06 January 2023
Happy New Year!
How wonderful that we get the chance once again to make a go at achieving our goals this year. Goals big or small, personal or career orientated. Goals around our health & wellbeing, our family and friends, and goals about our children. We get to wake up and have a go at it dear friend; let's not take this for granted.
My personal goal for this year is to be present, to live in each moment no matter how eventful. And to have the courage to sit through uncomfortable feelings and all that they have to teach me, and not be so quick to wish the discomfort away. I wish you a prosperous new year ahead dear friend, whatever that prosperity may look like to you. 
All my love, 
xo, Kate
In the spotlight
Customer feedback
"The bathtime robe is a revelation. With four small children I've always accepted getting soaked as part and parcel of bathing them, but not any more! It keeps me dry and is instantly warm and cosy for them when I lift them out to put them to bed." Sarah Elizabeth
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