Hello, First name / my friend!
My newest book In a Rush is out today! As reviewer Jody said this week, “It's a full 20% better than it needs to be” and there's a good chance that's true. This is a fun, emotional, spicy (spicy 🥵) read and it's an absolute joy to put it out into the world after letting it simmer in the back of my mind for years until finally boiling over.
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If you're looking for an audio link, don't worry! Aaron Shedlock and Rose Dioro are hard at work bringing Emme and Ryan to life. I'm expecting the audio next month!
If you've already finished In a Rush and need to talk to someone about it, visit my private reader group!
In other exciting news: I'll be chatting with KA Tucker at Lovestruck Books on Saturday, February 8! I hope you'll join us celebrate The Simple Wild series. Tell me if I'll see you there. I'll have fresh new copies of In a Rush!
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In case you missed it:
This candle warmer saved me from seasonal depression. Maybe not literally but I cannot quantify the amount of cozy joy and happiness this thing has brought to my office, especially during long, long deadline days. It has a handy little timer so I don't worry about it overheating and blowing up the place, and it has a warm, gentle light that makes me happy.
Little Star Farms gear! Novel Grounds has adorable t-shirts, hoodies, sweats, and stickers in stock. 
Bonus stories! 
  1. The two-part In a Rush extended epilogue
  2. Holiday Visit with Shannon and Will from The Cornerstone
  3. “May Day,” an all-new visit with Noah, Shay, and Gennie
  4. After the Night Out, a spicy Change of Heart bonus chapter 
  5. The Engagement Party, the *steamy* Before Girl extended epilogue
  6. Expansions, the Shannon and Will super-extended epilogue 

Typos and broken links happen. It's okay. The earth is very hot and fragile, and so are we.
You are receiving this email because you signed up at www.katecanterbary.com, registered for a bonus chapter at the end of a Kate Canterbary book, or downloaded a special anthology or free download event in which Kate participated. We just don't have the kind of time on our hands to add random folks to a list. We swear, you're here legitimately.
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