Welcome to the Tipsy-Tuesday Newsletter, my Party People! 
Grab a glass, pack a bowl, live your soberest life- but no matter what, 
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Don't be ‘that guy’ First name / (and please)- Bring your friends.
Send this link to the friend group-chat, so they can join our Tipsy Tuesdays, too!
“Where the beer is cold, and the advice is… better than the World Wide Web's?? TBD.” SHARE: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5f1a658439441000261ee96c?ltclid=
Well come in, First name / Friend!
FIrst-timer? Here's what to know: 
• Skimmable-takeaways are highlighted in BLUE
• The last email will be linked at the bottom (in case you want to back-track.)
Party-Favors (extra topic-relevant goodies) are at the door on your way out.
whispers: that means the bottom of the email. They're at the END!
•If you don't like personality in your newsletters, you'll haaaate mine…. Enjoy!
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Each newsletter, there will be one HIDDEN easter egg link. 
Find the link, and you've landed yourself a 
FREE 90min Wellness Strategy
with me, Kelsie Jene… Hello.
Yes, there's a catch- you actually have to fill out Lifestyle Assessment form like EVERY BODY ELSE to retrieve your session… no form, no session. 
But also, actual catch, you have to be the FIRST to find it. 
Click around and see what you find!
Found a Golden Ticket? Email me with the code: kelsie@barbellbalance.com
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OK OK. To the TOPIC. 
**For straight-shooting purposes** …ya'll have GOT to stop this 0-100, Monday-Motivation after Weekend-Hatred, the sun shines out of my asshole because I decided to start living healthy, approach to diet + exercise. 
The honest-to-whatever-god-there-may-or-may-not-be-TRUTH… 
your BEST point of attack for creating habits that last, is actually 
using your LOWEST and most STRESSFUL weeks as the parameters 
for your expectations.
Before anyone jumps to assumptions, NO, I am NOT insinuating that you operate from your ‘lowest-self’ 24/7… you NEED your giddy, childish-joy, and raw optimism, if there's any left, to stay right where it is. 
What I'm blatantly saying is A LOT of you overshoot realistic expectations in the name of ‘not selling yourself short’ or ‘pushing yourself’ or ‘creating your best self.’ 
….real talk though, 
great intentions don't mean you're taking a great approach. 
I know it sometimes seems easier to wait until you get a giant wave of motivation to change your life FOREVER and perform these gestures of grandure, like buying new workout clothes, hiring a personal trainer, making a fitness-journey-only Insta, getting a meal prep service, or even starting a ‘new day’ with a ‘fresh slate…' 
But don't. 
HUGE reminder, this advice is VERY specific to the healthy habits you want to make life long. This is not a universal truth.
But when it comes to those HABITS, those changes you've been trying to make stick for a decade(s)… DO NOT wait for something to feel enticing and sexy, wait until you feel desperate for change, or wait to have the ‘perfect approach’ to start working towards it. 
When you RELY on a “jumpstart” or even a “detox” to get your ass in gear, you're setting yourself up for failure before you even get started. 
Because you're putting yourself in a romanticized frame of mind to justify the WELL-INTENTIONED, but ill-informed approaches you're USED to doing. Without question. Every. Single. Time. 
And unfortunately, that SAME approach has been repackaged and resold to you again and again. Whether it be the yester-year of celebrity-featured workout videos on 
ahem VHS…
or today's influencers, fitspos, and my latest hate-fetish… self-proclaimed “fitness enthusiasts," FRAMING THEMSELVES AS PROFESSIONALS. 
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…This week, I literally had a ‘wellness coach’ tell me their credentials were, “I study diet culture every day.”
This person has 50 MILLION followers, which they accumulated showing their own fitness journey. And now, without knowledge on how to do it for other people, they sell coaching programs. And broadcast post after post of misleading and inaccurate information…even going as far to frame themselves as evidence based without ANY credentials, education, or experience. 
“Self-made” “Self-Taught” = Bad News Bears for OTHER people, 
orrrrr no, I'm sorry CLIENTS. Because they're taking people's money in exchange for shit advice.
But I digress…
When you pursue these un-or-under-qualified people, and quick-fix approaches that sell you the promise-land, you do things that are not in your best interest in the long-haul, and putting your body and mental state in harms way.
When you get lost in the confusion without pursuing clarity, you glamorize people and approaches that appear to have ‘figured it all out.' 
When you're desperate, you buy into the 
‘I can fix all your problems’ kool-aid of non-stop dietary changes, supplement regimens, products, memberships, and exercise cycles. 
When you're ignoring your brain while it's screaming at you with stress, you're undermining and silencing your wisest voice.
All that noise 👆 can really f*ck with your better judgement.
And what about the way it makes you feel every day
•speaking to yourself harshly when you pass a mirror (or avoiding them altogether)
•'shoulding' on yourself about everything you're NOT doing 
•reminding yourself 1000 times over that you ate too much
•making up your 500th excuse for skipping workouts until they die out completely 
•rationalizing the $200 you spent on MLM supplements (that don't even use effective, clinical dosing in their products) as an ‘investment into your health' 
•purging your diet of processed foods then falling into binge-then-restrict cycles, constantly trying to ‘make up for mistakes made.’ 
WHEREVER you're at is not right or wrong, good or bad.
(YOU did not start the dumpster-fire we know as the wellness industry.)
But when you feel the stress of not being where you WANT to be — who do you blame? 
Do you blame the bad information? 
Do you blame the bad approach? 
Do you blame the normalization of disordered approaches? 
Do you blame your schedule? 
Your workplace? 
Your kids? (America: “Not the CHILDREN!”) 
Orrrrrr do you shrug off REALITY- finding that it's easier to just blame yourself
You blame your energy levels. 
You blame your lack of discipline. 
You blame your laziness. 
You need to ‘find your motivation, again'
“I'll get back to it, just taking a break.” 
This approach is how MOST people experience ‘a healthy lifestyle.’ It's an on-again, off-again, hate/love relationship that ignites quickly and burns out fast. 
(At least the 1000's of people I've worked with and the 1000's more I've talked to 
over the course of my 12-professional-career-years…) 
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There's NOTHING healthy about beating yourself up for years at a time.

So, let's imagine a new future, together. What IF, instead of pointing fingers like there's something, or someone, to be blamed, and you reframed all that information to simply be…data… guidelines? Your parameters, or boundaries, for what a more-successful approach 
could look like?? 
Mayyyyybe, just maybe, those blames are really just our brain reminding us of all the 
other important things that need to be worked with, and around, in order to build consistency over time… 
What's point in building a new habit if it can't keep up with your life- 
as it is?
I think it's time you LEARNED something from SOMEONE on this god-forsaken planet- 
What ALL the mainstream approaches have in common and WHY they've slid you back to square one like a f*cked-up game of Chutes and Ladders every single time:
The way you approach INTRINSIC goals, 
(including behaviors such as eating, exercising, AM/PM routines, meditation, etc) 
differs from how you approach EXTRINSIC goals 
(including mile-markers like reaching a savings goal, qualifying for a new position at work, filing for divorce)
So, if you've ever: 
•Used S-M-A-R-T or S-M-A-R-T-E-R goal-setting structures for health goals
•Followed Weight Watchers, IIFYM, macro-tracking, calorie-counting
•Tracked your scale-weight or body-fat percentage
•Followed 75HARD
•Completed jumpstarts, detoxes, or week/month-long challenges at your gym…
…to pursue goals around your nutrition, exercise routines, or changes in your body, you are using EXTRINSIC approaches to reach an INTRINSIC goal. And it's never going to work. 
But if you want to make magic that LASTS, then the shoe has to fit!
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Annnd we will be talking about the HOW of that, next week. 
Oh, but before I forget- download this FREE workout. 
We'll be using it as an example for how to slow-build your way to consistency so you can avoid falling into problematic exercise goals and gym challenges come January 1st. 
You'll thank me later.

Much love,  Kelsie 

In case you missed it:
c+p: https://view.flodesk.com/emails/619d2e767526cd5f45512787

Party Favors!

