The four actresses above have a lot in common.
First, they are silver screen icons.
Next, they had long careers that went through several iterations. 
All of them survived the Talkies, in which they played chorines, or poor but good-hearted gals who couldn't catch a break. The camera loved them, and so did audiences. They knew which words to massage with their sultry voices. These actors made friends with their cameramen, lighting guys, and makeup artists. Without these allegiances, the glamor they exuded wouldn't have looked so natural.
Another thing they had in common: whereas their screen characters invariably had a happily ever after, in their real lives, they were unlucky in love.
Why did fame have this downside? I suppose it had a lot to do with the time in which they lived, their love for their craft, and the success they had with it. By their nature, actors have strong egos. Cattle call auditions are the norm. A can-do attitude is a must, as is the will to put your career above everything else.
Even so, the majority of stars aren't born, but made. 
Back then, it was usually by committee. 
If a certain handsome or pretty extra caught a film or casting director's eye, an audition was arranged. The final word came from the head of the studio. He (it was always a he) was everyone's puppet master. 
The casting couch was part of the star system. (At least one of the ladies pictured above was known to have toppled onto it. Don't ask, ’cause I don't tell tales out of school.)
The chosen ones did everything ordered: lost weight, dyed their hair, and went under the scalpel to fix a nose, bad teeth, a hairline, or anything else that could make them more appealing. They were even told who they could—and could not—be seen with in public.
They came early to the studio—say, three in the morning—and left late. Having all your meals from the studio commissary was one way to conform to any diet deemed necessary by the Powers that Be. For those who couldn't control their healthy appetites, doctor-ordered diet pills were popped like candy. The most publicized case of star-as-junkie was one of my favorites: Judy Garland.
Which begs the question: What price fame?
For Greta Garbo, it was too high. She became a recluse.
As for the women above: their stellar careers have lived decades beyond them, and their artistry will continue to be appreciated as long as film lasts in some form or another. 
I'd like to believe the same about my books. 
Thanks for enjoying them—and buying them for yourself, and for others.
The links below take you to the Wikipedia bios for these actresses.

Do you have a favorite actress? Who is she, and why?
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