Welcome to the Tipsy-Tuesday Newsletter, my Party People! 
Grab a glass, pack a bowl, live your soberest life- but no matter what, 
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Taking the rest of the week off for everything except client calls 
Bring your friends! 
Send this link to your group-chat, so they can join our Tipsy Tuesdays, too!

HI First name / FRIEND!
I missed you these last two weeks! This week will be the shortest email in Tipsy-Tuesday history because I've been working like crazy and need to practice what I preach- mama's gotta rest to be able to bring you her BEST. 
So we'll actually be back to regularly scheduled shenanigans next week!
In the meantime, I'm here to drop off a gift and share some exciting news! 
In case you haven't heard, 
we have a NEW website (this part is more exciting for me) 
AND a new workbook!! (this one's for you)
MAY I PRESENT TO YOU…. drumroll please… or.. or drum solo, okay that works too.
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A complete guide to make sure your NEXT steps are the RIGHT steps.
Ironically, it's the things we’re told to do to manage our weight that actually cause weight fluctuations to worsen, prevent healthy habits from sticking, and commonly leads to metabolic and mental health issues that keep you in a perpetual health-kick cycle year after year.
It’s the diets, challenges, and taken-out-of-context-'facts' you’re entertaining that are ruining your relationships to food, exercise, your self-esteem, your body, and your FUN.
So I made this workbook to educate you on BEST practices and show you *how* to find YOUR way to a healthy lifestyle that'll actually LAST. 
In it, you'll find: education pieces, much needed reframes, reflection prompts, a step-by-step process for figuring out the BEST next steps, and quick-reference screensavers you can save to your camera roll. 
All so you can slowly and sustainably ramp back into your healthy habits anytime they start to trickle off, instead of burning yourself out taking the 0-100 route. 
A flexible approach that helps your consistency thrive.

The website is in its baby-stages, and will expand to include: 
•Member's-area for email-list exclusives, downloads, and mingling
•The DIY Version of Find Your Way™️ Health Coaching
•A shop for mini-courses on specific behaviors, like meal planning
•The client portal will be making its move over there as well!
I can't thank you all enough for supporting me and trusting me to guide you through your own wellness journeys. There's so much more to come and I can't wait to share it ALL with YOU!
I'll be back in full force next week with more of what you actually came here for!

Much love,  Kelsie 

Need help balancing your work-hard, play-hard lifestyle? 
Set up a call with me and let's lay out ALL your options: 
•If coaching is a good fit, we'll get you started. 
•If not, we'll get you turned around in the RIGHT direction!
No obligations, no commitments. 
Only expectation is that you show up or cancel/reschedule ahead of time.
👇Schedule your call today!👇 

In case you missed the last email:
c+p: https://view.flodesk.com/emails/61dde2907b6b4e00c6fa9eed

Party Favors!
will be back next week!
Rest well, raise hell - much love.