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Hey there First name / Friend
Chances are if you're here, you've had a clarinet lesson or two in your life! And with the new school year beginning again (at least here in the US), maybe you're getting a fresh start to a new year of lessons. Ahhhh a new lesson notebook. 😉 📒 
And perhaps you're asking… how do I get the most out of my lessons?! We've been thinking about this lately and have 6 tips for ya today! 
Keep a notebook of post-lesson thoughts and write in it ASAP. In fact, try not to schedule anything 30 minutes after a lesson if you can! Go back through the lesson, reinforce learning and highlight the takeaways. They'll be helpful and you'll love having them later.
Practice on lesson day - you'll remember more. Researchers say reviewing something within 8 hours allows you retain almost all of the learning!
Be proactive and prepared. Come with and ask questions! Don't suffer through being confused - we don't know any teachers that don't love ?'s!
Be coachable. This means listening well (not playing over the teacher's talking), adapting quickly, being open and receptive to ideas. It can also mean having your own goals. Having an idea of what you want to achieve helps the teacher better help you!
Never give disclaimers before you play a scale, etude, excerpt, piece... or anything! Use your lesson as a performance opportunity. Yes, you can talk about your struggles afterwards, but don't give a bunch of excuses before you play a note!
Remember that everyone wants the best outcome. Even when your teacher seems harsh or overly critical don't take it personally -they want the best for you! Try to find the outcome their criticism points towards.
// September Events //
Want to keep learning beyond your lessons?! The THRIVE Membership fall session starts Sept 1 and we have so many exciting guests - check out the Sept schedule: 
9/15, 7:30pm ET - Kensley Behel: Performance Anxiety & Hearing Health 
9/17, 11am ET - Tiffany Valvo: Goal Setting for Success 
9/19, 7pm ET - Office Hour! Come and ask questions, get our opinion, tell us about an idea or follow up about the goal workshop! 
9/25 ,7pm ET - Ixi Chen: Masterclass
Enroll today and get immediate access to a video library of goodness + so much more! Or, you can enroll in the events a la carte
// Périer Etudes! //
Next, so many of you loved the post about the Périer Etudes! Go download them and play #1 today. :)
Ixi & Tiffany

Finger Exercise!
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What's your intention?
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Thanks for reading. We aim to provide actionable ideas in our email newsletters, programs and content. Each week we share thoughts, ideas, questions, strategies and actions that we hope can move the needle for you in your life and career! Here's where we talk about why you're on our list (you signed up for a technique tip, a scale reset, a worksheet, a challenge, to get a printable, some tips, excerpt or practice help or resources), and that we'd love it if you shared some of our ideas with your friends. 
Thanks for reading and sharing.
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