging. Perfect for the new quilter. No Machine Needed. Supply list will be given once sign up and payment for class has been completed. Cost $40 guild members (includes pattern) $60 non-guild members. Balance is due @ the next meeting (February 2025). Please bring check or cash. I will have invoices/ balances for those that need them. Beverly April 14, 2025 Voting for New Officers- Potluck- Game night with Left Center Right. Bring 6 fatquarters to play. May 12, 2025 Quilt Airing- location TBD Bring your quilts to show. Public will be invited. June 9, 2025 Lecture by Brandy Maslowski AKA The Quilter on Fire Topic “Your Mind Matters” This will be a zoom lecture, question and answer session at the len of the presentation. Listen to Brandy on the Quilter on Fire Podcast. July 14, 2025 August 11, 2025 September 8, 2025 October 13, 2025 Kate Quinn- Trunk show on Friday and Workshop on Saturday Quilting on a domenstic machine using templates. December 8, 2025 January 12, 2026 Hand in Quilt Show entery forms February 9, 2026 Drop of Quilts for Quilt Show February 12 2026 Quilt Show Set UP February 13-14, 2026 Quilt Show @ Comanche County Fair Grounds |
For those that are signed up for the Collage Class here's some information for you! Participants may not finish the project in class. No sewing during the class so do not bring your sewing machines. There is a tutorial on her facebook group that details how to apply the STEAM A SEAM to your fabrics. Make sure you have STEAM A SEAM 2 for the class. Supply LIst for CREATURES 19 x 23 piece of Pattern Ease (for each design) 3 Yards of 12" Steam a Seam 2 (for each design) **Laura Heine Collage Mat 17" x 24" Laura Heine SewTites Laura Heine Stiletto Karen K Buckley Scissors SUPPLIES for SEWING PATTERNS 19 x 23 piece of Pattern Ease (for each design) 3 yards of 12” Steam a Seam 2 (for each design) **Laura Heine Collage Mat 17" x 24" Laura Heine SewTites Laura Heine Stiletto Karen K Buckley Medium size Perfect Scissors ** This is an applique pressing sheet or parchment paper. Contact beverlymartine@gmail.com to sign up and give your pattern choice. Please note each pattern choice has all (3) patterns. These are smaller collages that you will be able to finish! |
Minutes Monday, January 13, 2025 - The meeting was called to order by president Peggy Coe at 6:34pm. Peggy welcomed those present.
- Anke Baker moved to accept the minutes as printed in the newsletter. Teresa Crabtree seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- Barbara Johnston moved to accept the treasurer’s report as printed in the newsletter. Cindy Sheppard seconded the motion. Motion passed. Treasurer, Marilyn Sikes, is home, sick, tonight.
- Susan Jones is covering for Vicki Nightingale tonight. She shared 20 members are present tonight and six guests. One January birthday was recognized, selecting a fat quarter.
- Teresa Crabtree, with Ways-N-Means shares that there are free quilt patterns on the entry desk. Three door prizes were given.
- Anke Baker reminded members to sign up for snacks for the next few months.
- Mandy Ralston reported on quilt show preparations. She shared that they toured the coliseum today. We will offer two classes during the quilt show. One will be on making quilted shoes.
- Tracy Crumley reported that Community Service has blocks to be put together. There will be a guild sew day February 10, beginning at 1pm, before the next meeting.
Drag-N-Brag - Cindy Sheppard – paper doll quilt for 3 year old granddaughter
- Peggy Coe – 3 yard quilt and blue baby quilt
- Cris Ross – mystery quilt from OQSO fall retreat for her granddaughter
- Madison Hartel – her first retreat quilt and a braid quilt from her Grandma in Minnesota
- Barbara Johnston – blue/green quilt for daughter in law
- Beverly Martine – MQG border challenge quilt
Our program tonight is by Beverly Martine on Freezer Paper Piecing. Lenor Davis shared that a former member, Maggie Scraper, lost her husband, Dan, last night. Beverly Martine reminded members that she needs payment for the March class. The February program will be on Bags, by Marilyn Sikes. Meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm. LaDonna Meyer Guild Secretary |
Wichita Mountains Quilt Guild Treasurer's Report 24 Dec 2024 - 26 Jan 2025 Opening Balance $12,623.92 Income Bank interest $1.05 Total $1.05 Expenses Increase in seed money for quilt show $2,000.00 *Storage funds transferred to show account $69.00 Total $2,069.00 Ending Balance $10,555.97 Submitted by Marilyn Sikes, Treasurer, 26 January 2025 * Funds will be transferred monthly to pay for storage |
UPCOMING QUILT SHOWS 2025 Jan 2025 thru Feb 2025 Click on the image below to get the PDF |
Quilting Through the Generations Quilt Show 2026 |
We are thrilled to announce the upcoming Quilting Through the Generations show and we’re looking for passionate quilters like you to volunteer as teachers and share your skills. This event celebrates the rich history and artistry of quilting, and we would love for you to be part of the teaching team. If you have a love for quilting and a desire to inspire others, this is the perfect opportunity to make a lasting impact. Whether you specialize in traditional techniques, modern quilting, or unique methods of your own, there’s a spot for you to share your knowledge and experience. As a volunteer teacher, you’ll have the chance to: - Lead hands-on workshops or demonstrations
- Help others discover new quilting techniques and ideas
- Pass along the skills that have been passed down through generations
- Be part of a vibrant, creative community of quilters
No matter your area of expertise, from piecing and applique to quilting with a longarm machine or creating art quilts, your contribution will be greatly appreciated. If you’re excited to share your craft, please contact Beverly Martine or Mandy Ralston. Let’s come together to celebrate and pass on the timeless tradition of quilting! We can’t wait to hear from you and see the amazing workshops you’ll bring to the event! The vision is to have a number of short (10-15 minute) hands on demos for attendees to try their hand at quilting. It could be: Cutting Piecings ¼" seams Bindings Almost anything you can think of to get folks to try their hand at the sewing machine. Remember we also want to invite school kids to the quilt show on Friday! |
Below is the Raffle Quilt for 2026 |
Guild Officers President Peggy Coe V President Barbara Johnston Secretary LaDonna Myers Treasurer Marilyn Sikes Programs Beverly Martine Hospitality Anke Baker Community Sew Traci Crumley TLC Peggy Coe Ways & Means Anke Baker & Teresa Crabtree Membership Vicki Nightingale Publicity Kathy Hepner Newsletter Beverly Martine Social Media & Web Site Beverly Martine & Vicki Nightingale Quilt Show 2026 Mandy Ralston Please check your membership roster for contact information. |
The Wichita Mountains Quilt Guild can be found on Mailing Address is PO BOX 7094 LAWTON, OK 73505-7094 |
601 Auba Jane Circle Cache, OK 73527, USA |