Happy Valentine's Day, First name / my friend!
My newest book In a Rush is a little more than one week old today and I have to share with you some of the incredible reviews that have been pouring in!
“I am so obsessed with Ryan Ralston it’s going to take me some time to get over the reading slump this book is about to bring on. If you were a fan of In a Jam then this book is 100% for you!!” ~~ elizas_bibliomania
“This book is hot and swoon-y. I squeed so much. When you're so many books into an author you start to worry they're all going to be the same or a new release isn't going to hold a candle to the previous ones. However, Kate always keeps it fresh and out does herself.” ~~ leslie 
“I have not finished a book this fast in a LONG time. I devoured every word Kate wrote and I can’t wait for more. this book was full of fun banter and loveable side characters. I’m living for the soft bodied but strong-willed FMCs and neurodivergent rep in this series.” ~~ ashley 
“My gosh what a story. I need to ask you how do I get a husband like Ryan Ralston. If he isn't the epitome of a perfect husband I don't know what is.” ~~ bsmorul
Thank you so much for all the love for these characters! If you're looking for an audio link, don't worry! Aaron Shedlock and Rose Dioro are hard at work bringing Emme and Ryan to life. I'm expecting the audio next month. 
If you've already finished In a Rush and need to talk to someone about it, visit my private reader group! We're thinking Emme would have some strong post-Super Bowl thoughts this week.
I'll be traveling the rest of this month for a journey that is one part vacation, one part book research, and one part visit with photographer extraordinaire Chandra Wicke. She's the mastermind behind The Happily Ever After Society, a stunning photography book celebrating the strength and diversity of the romance genre--and I'm featured in this book! With inspiring interviews and gorgeous full-color portraits of over 40 authors (plus more good stuff I can't talk about yet), it’s a must-see for romance lovers. The Kickstarter for The Happily Ever After Society launches on February 18. I really hope you'll check it out and consider backing this project.
Hoping your day is filled with love--even if it's the fictional kind! If you need some sweet Valentine's stories to get you through, check out my bonus stories.
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In case you missed it:
1. Change of Heart is discounted for a few more days in ebook
2. The Belle and the Beard is discounted this month for Audible members
3. Little Star Farms gear! Novel Grounds has adorable t-shirts, hoodies, sweats, and stickers in stock. 
Typos and broken links happen. It's okay. The earth is very hot and fragile, and so are we.
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