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Well hey there First name / friend!
It is Monday! A beautiful chance to reset, start anew and … plan to incorporate something fun into your practice sessions for the week. :) 
Ever go to perform and realize you didn’t think too much about what you’d do backstage, how you’d walk on stage, or exactly how you’d bow, prep and start?
Don’t worry. We’re positive you’re not alone.
Tiffany here, and last week I played three recitals! It was a fun, albeit slightly tiring experience - but so nice to do a solo recital again post the wild ride of 2020/2021.
One of the things I spent a lot of time practicing leading up to these recitals was my pre-playing actions. I’ve found that for myself, and my students, they’re crucial. I’ve witnessed them make the difference between a very wobbly performance and one that starts with confidence and conviction. 
Maybe you're wondering what the heck a pre-playing action is… but first, I would like to use this opportunity to assure you that I tried to think of a better name. I came up short. So, pre-playing actions it is. 😂 
Anyway, here’s how I see it. Once you get to your performance venue for something like a recital, you’ve got your warm up, your backstage rituals and then you start playing. Often you'll move from a greenroom or practice room to backstage, so I always think of a transition there. BUT - there’s A LOT of important stuff that happens between taking your first step on stage and making your first sound. Those are pre-playing actions. 
I've got 4 of them that you should absolutely consider practicing today, so, go check them out! 
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In case you'd like a sneak peek, here' a little map we made for you visual people out there… 
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Lastly, we know there's a lot of stuff going on in the world. Many of our friends, colleagues, students and favorite people are feeling the “busy's” these days. If you're in that boat, here's a friendly reminder to take a deep breath and remember that the world needs you. And you're important. And even if you don't make it through the to-do list today, the sun is going to rise again tomorrow. ☀️ 
Much love, 
Tiffany, Ixi & Ted 
ps: Read today's blog post to get the 4 pre-playing actions you gotta practice today!

A couple of posts from last week you may love - that are all about 4's!
Use the hidden power of choice
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Things that are just as important as how you play
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Thanks for reading. We aim to provide actionable ideas in our email newsletters, programs and content. Each week we share thoughts, ideas, questions, strategies and actions that we hope can move the needle for you in your life and career! Here's where we talk about why you're on our list (you signed up for a technique tip, a scale reset, a worksheet, a challenge, to get a printable, some tips, excerpt or practice help or resources), and that we'd love it if you shared some of our ideas with your friends. 
Thanks for reading and sharing.
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