Lovely to see you here, First name and welcome back!
I know your attention span is extra loaded down with emails, promotions/sales, spam, and other ‘joys’ of the holidays.
So how about some solid, practical, advice for keeping up with ‘self care’ before shit starts falling through the cracks?
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Tips for maintaining your self-care before, during, and after holidays.
(and they're way better than the “dRiNk MoRe WaTeR, uSe HaNd PoRtiOns” advice I'm seeing all over Instagram right now.)
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Last week, we got into meal planning/prepping- ONE of the most misunderstood tools for nailing consistent eating- which impacts your mood, energy levels, crashes, weight fluctuations, appetite, and the list goes on. 
Skipping meals = shitty day + perpetuation of binge-restriction cycles 
Meal prepping = good while it lasts
Personalized meal prep process = great because it lasts
BEFORE-TIP: Eat. Every. Single. Meal. Every. Single. Day. 
If you hear your brain-gremlin whispering sweet nothings, like, “I'm going to skip breakfast because…." THEN FULL STOP IN THE MOMENT AND SQUASH IT.
Unless you are: 
•experiencing digestion issues (nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, constipation) 
•having an allergic reaction 
•eating food that isn't palatable
•committing to an act respective of your culture or religion…
…there are ZERO good reasons for skipping a meal. 
Again, take it from someone who has studied the effects of missing meals in labs and in life, firsthand… ZERO good reasons. 
(A few of which were covered in the last email, with the worst offender/first domino of destruction being the binge/restriction cycle + all the consequences that linger + follow.) 
You know that tik tok audio going viral, 
“See that toxic person- walk the other way..” ??
That's what you need to be telling your inner gremlin when a 
‘rationalize why I should skip this meal’ thought pops up.
then have an appetite-appropriate meal or snack, anyway.
IF you don't interrupt that pattern, then you're going to be riding the ‘ugh, I need a f*cking reset’ wave for the next 2 months, feeling all bad about yourself, then BAM- next thing you know-
•you're signed up for every over-training opportunity/holiday challenge week your exercise studio has to offer, 
•you're sucking the face of a shaker bottle twice a day instead of prioritizing real, nutrient-dense foods because you're now scared of everything that isn't a ‘clean protein source’ or a raw vegetable
•and stumbling through a ball-busting, shame-filled-landing come January, wondering why you ‘can’t get it together' or ‘keep giving up' and most vulnerable to jumping into brashly decided commitments, like meal plans and workout programs, that crash and burn as quickly as they took off…
It's almost like I help people from falling into these cycles for a living. 👀 
These patterns are predictable. 
There are hundreds of thousands of email campaigns across the fitness industry banking on them.
So stop the gremlin before it becomes a monster. 
Do not skip meals.
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DURING-TIP: The only second chance someone needs from you is an opportunity to mind their business. 
Alas, you got your mind right, you ate all your meals, exercised because you felt good about yourself, not to feel good about yourself, and you dealt all the INNER gremlins head on…
Then in walks the very people who taught you to normalize all the shit you're doing your best to unlearn right now, with unsolicited, challenging comments: 
“you've lost/gained weight since I saw you last!”
“of course you smoke instead of drink- it's calorie free.”
“you're not done eating yet?! …lol I'm just kidding”
“how much money you making these days?!”
What do you do? 
You don't have the best comebacks. 
You don't feel confident speaking to the gaps in their current knowledge.
You don't actually give a shit about the person's perspective, but you're still bothered. 
Well, shoutout to studying the Central Nervous System (CNS) and also having access to therapy because two worlds are about to collide: 
Remember the F-3 response your CNS has?
Fight, Flight, annnndddd???….   
Freeze. (ppl forget about that one.)
Which are you? 
A quick-comeback type of bitch, a dodge or “swerve,” or a laughter mixed with ‘wtf just happened’ type? 
(I mean, technically, we're all of them depending on the person, scenario, etc.) 
But outside of a restrictive 3-block perspective, how do you typically stick up for others… versus sticking up for yourself? 
**My therapist gave me this nugget of wisdom**: 
• this advice was given to me within very specific scenario of family commenting on things relative to my own person and how to deal with those engagements in the future.
• below is paraphrased in my own words /  she confirmed my understanding of advice given:
When we react within ourselves to say 
anything out of urgency, everything out of restlessness, or nothing out of fear, 
we miss the opportunities to sit in silence, un-reactive, 
and grace the other person with
the burden of carrying the conversation they started.
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AFTER-TIP: Resume your routines ONE AT A TIME
I'm sure we've all learned to expect our routines to be thrown off come the holidays. 
But have we all learned to stop beating ourselves up for it, yet??
Look, you know it's coming. So plan for it. 
Plan to drop the expectations of having a routine
Plan to give yourself a REALISTIC bare minimum of routines you'll commit to ahead of plans.
Then set it and forget it. 
Only once you get back home, the hangover of cocktails mixed with the meat-sweats subsiding, and your mind starts racing about everything that needs to stay afloat between holidays, and rolling your eyes about ‘getting back on track'… 
your only job right then and there is to pick 
ONE behavior or ONE routine in full, that makes the biggest impact 
on your daily/weekly flow of life, and focus on only that 
until it becomes consistent again. 
Once you have the capacity, not energy, start stacking the others on top- 
each one to completion of consistency before adding the next. 
(People pay thousands of dollars for that advice, so I'd keep it close by.) 

Much love,  Kelsie 

The Tipsy-Tuesday newsletter, while not always intoxicated, is designed to help my party people clear up confusion around food + exercise, so you can ditch 
other people's plans and find YOUR way to wellness. 

More, please!

