Hi Friend! We are so grateful for your commitment to pray for our upcoming mission trip to South Asia. As we prepare for this journey, we will be sending updates to help guide your prayers and keep you informed about the mission God has placed on our hearts.
Why South Asia?
South Asia is one of the most spiritually needed regions in the world. Home to nearly a quarter of the global population, it remains largely unreached with the gospel. Many people here have never heard the name of Jesus, and the need for the gospel to take root is urgent. This is why we are going, to bring the hope of Christ to those who may otherwise never hear.
The Challenges Believers Face
Faith in Christ often comes at a high cost in this region. Many believers experience persecution, whether through social rejection, economic hardship, or even legal consequences. The courage of our brothers and sisters in Christ inspires us, and we want to stand with them in prayer and support.
The Need for Church Planting
With so few Christians and churches in this region, church planting is essential for spreading the gospel. By establishing local communities of faith, believers can grow, support one another, and share the love of Jesus with those around them. Our team will be working alongside local pastors and missionaries who are faithfully laboring to see God’s kingdom expand.