A friend recently shared with me an email from the up-and-coming spice brand
Diaspora Co. entitled,
“We know our packaging isn't great…”What a headline!
The company had been getting complaints, it seems, about the challenges of opening and closing their square-shaped tins. Faulty foil meant mid-shipment spills were becoming commonplace. And the structure wasn't keeping out the moisture, so spices were clumping. In short – they had a pretty big problem on their hands.*
But Diaspora's founder decided to leverage this moment for brand building, rather than crisis comms – embracing proactive storytelling rather than reactive justifications. In three key steps, she taught a masterclass in honest-to-goodness brand leadership:
1. Cut the bullsh*t
Diaspora's founder didn't sugarcoat the fact that they'd disappointed people with their faulty packaging. There was no dancing around the issues, and there was no vague and fluffy allusion to “optimization” moving forward. She used clear and accessible language to outline the problem, and describe what they were doing to address it with new packaging rolling out next year.
2. Center on the customer
The next thing she did was to explain all the ways the new packaging would improve the customer experience. From ensuring the integrity and quality of the spices to the operational and financial requirements of the fulfillment process, all of it came back to the way the customers would benefit from innovation. It's the customers, stupid!
3. Clarify the ask
A mea culpa is nice. A disarming moment of transparency is noteworthy. But what really stuck out to me is that Diaspora's founder wasn't afraid to make an ask of her community – for their patience, and for their patronage. In order for her to grow and improve the business, her customers need to stick by her. And so she quite simply asked for that. Honestly.
*Like, literally on their hands.