March 2025 e-Comet
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Dear Friends:
What a winter it’s been on Nantucket—snow, wind, and ice have painted our island in shades of grey, while ice boating, pond hockey, and beautiful sunsets have reminded us of the magic in every season. Many of us have embraced the quiet, taking long nature walks, curling up with good books, and enjoying moments of reflection.
Now, March is here, bringing with it Women’s History Month, Pi Day, and our annual Nantucket Science Festival—and we hope you’ll join us for the exciting events we have planned!  
Celebrate the Women of Nantucket – On March 21, join Jascin Leonardo Finger, our resident historian, for a Learning Lab exploring the extraordinary women who shaped Nantucket’s history. Their stories of resilience and innovation continue to inspire us today. Pi Day at the Hinchman House Natural Science Museum – celebrate the magic of math and science with hands-on activities led by Christina Norman, the MMA Aquarium Manager—and of course, pie! Nantucket Science Festival – This year’s festival, led by Jónelle Gurley, the MMA Director of Science and Programming, promises to be our best yet, featuring an incredible lineup of interactive experiences curated by our partner organizations. The theme is “Waves of Discovery,” and we can't wait to share it with you!
Beyond Nantucket, we’ve been connecting with our broader community. In February, we traveled to Palm Beach, where we visited the Cox Science Center and gathered with friends at Le Bar à Vin to share exciting updates on our projects. A heartfelt thank you to Anne DesRuisseaux and Dave and Suzanne Frisbie for their generous support of our mission. We also had the pleasure of celebrating a cherished maritime tradition in Boston, crafting Sailors' Valentines at The Kartal, hosted by Elizabeth Markel. It was a beautiful reminder of the artistry and history woven into Nantucket’s seafaring legacy.
As we move through March, we invite you to take a moment to honor the remarkable women who paved the way for us—those who overcame obstacles, sparked change, and made the world a better place. Maria Mitchell did just that, and her legacy of curiosity, courage, and discovery continues to inspire young scientists today.
Thank you for being part of our journey. We look forward to celebrating, learning, and growing with you this month and beyond.
With much gratitude,
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Joanna Roche
Executive Director
Save the Date!

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Join us at the “MMA Ranch” and embark on a Wild West adventure—Nantucket style! Savor a fireside feast crafted by Island Kitchen and quench your thirst with ranch water, rosé, and bourbon cocktails. Come kick up your heels and cowboy boots to live country music at our honky-tonk. Yeehaw!
Your participation in this year’s Gala helps us chart a course to develop a cutting-edge Discovery Center and Aquarium at 33 Washington Street. This initiative continues to honor Maria Mitchell’s pioneering spirit and her deep passion for Nantucket’s natural wonders.
Help us ignite a spirit of curiosity and adventure, and celebrate the rich history of our island’s natural wonders by joining us for this unforgettable night under the stars.
Tickets for our July 24 event will be available soon at
Please email Amy Young regarding sponsorship opportunities.
The MMA is committed to fostering a lifelong passion for science and nature by connecting youth to our local environment through hands-on exploration and inspiring action to protect our planet.
Campers ages five to sixteen participate in a wide range of programs including Wee Explorers, Habitat Hoppers, Junior Scientists, Junior Astronomers, Junior Historians, Eco-Investigators, and Nantucket Nature Bound
These programs feature activities such as beach exploration, snorkeling, seining, kayaking, discovery hikes, wetland studies, survival skills instruction, live animal programs, orienteering, astronomy exploration, nature-related games, art projects, insect collecting, and more.
Register today to explore the sky, land, and sea of Nantucket Island with the MMA this summer! 
Thanks to a generous gift from the Ella George Children's Foundation (EGCF), the MMA is able to offer scholarship opportunities for eligible Nantucket Island residents and visitors. Any family who can demonstrate a need is encouraged to apply here.
March Events & Programs

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2025 Nantucket Science Festival
“Waves of Discovery”
Saturday, March 15 from 10:30am to 2pm
Sensory Friendly Hour Begins at 9:30am
The Nantucket Science Festival is a free late winter community-based event centered around Nantucket Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics, and bringing together both island partner organizations and the community at large. In its eleventh year, this event will bring together over fifteen community partners to host over twenty-five enrichment activities for adults and children alike. Learn more.
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Pi-Mazing Adventures–An Evening of Infinite Fun on
Friday, March 14, 5 - 5:45pm
Hinchman House Natural Science Museum, 7 Milk Street
Join MMA educators as we celebrate 3.14, also known as "Pi Day?" We will deep dive into the fascinating concept of pi as we explore circular math and art. We will perform non-traditional measuring, use pi to make a special craft, and see how many digits of pi we can list. 
Winter Wellness Walk
Saturday, March 8 at 1pm
Join the Nantucket Conservation Foundation (NCF), the Nantucket Land and Water Council (NLWC), the Maria Mitchell Association (MMA), the Nantucket Land Bank, and Fairwinds for a fun and free community series. This is a wonderful opportunity to get outdoors during our quiet season to enjoy Nantucket's natural environment together.
These engaging walks will last approximately 45 – 60 minutes and will be led by staff from the organizations. At the start of each walk, a representative from Fairwinds, Nantucket’s behavioral health center, will give a brief introduction and background on their services.
March 8: Beechwood Farm, 44 Almanack Pond Road; Nantucket Land Bank.
Free to the public. Registration is required.
Owl Prowl with Ginger Andrews
Program Meets at 4 Vestal Street
Thursday, March 13 | 6:30 - 8pm
Night-time has always had a mysterious appeal, which brings out a whole new cast of avian and other creatures. It requires patience, and a shift of consciousness from sight to hearing. Join the MMA's Field Ornithologist, Ginger Andrews, as we listen for calls of a variety of nocturnal animals and birds. We will watch for owls as they begin their nightly activity. While an owl sighting is not guaranteed, you will certainly be able to observe several fascinating nocturnal animal species.
Pre-registration is required.
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Daring Daughters: Celebrating Our Island's Trailblazing Women, A Learning Lab with Jascin Leonardo Finger
Friday, March 21 at 3pm
MMA Research Center, 2 Vestal Street.
In honor of Womens' History Month, Jascin Leonardo Finger, MMA Deputy Director and Curator of the Mitchell House, will host an in-person talk about Nantucket’s fascinating women’s history. During this talk, she will share her research concerning the place of women in Nantucket’s history in the US and highlight some of these important women and their accomplishments and influence.
Free to the public. Registration is required.
After-School with the MMA

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After-School Winter Series II
Happening Now Through April 3
Join us for our After-School Winter Series Part II for outdoor exploration and hands-on learning. Each afternoon holds different activities, crafts, and adventures.
Wednesday,  March 12 is a NPS Early Release Day. Registration begins one week prior under the NPS Early Release Day option.
Birding News

“If you don’t look, you don’t see. You have to go and look."
-Edith Andrews
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Photo by Trish Pastuszak of a Piping Plover, one of the first to arrive among our spring migrants.
Keep Calm and Bird On March 2025!
by Ginger Andrews
March is a transition time, when we expect the earliest of early spring migrants: Piping Plover, Ospreys, American Oystercatchers. It is also a time when some of our winter visitors will begin to think about heading north again: Harlequin Ducks, Green-winged Teal, Purple Sandpipers. So, it is a good time to catch up if there are gaps in your winter lists. Look for Iceland and Glaucous Gulls. This year, there is a Black-headed Gull to look for too. Or, if there is (ever) a calm night, listen for Woodcock.
But what if the weather is even more dreadful than usual? What if it’s just the usual suspects, day after day? Every birder goes though phases of interest, once the first excitement of learning the common birds for the season and locale is complete. What’s next? Some people go chasing further afield, travelling to exotic places for Toucans, Parrots, Manikins. This has the dual benefit of getting away to someplace warmer.
But what if you are not planning a trip? What if there is a sudden dearth of rarities to chase on Nantucket? Although we have been blessed with quite a few recently: Northern Lapwing, Tufted Duck, European Green-winged Teal. But, say you saw them all; what then?
If even the beacon-red head of a Eurasian Wigeon has lost its luster, watch behavior. Try to think like a bird, figure out what it is doing, and how it does it. You might notice one Red-breasted Merganser using the edge of a pond, with its little points and wrinkles, to trap fish against the shore as it herds them in. Or see a Great Blue Heron, usually so stately, make a lightning strike to nail an unexpected food, like a vole.
The thing about birds is: no matter how much you know, there is always more to learn.
MMA News and Updates

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Photo by Dr. Rich Blundell
Nantucket Harbor Monitoring Project Update
Thanks to ongoing generous support of the Great Harbor Yacht Club Foundation, we’re excited to expand upon this project and continue our work to protect and preserve Nantucket’s beautiful harbor for future generations. We are thrilled to be collaborating with the Town of Nantucket Natural Resources Department and Nantucket Land and Water Council on the Nantucket Harbor Monitoring Project. The MMA launched the Harbor Monitoring Project in 2024 and it was made possible by the generous funding from the Remain Nantucket Fund at the Community Foundation for Nantucket, Great Harbor Yacht Club Foundation, Osceola Foundation, and Sociable Weaver Foundation, along with collaboration from the Town of Nantucket's Harbormaster. Learn more.
The “Nature of Nantucket” and “The Star Report”
Check out our own podcast, "The Nature of Nantucket," brought to you by 97.7 ACKFM. This program airs on 97.7 every Sunday at 7:40am. You can listen to full episodes on Apple or Spotify. While you're there, don't forget to check out our weekly "Star Report," written and presented by Dr. Geoffrey Clayton, Interim Director of Astronomy.
Listen here.
Exciting Events Happening in 2025!
Mark Your Calendars and Join Us for an Unforgettable Year!
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Become a member today and enjoy unlimited admission to the Aquarium, Natural Science Museum, and Historic Mitchell House, along with free entry to Open Nights at Loines Observatory. Plus, receive invitations to exclusive MMA events and much more!
MMA March Hours
The Hinchman House Natural Science Museum and Gift Shop, 7 Milk Street:
3 - 7pm, Friday
10am - 2pm, Saturday - Sunday
Closed Saturday, March 15 for the Nantucket Science Festival
Research Center, 2 Vestal Street:
By appointment only. Please e-mail
Loines Observatory, 59 Milk Street, Ext.:
Re-opening in April for stargazing.
The MMA Aquarium, 32 Washington Street:
Closed for the season. Re-opening in June 2025.
The Historic Mitchell House:
Closed for the season. Re-opening in June 2025.
Our Mission
The Maria Mitchell Association creates opportunities for all to develop a life-long passion for science through education, research, and first-hand exploration of the sky, land, and sea of Nantucket Island.
Support the Maria Mitchell Association.
4 Vestal Street
Nantucket, MA 02554, United States