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Advancing Greenwich’s food security initiatives by strengthening 
& leveraging relationships, knowledge and networks
Greenwich Food Alliance is a program of The Foodshed Network.

in partnership with
Food Rescue US-Fairfield County, 
 Greenwich Land Trust & Waste Free Greenwich
invites you to
Community Solutions to Advance 
a Sustainable Food System

Wednesday, February 5, 2025
6:00 - 7:30pm
5:45 - 6:00 | arrival
6:00 - 6:15 | welcome + introduction
6:15 - 7:00 | panel discussion
7:00 - 7:30 | q + a 
Greenwich Town Hall
Meeting Room
101 Field Point Road
Greenwich, CT 
This in-person panel discussion is free, all are welcome. 

The industrial food system causes significant harm to human and ecological health. It must transform if we are to sustain life for future generations. The solutions are creative, regenerative and rooted in dignity, care and community connectivity. 
The purpose of Community Solutions to Advance a Sustainable Food System 
is to build community support around local food systems change and raise awareness of the Greenwich initiatives necessary to strengthen the regional 
food economy. Each initiative strives for food security and human and ecological health. 
Moderated by Ali Ghiorse, co-director of Greenwich Food Alliance and founder of The Foodshed Network, the panel discussion will enhance community understanding of: 
- Food system work happening in Greenwich,
- Context around the industrial food system,
- Each initiative's role in leading change,
- Connectivity between initiatives,
- How the community can promote and participate
Panelists will highlight the collaborations between their respective initiatives: noting the ways they intersect and harmonize towards a shared goal. Participants will be empowered with tangible and accessible actions to mend the local and regional food system. Please join us! 

Click photo for panelists bios 

Nick Bridge - Market Manager at Sam Bridge Winter Farmers' Market, Terri Browne Kutzen - Chair of Greenwich Community Gardens, Julie DesChamps - Founder and Chair of Waste Free Greenwich

Ali Ghiorse - Founder of The Foodshed Network , Brent Hill - Executive Director at Neighbor to Neighbor, Will Kies - Executive Director at Greenwich Land Trust

Karen Saggese - Co-Site Director at Food Rescue US-Fairfield County, Joan Seguin - Commissioner at Greenwich Shellfish Commission, Martha Ramkellawan - Food Service Director at Greenwich Public Schools

T H A N K   Y O U  
A L L I E S  &  A D V O C A T E S
in support of equitable access to food, land & watersheds in Greenwich
click logo to learn more

Learn more about Greenwich Food Alliance here.
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