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"Muscle memory isn't real. Muscles are dumb." 
The words of Andrew Huberman, First name / friend!
Last week, many of the discussions we had online with you all centered around failure being our best teacher and practicing performing before we think we're ready (therefore making errors). A few of you had questions, and this comment will probably relate to you: 
“I sometimes worry practicing fast and then making mistakes will make me learn it wrong.”
I would be surprised if any of us had NOT had that thought! We are taught that mistakes are bad and perfect practice makes perfect. YIKES. 
As I formulated a response to this, I couldn't help but wonder: why do we still believe things that we have proved wrong - like muscle memory not being real - or that perfect execution doesn't lead to real learning? 
Why is it so hard for the truth to set us all free?! 
Today, let's let some truth set us free and dig into why errors and frustration are essential in learning and how to apply this concept to practice. It involves maps 🗺  and cocktails 🍹 , so I hope you're ready for the fun kind of science.
Check it out ⬇️ .
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Tiffany (Ixi & Ted) 
p.s:  Read about why muscle memory isn't real and other facts from science in today's blog post “The key to learning? Failure & Errors!” 

Start stacking those skills!
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Some inspiration <3
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