Opening Your Crown Chakra: Part 3
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Welcome to Part 3 of Opening Your Crown Chakra!
In last week’s Member Workshop, we practiced calling Lilac Light into the Crown to open the Chakra.
We also practiced receiving intuitive insight through the Crown before and after different open to receive activities.
Along with these two activities, the Workshop also included two exercises to release held pain and suffering in the form of thoughts and emotions from residual events from the spiritual body.
The reason we went through these exercises to release thought-based pain and suffering was to transmute it into light and release it from the spiritual energy field. 
When you hold onto this energy, often unconsciously, it can create a filter through which all intuitive insights are viewed. 
So the goal was to purposely clear the intuitive filter for seeing insights received through the Crown Chakra from a higher perspective.
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 Listen To/Replay The Workshop
Thursday, January 19th, 7:00 pm ET
Zoom Webinar
Feedback from the practice section was omitted from the recording to preserve participant confidentiality.
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Activities For This Week
Revisit Part 2
In Part 2, affirmations, along with crystals and plants that may assist in Opening Your Crown Chakra, were presented.
See if you can implement any of these resources in your routine this week.
Practice Exercise #3
From the Exercises this month on page 6, practice a Channeling Meditation. We also did a version of this exercise in the Workshop.
Open your Crown Chakra to the Angelic. Practice flowing channeling energy through your body. Begin imagining a flow of energy into your body from the top of your head.
Exercise: Get into your meditative position and visualize Lavender Light flowing down from the clouds, into the top of your head, and flowing down into your body and out of your feet. Inhale, exhale. Try this 1x a day.
Alternative exercise: The Channeling Meditation (Listen To Download / Read) 11:48 minutes. 
4 Easy Ways To Open Claircognizant Gifts
Check out this Member Article and try one of the methods to open the Crown Chakra. 
The easiest activity is to simply listen to Crown Chakra opening music (like this track) while working, doing chores or meditating.
To wrap up Opening Your Crown Chakra, revisit the Workshop Recording, head back to the Lesson & Exercises and Part 2, and choose one activity to focus on for your practice.

Next month, we’ll be focusing on Opening Your Third Eye Chakra, this is the next intuitive energy center down from the Crown and commonly associated with Clairvoyance, a strong inner sight available in dreamstate and meditation.
Amanda Linette Meder
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