Welcome to the Tipsy-Tuesday Newsletter, my Party People! 
Grab a glass, pack a bowl, live your soberest life- but no matter what, 
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I became better and did better to show up for ya'll today. 
AYE! Don't be ‘that guy’… Bring your friends! 
Send this link to your group-chat, so they can join our Tipsy Tuesdays, too!
“Where the beer is cold, and the advice is… better than the World Wide Web's? 
What's uuuup, First name / Friend!
FIrst-time? Here's what to know: 
•Skimmable-takeaways are highlighted in BLUE
•Previous email always linked at the bottom
•Party-Favors (extra, topic-relevant goodies) also at the bottom.

There have been a lot of new additions to this email list, 74 to be exact, so I think it's about that time…
This is my story. 
….cue dramatic pause. 
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Annnnd SCENE.
If you’re someone who’s been searching for what ‘works’ forever and a day with little to no avail…. Then this one goes out to you.
If you HAVE NOT found yourself frustrated with nutrition, exercise, or have never tried everything in your power to change your body in the name of health and wellness, then you can skip this week and come back next week for part two of lasts week’s portion ‘control’ email. 
(We’ll be talking tangibles while breaking down the different ways to portion control, their pros and cons, as well as best-practices for making sure you don’t accidentally abuse these useful tools by mistaking them for processes or strategies...)
Say it with me, “Tools are friends, not strategies.” 
But THIS week, I'd like to share my own experience of breaking free from non-stop exercise and diet plans, my short stint in bodybuilding and the supplement industry/what it taught me, and how going back to school to get a Masters in nutrition, exercise, and behavior research lead me from being an ill-informed personal trainer throwing macro-plans at clients, to a Wellness Strategist and shame-free Nutritionist. 
I'm not going to lie, I haven't fully come to terms with the fact that I got a degree that qualifies me as a ‘scientist’... like, I can’t imagine anyone putting that on their ‘when I grow up’ list. I've had ‘rockstar’ written on mine since the dawn of time. 
But I think my unquenchable curiosity about the world mixed with my obsession with microscopes as a kid manifested itself into adult-Kelsie. 
And speaking of adult me… She took many forms to get here.   
One of those forms is what lead me to doing the work I do now. Being here is the result of my entire ‘journey’ through health, wellness, and fitness, my curiosity of nutrition, exercise, and how the body works, moves, and changes, and my struggle with admirable character traits like discipline, willpower, self-esteem, confidence, and self-perception.
Simplified as f*ck, these were the driving forces behind every ‘lifestyle change’ I ever embarked on…
To which there have been hundreds. 
At any point in time in young adulthood, you could expect that I was on some diet, had decided to go vegan one week and, SHOCKER, pescatarian the next, dedicating every meal to the same, daily, macro-approved-menu for MONTHS at a time (whose macros, calories, portions, and food choices I can still recite by memory if asked,) AND gulping down a cocktail of supplements with a gallon of water…Every. Single. Day. 
squirts lemon in it to detox, because she didn't yet know that her organs did a fine job of this
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I rarely skipped a workout- weight lifting between 5-7 days a week, 2-4 hours at a time- and making up for “oops” and sweet-treats with a minimum of 3-5 hours of stair-stepping, ladder-climbing, cycle-licious cardio… Every. Single. Week. 
And let me tell YOU- by most people’s standards, I was GETT-ING AF-TER IT!
6-pack on my tummy. 
FIVE square, tupperware meals a day with carefully weighed macronutrients optimized for maximal muscle growth.
Shredded finer than a damn carrot I WAS… 
(I’d show you, but my ab-obsessed-self is naked and pulling up on my skin to really emphasis those oblique cuts in most pictures, so I’ll spare you the boner for today.)
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People would high-five me, praise me for how disciplined I was, and told me they ‘wished they had the motivation to do it too.’
Other people looked at me like I was crazy- “..but whyyy? That seems like torture.” 
Annnnd in retrospect, it was. I would not wish that daily grind and unquenchable lack of satisfaction on anyone. 
Bonus- a lot was self-inflicted because I simply didn’t have the tools or information I desperately needed to BE ABLE to see that my self-esteem, confidence, AND body image were being held captive, and even made worse, by the person I thought I SHOULD be: 
The person who gets up stupid early to #grind
Never missed a workout
Drinks green juices ‘for the nutrients’
Happily orders salads while out
Only drinks vodka sodas because having fun requires less calories in order to be ‘worth’ it
While none of those things are inherently problematic on their own accord, the problem
was that I did all of this because I thought I had to- because it ‘worked.' 
Little did I know at the time, what 'works' and what's 'best' are often at odds. 
And the direction you choose to go with that will 100% affect you 
down the line- for better or worse.
There are plenty of ways to get to the same goal- which is why ALL diets ‘work.’ 
BUT not all processes are created with integrity or self-esteem in mind. 
With all that being unclear to me when first navigating my own “healthy” lifestyle, my bullheaded, energetic, motivated-for-no-reason ass was running full steam ahead into every  obstacle, pothole, and wall imaginable. 
In retrospect, I’m fully aware that I was blaming myself for everything that 
wasn’t in my control, only to neglect what was in my control. 
At that point in time, I was blinded by my ignorance and my convoluted desire to fulfill my happiness through a ‘healthy lifestyle’ alone. I thought being THAT version of my best self would fix SO many things- in how I viewed myself, my body, could ‘prove’ my own discipline, amongst many other unrelated skills that I desired to have, but are not remotely learned by consistently exercising or eating like a Green Goddess. 
Word to the wise- a fucked up process or misguided goal, achieved or not, will often have you feeling like a fucked up person, when really, it’s your expectations and way of going about them that are wonkier than Willy Wonka himself. 
When I hit my goals, I was never happy about it. I was on to the next thing, would beat myself up for all the ways it could have been better, or I would come to a problem that I couldn’t solve and give up altogether.
Hello, perfectionism, my name is Slim Shady. 
All who know this all to well, please stand up. 
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(This mess of a man… My apologies, my trailer park roots couldn't resist the reference.)
To put it simply, there's a lot people don’t tell you when you diet nonstop and make changing your body not only a goal, but a focus- you become a shell of a person who’s consumed by food and obsessed with every trick in the book for burning more calories AND building more muscle. 
And for some people, like me at the time, it's one of few things I ever talked about. I was all about new workout clothes, the best theories on targeting fat-loss and building ‘lean’ muscle, and posting selfies online for ‘accountability’ and ‘inspiring others’… SO much to unpack here. The mental gymnastics I had to do just to justify this behavior to myself- WOOF. 
another email topic planned to come soon! 
If your story is anything like mine, you know that synopsis doesn’t even BEGIN to cover the long nights, early mornings, and the highs and lows of incessant, criticizing, self-talk. 
It’s beyond exhausting- it's draining. You become toxic to yourself because you've eroded your values in an effort to ‘give it your all.'
And, sadly, the majority of people not only hold this standard on a PEDESTAL it does not deserve, but most of you think this is what a healthy
 lifestyle requires in order to be achieved.
 An all-out fight to the finish line. 
We dig our misguided, misinformed, talons into our own self-perception so deeply that you can't tell ‘healthy’ from ‘dysfunctional’ until the consequences begin rearing their ugly heads.
 Not only are your expectations skewed due to SO many external influences AND 
a myriad of personal reasons but you become vulnerable to every shiny object promising you the thing you’ve been searching for- and for many of us, that search has already been a decade, or more. 
My own “decades-long-struggle” started with a rough time as a kid, was perpetuated by my sport of choice, dance, and then continued throughout college. The ‘awe' I had about what my body was ‘capable’ of was not a healthy, personal challenge- as most people 
think health-related challenges are great, despite research showing them to be detrimental to health.
I was not being paid to dedicate so much time of my life to this. I was not a career athlete or trying to make it into the olympics- it was a misguided attempt, and obsession, with what I thought was self-improvement, but was really an ill-informed way to channel my dissatisfaction with where my life was at that point in time. 
Self-help books. Mindset gurus out the ass. Every healthy cook book in existence. Calorie-free, fat-free, low-sugar, maximum-capacity workouts to ‘push’ myself (code-word for burn the most calories or build the most muscle) and jam-packed days. 
An obsession that carried on for YEARS and was advocated for, and applauded by, friends, fitness-gurus, mentors, co-workers, creepy older-men from the gym that I had NO business being with, and my family….
because fitness culture, as unfounded in fact as it is, is balls deep into our social framework to push the agenda that skinny, self-sacrificing, quietly determined women are the only ones worth betting on or investing in- relationally, professionally, or emotionally.
Not to be mistaken, our friends with peni have their own stereotyped standards of being ripped, hyper-masculine, loveless robots that do nothing but drink beer, lift weights, and make mad-money working in a variety of mechanical, medical, and technical trades, or deep-thought leadership roles, only to gain the upmost respect from those reaching for the 
same standard. 
It was my deep-rooted alignment with this way of thinking, and surrounding myself in an echo-chamber of people who thought the same way- to greater or lesser depth- that lead me straight into the fitness world of bodybuilding, then landing an internship with one of the biggest names in the supplement industry, globally. 
And it was that experience- at the risk of sounding dramatic- that broke me. 
When I say I was a crumble of a person… BRUH. I was a person buried under the rubble of misguided expectations, years of family-drama and trauma that was never properly dealt with much less questioned (#GrowingUpEvangelical), and the unquenched fear that I would never amount to anything if I didn’t try to be and do EVERYTHING.
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Needless to say, the building-back-up was forcibly requiring me to learn harsh truths about myself, face them head on, and tackle them one (tiny) step at a time.
For the first time in my life, self-care had actual meaning- which had NOTHING to do with baths, books, exercise, drinking more water, or praying harder for a better future.
It was radical self-honesty, a redefining of my core values, and a painful process of acting accordingly. 
While I wish I could say it was worth it… *it was NOT worth it*... I’m glad to now be here with you all, and coaching people to avoid all the above. Because god DAMN, I could have been putting all my time, energy, money AND focus… focus especially; into things that 
1. Actually mattered… and 2. actually made me happy. 
When I tell you diets and exercise plans don’t work, that you can’t hate-love relationship your way to a healthy lifestyle- I’m not speaking out of my ass, I’m speaking from intimate 
When I tell you that checking boxes for workouts, weighing and measuring every bit of food, or tracking your weight is a sure-to-fail approach to a healthy lifestyle that leads nowhere fast- I’m speaking from expertise. 
When I tell you your expectations are asinine and might BE the reason you’re so unhappy… I’m speaking from having used a variety of tools correctly alongside curated wellness strategies to successfully lead that journey for many OTHER people. 
So if your ‘ideal,’ ‘‘best,’ or most romanticized self is an imprinted, gold-standard that makes you look like a walking Pinterest board for fitness motivation- 
working out with a #NoExcuses mentality, restricting your food to only eat clean because #Health, and waking up every day visualizing your happy life in a ‘better’ body, or basking in accolades about how great you look from friends, family, and those you respect most- 
you’re in for a rude awakening sooner, or later. 
Annnnd that’s why I’m here, now- to keep people level-headed with informed decision-making, support them through the many lessons and obstacles I had to overcome alone, and hold them accountable to staying true to themselves, their values, and the ones they love by keeping the MOST important things in focus at ALL times. 
What people don’t realize, when they get all jacked up on mountain dew and pre-workout, is that what you do to get your body somewhere, is often what you have to do to keep it there
If you want to keep dropping the ball in other areas of an ever-changing life just so you can maintain and prioritize an unhealthy, unrealistic, unnecessary physical state- then you already know what time it is: 
You’re an adult and can make your own decisions. 
But for me and my clients, we’re headed in another direction- since fretting about finding ‘missing’ calories in your condiments is NOT worth the surmounting turmoil year after year. And in 2022 and beyond, we are not settling for surviving, we are here to thrive:
EAT, not restrict or binge
REST, not numb
MOVE, not punish
WORK, not slave
SERVE, not neglect
Because we are the party people- here for a good time, not a long time. (But we still want to eat salads and workout sometimes!)
Should you, also, care to dream of radical transparency where your definition of wellness means holding space for ALL the priorities in your life, not just on changing your appearance, then apply to work with me so we can get you thriving sooner than later. 
And if you don’t have the means, this newsletter, along with all the other great resources, accounts, expertise, and educators I share FOR FREE is where it’s at. DIY might take longer, but I'm telling you that process needs to happen regardless. 
It's time to make decisions based on what's in your BEST interest, as a whole, 
not selling out or settling for “whatever works.”
If you have any questions about learning more, how to implement, or are in need of additional resources, come to my window and drop a word into my inbox.
Hit reply and let me know what YOU need so I can get EVERYONE the information they need- b/c you're NOT the only person experiencing, or needing some guidance on, these things.

Much love,  Kelsie 

Need help balancing your work-hard, play-hard lifestyle? 
Set up a call with me and let's lay out ALL your options: 
•If coaching is a good fit, we'll get you started. 
•If not, we'll get you turned around in the RIGHT direction!
No obligations, no commitments. 
Only expectation is that you show up or cancel/reschedule ahead of time.
👇Schedule your call today!👇 

The Golden Ticket has been found! 
Your 90-minute, 1:1 Wellness Strategy session is ON THE HOUSE!
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Want to win a session? 
Easter eggs in video games are my favorite, so i will surely do this again! 
Stay tuned for future fun and games.
In case you missed last week's email:
c+p: https://view.flodesk.com/emails/61cb7e5e01961f03668adbad

Party Favors!
⬇️ Click for posts, podcasts, songs, and other content related to this newsletter. ⬇️ 
          from last week                  
Rest well, raise hell - much love.