Ok, not really. But, kind of? I'm at a crossroads in my life, and have been doing a lot of reflection and soul searching. Do I go back to my political career? Do I continue this hobby/passion of mine? And most importantly, why is it so hard to give up drinking Diet Coke and eating like a hungover college student? These are the hard hitting questions that keep me up at night. Well, that and my husband's snoring. (JK, love you baby)
Needless to say, I've been reading a ton of non-fiction (mostly self-help) books. This week I read Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. I watched her Netflix special and forgot how much I loved her. I watched her viral Ted Talk awhile back, and because I loved her special, I decided to read one of her books. Spoiler alert: I loved it.
The book is about the courage to be vulnerable. It is filled with nuggets of wisdom, however, it was this quote that she shared by Gretchen Rubin (from the happiness project) that really stuck out to me. And because I know so many people struggle with this, I thought I'd share:
“I remind myself don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. A 20 minute walk that I do is better a 4 mile run that I don't do. The imperfect book that gets published is better than the perfect book that never leaves my computer. The dinner party of take out Chinese food is better than the elegant dinner that I never host.”
So if you're reading this, and you're waiting to do the thing, just do it already.