July 21st 2021

welcome to the unfolding, a bi-weekly(-ish) newsletter curated from the heart with reflections on living fully, offerings, and gems to witness.**  thank you for unfolding with me. ✨

view past newsletters here.

(4 minute read)

quick bites

- my rockstar friend Jane is an anti-capitalist life mindset coach (f*k yes) & they are hosting a workshop THIS SATURDAY called “How to Believe New Things”. its all about shifting your beliefs in a neurologically-aware way, which is truly the only sustainable way IMO. definitely a gem especially from Jane!!! #getintoit


- “What if there was Another Way to not only unlearn or dismantle, but to root & bloom new ways of living // doing // being?”, the brilliant Alia & Tessa from Another Way are opening applications for Interwork, a 3-month group container for purposeful transformation, #checkitout!


- my wonderful friend Kali is a work + purpose anti-capitalist coach & writer (*shimmies*). through their Patreon they're offering monthly sliding scale check-ins: think chatting with a deeply wise friend about work, purpose, and/or creative projects. i discover so much about myself every moment with Kali, so this is a gift! #withnessing


reflections on living & unfolding

hey y'all, as i mentioned last unfolding, i've been going through some major change that i have decided to honor fully. this unfolding is a guest reflection from Tori Marchiony, a dear coachee i worked with & thought would offer some gems for y'all. as you read it, notice  what resonates with you & your unfoldings. enjoy!

hi! i'm tori. 


when yasmin asked me "what is unfolding for you?" I immediately thought about the verb itself, and how my relationship with the slow process of u n f o l d i n g has shifted since becoming her coachee in January.

after one of our first sessions, I remember telling yasmin that I felt overwhelmed- like we had already done a lot of deep work and there was still an unfathomable amount to be done. she offered me an image- of a mountain, and a single circle of light. the whole mountain not only needn't, but literally couldn't be my business yet- all I could do was square up to what was illuminated, and follow the light.

this approach to progress- as an unfolding- changed my worldview. it created an in-between space where I have permission to exist, to imagine, to question, to mull. Sometimes, I still feel guilty about the pace of my progress. Still feel tempted to "should" all over my unfolding. But then I remember how radical a life oriented towards unfolding is- how it demands all that stuff capitalism teaches us to undervalue- patience, compassion, rest, creativity...it's no coincidence. and usually, remembering that is all the convincing I need to light another candle, plan another yoga sequence, take another swing at embodied presence, and allow my inner authority to illuminate my path.


self-practice: Set a timer for 10 minutes. Move your body intuitively until the timer goes off- this could be dance, stretching, wiggles, whatever. When the timer goes off, sit in stillness for at least five deep breaths and explore the question, “What would it feel like to have plenty of time?”


signed, Tori :)

Tori is a writer, interviewer and media maker based on the outskirts of Philadelphia. Under the moniker, Rhetorical, she works with creative visionaries to hone their voices and bring their stories to life. She fills up her cup by spending time in nature, practicing yoga, and sharing deep conversations.



plotting the seeds for fulfillment 

a self-guided downloadable zine for self-discovery

during this break feel free to check out plotting the seeds, a zine crafted to help you discover and plot the seeds for what will allow you to live fully in your own sense of fulfillment in the present moment. complete with written guidance, audio visualizations, & self-directed practices, yours to keep forever & self-priced.


& with that, may you be empowered always all ways.

yasmin 💛

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share this love to a friend by forwarding this to them


**curious as to why I may have omitted capitalization? - 

lucille clifton inspired me. bell hooks taught me. & more here.
