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Hello friends!
Hard to believe we're already over a month into fall. Honestly, I'm still pinching myself that my kiddos are finally back in school five days a week, though it hasn't been completely without bumps: Hugo was recently home sick for two weeks, and Elliot had a close-contact COVID notification, but he was fully vaccinated and got tested so he didn't have to miss school for it. I had already been taking it slow with my re-entry back to work at my studio, partly because I sensed it would be counterproductive to try to jump back into full-time work so suddenly, and partly because I still can't shake the feeling that at any moment, things can change. 
{We are still fully in a pandemic, after all}
I don't mind terribly that things have changed, and I do appreciate how much this past pandemic year+ has offered me opportunities to reexamine my priorities. The more time I can spend outside with family or friends, or alone in quiet daydreamy spaces, the more my creativity is nurtured and the more energy I have to put into connecting with other people and into my work.
Last month I went back to Squam Arts Workshop in New Hampshire. I had signed up to go last December when it seemed like a far off dream: I could barely comprehend the possibility of being vaccinated or sharing space with strangers. And even though I was still pretty anxious heading into it, it was a lovely weekend. You can read more about my trip and see a bunch of photos in this post I wrote on my blog.
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stitching: a little piece of embroidery using perle cotton, linen, and a pattern from the book Simply Stitched with Appliqué by Yumiko Higuchi.
reading: This amazing piece/interview about the fascinating slash vomit-inducing world of the (IG) “mamasphere” by Anne Helen Peterson from her Substack newsletter Culture Study 
watching: I'm obsessed with Davi's amazing sweater collection in Never Have I Ever Season 2
knitting: Finished a pair of minty cable socks. Still on the hunt for the perfect cropped balloon-sleeved sweater pattern to use with the DK yarn I got for my birthday (also shown, above)
(more things I've been up to lately in this post)

on my blog

I've been a busy little bee over on my blog. Here are a few other recent posts:
I remember how it felt a year ago: how an autumn without in-person school for my kiddos just seemed like just an extension of the already-endless pandemic summer we'd been having; how my hope that the COVID numbers would go down and my kids would go back to school dissolved into frustration and then anger as things just seemed to get worse. Anger at so many things, just so angry.
The last time I sent out a studio notes, I wrote:
“Perhaps before long I'll have more than 15 minutes at a time to dedicate to projects that require long stretches of time and a mental state that I don't possess right now to complete."
This year, things do feel better. I have more stretches of time, I have more mental energy, I am starting to work on new things. I still feel angry and frustrated sometimes, and that's OK. We're not out of the woods yet, and I'm not sure we ever will be. 
I hope you're hanging in there, friends. May you find some moments to rest and stitch this weekend. 
PS. For Halloween, Hugo is dressing up like a black cat and told me I need to be a witch, to go with his costume. Photos will definitely be forthcoming. Are you dressing up? Hit reply and tell me about it. I'd love to hear from you.

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