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Can you believe the Human Leadership Program is just around the corner?! My team and I are counting down. T-Minus 10 days!
As we promised in our previous email, we have several more important details and links to share with you. If you missed our last email with calendar links, the pre-experience survey, and Zoom tips, click here to get caught up.
Now, let's dive into the next few items on our checklist. Please take some time to look everything over, and if you have any questions or concerns, you can always reply to this email. We are happy to help!
Here we go!
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Here's a tentative plan for our two days together:
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Each day, the sessions start promptly at 11 A.M. The waiting room opens 15 minutes before the session begins. Join us early to listen to our playlist of awesome jams!
Breaks: We will take one 20-minute break starting at about 12:30 P.M. ET each day, as well as a few quick stretch breaks throughout the program. If ever you need to take a break before I’ve called for one, no sweat. You can turn your camera/mic off and do what you’ve got to do, and then join us again when you are ready! That being said, I encourage you to limit distractions so that you can be fully present during our time together and get the most out of your experience.
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We have created a workbook that we encourage you to use throughout the program to take notes and reflect on the content. The workbook is in PDF form, and it is designed to be filled out on your computer. If you would prefer to print it out, feel free to do so (but keep in mind: It's 50+ pages!).
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To help you get the most out of the program, we have created a couple of resources that you can dive into ahead of time! They are completely optional:
  • Prep Questions (to help you think through program themes and prep for breakout discussions)
  • Leadership Check-In (to help you evaluate the areas in which you’d like to grow in our two days together)

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We know that tuning in virtually is sometimes a challenge, and we want to make sure your experience is the best it possibly can be. Here are some tips we’ve learned from previous programs and past participants:
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That’s it for now! We only have one more email for you, and we’ll be sending it next week. Here is what you can expect to find in that email:
▢ Schedule
▢ Zoom Links
▢ Virtual Style
▢ Recording Information
▢ One Final Reminder
Again, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please hit reply so we can help!
We can’t wait to see you!
Hugs through the screen,
and all of us on the KH team! 