hey there


it's TUEsDAY, DECEMBER 10 and you get to choose how you feel in 2020.

(Let me explain...)


Last week I asked you to reflect on 2019. What did you do? How do you feel? (If you missed that newsletter, or need a refresher, click here.)




You get to think about how you want to feel in 2020.


I made my list and then I tweaked it over the course of a week. Here's what I have:








Basically, I want to get through 2020 and Paul's deployment by 1) making our house feel more like a home (this is exactly what I did during his previous two deployments), 2) paying attention to my kids instead of the internet, 3) focusing on the stuff that brings me joy, not stress, 4) getting good sleep.


Your list will (and should!) look totally different than mine. But think about it. How do you want to feel next year? Different than this year? The same? (A bit of both?) Write down what comes to mind. Tape your list to your computer or your fridge or your bathroom mirror for the next few days.


Is your list resonating? Is this important to YOU?


If no, keep thinking and tweaking. If yes, hooray! You now get to expand on your list. How can you cultivate those feelings in 2020? You do not need to come up with actionable goals right now (that's next week) but you should think broadly about the habits, activities or life changes that may get you closer to how you want to feel.


This is what my broad expansion looked like:


What will help me feel SETTLED?

getting the warehouse product home, organized and super functional

turning the basement into a cozy and clean living space

re-arranging the house for three family members instead of four after Paul leaves


What will help me feel NOT DISTRACTED?

saying no to everything (unless it's BIG and WONDERFUL)

not touching my phone after picking up the girls


What will help me feel READY/CLEAR-HEADED?

not drinking alcohol alone (aka - no wine when Paul is gone and it's just me and the girls)

getting dressed for real every day

continuing my morning and night skincare routine


What will help me feel GOOD TIRED?

making it to pilates frequently

making time for cardio

choosing books over screens at night


That's "it" – ha! Seriously, though, I already feel less unsettled as I think about 2020. Don't skip this part. Don't go straight to the goal-setting without figuring out your why. You need a reason and a purpose, first.


Cool, cool. Go do it. I am excited for you and your future feelings. And don't worry. Next week we will (finally!) develop some actionable, measurable, realistic, inspiring goals based off of this exercise. (I am going to share more about the 2020 daily habit tracker then too – but here is a link to download because I promised!





PS: here's what i am loving right now


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