Hello, First name / my friend! My newest book In a Rush is out today! As reviewer Jody said this week, “It's a full 20% better than it needs to be” and there's a good chance that's true. This is a fun, emotional, spicy ( spicy 🥵) read and it's an absolute joy to put it out into the world after letting it simmer in the back of my mind for years until finally boiling over. |
If you're looking for an audio link, don't worry! Aaron Shedlock and Rose Dioro are hard at work bringing Emme and Ryan to life. I'm expecting the audio next month! |
In case you missed it: This candle warmer saved me from seasonal depression. Maybe not literally but I cannot quantify the amount of cozy joy and happiness this thing has brought to my office, especially during long, long deadline days. It has a handy little timer so I don't worry about it overheating and blowing up the place, and it has a warm, gentle light that makes me happy. Little Star Farms gear! Novel Grounds has adorable t-shirts, hoodies, sweats, and stickers in stock. Bonus stories! - The two-part In a Rush extended epilogue
- Holiday Visit with Shannon and Will from The Cornerstone
- “May Day,” an all-new visit with Noah, Shay, and Gennie
- After the Night Out, a spicy Change of Heart bonus chapter
- The Engagement Party, the *steamy* Before Girl extended epilogue
- Expansions, the Shannon and Will super-extended epilogue
Typos and broken links happen. It's okay. The earth is very hot and fragile, and so are we. |
You are receiving this email because you signed up at www.katecanterbary.com, registered for a bonus chapter at the end of a Kate Canterbary book, or downloaded a special anthology or free download event in which Kate participated. We just don't have the kind of time on our hands to add random folks to a list. We swear, you're here legitimately. |
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18 Maple Avenue, Ste. 279 Barrington, RI 02806, USA |