Community Assembly of the British Isles (CABI)
Vol. 2, Issue 2 - 4 February 2023
Dear friend,
I hope this finds you well and that you are noticing the days getting longer and buds starting to appear on the trees leading up to Spring.
As Zooms, phone calls, emails and discussions continue between new members and increasingly connected members across the world, we are exceptionally impressed with John's 1,020 mile round trip to Scotland. Events included a win at the tribunal for Karen and Marc Horn, establishing another president which is being followed up for the greater good. 
John was also working with David who is now training Community Peace Keepers in Scotland and who, we are told, has exceptional knowledge and wears the uniform very well! Our thanks to John, Karen, Marc, David and everyone involved for their ongoing hard work and commitment.
We are delighted to announce the enlistment of regional Community Assembly of South Yorkshire with Founding Facilitators, Julz Dyer, Deborah Bensley and Celeste Gibson, and local Community Assembly of Daventry with Founding Facilitators, Angela Worsley, Michael Blowman and Joanne Brierley.
A warm welcome to all with appreciation for your vision, hard work and commitment to your local communities.
We continue our theme on the blog to build our knowledge-base with fundamental truths that we can all relate to and adapt for ourselves and our community endeavours. See below for featured posts which might be of interest.
We have also posted an exceptional review written by Anita Narayan, a valued CABI Member who has been working with John this past week. The book is Oneness v The 1% written by Vandana Shiva  and her son from which Anita has set out key insights on how to return communities to their original traditions, land and natural food production. This includes the concept of ‘oneness’ and working together with an 'open heart and mind' which we can all learn from. 
As always, if you have any questions or suggestions about any of our content or things you would like to share, please get in touch.
Thank you for being here and I look forward to catching up again soon.
Sue Cartwright AInstAM
Our network is growing and we are delighted to welcome 
Founding Facilitators of regional and local assemblies
We can confirm that the 
Community Assembly of West Yorkshire will be joining us soon.
We have discovered the following from the book ‘Halsbury Forth Edition of Law 2011.’ This book is considered to be ‘an authoritative encyclopedia of law in England and Wales.’
  • There is no authority for Administrative Courts (without a jury) in England and Wales.
  • No Act could be passed to ligitimise them.
  • Lord Diplock is cited in the book to have stated: ‘All Administrative Courts are illegal and can never be legislated into existence.’
This means that no court demands or warrants issued can be deemed ligitimiate and this will be very helpful to us all in the future.  
John Gilbert & Nick Kitchen
Community Assembly of the British Isles
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A wonderful response to our previous newsletter welcoming Assemblies of the World and Emissaries from America, New Zealand and Australia.
A call to action in continuing to bring people together to build our parallel network founded on shared values and our vision for the future.  
Our heartfelt thanks to Nick for this uplifting post and his love for all people.
Nick Kitchen, Founding Facilitator, Community Assembly of Lincolnshire
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A post with further insights from Mark Passio explaining the macro and micro knowledge that has been hidden from us and what is needed for us to know (and teach) the truth and take required action for beneficial changes to occur.
To live up to our declaration to 'do no harm' we need to open our hearts and minds to truthful knowledge and how we can come together to live a beatiful life on Planet Earth together.
Sue Cartwright, Editor, Community Assembly of Devon
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A post summarising a book written by Vandana Shiva with her son Kartikey Shiva with enlightening insights into the ethos and requirements of restoring true wealth and prosperity to local communites.
An excellent review capturing the context, challenge, importance of research and how to make a difference in the spirit of ‘oneness’ with an open heart and mind, and as Vandana so rightly says; ‘We are the change.’
Anita Narayan, Member, Community Assembly of the Britsh Isles
Our thanks to everyone who has made a kind donation over the last two weeks.
This includes a generous contribution to the website which makes all the difference. It means we can continue working on the site every day to ensure we are bringing the best content and service to you all with information we hope is helpful.
John would like to give a special thanks for the generous contribution to the Community Peace Service which paid for the petrol to drive to Scotland and back. We now have a committed Community Peace Keeper who is now able to train others in Scotland and bring new recruits into the fold.
We love what we do and enjoy working every day to make CABI the best it can be for everyone and the smallest of contributions are gratefully appreciated.
Until next time …
Our heartfelt thanks to you for being a valued part of CABI and the wider Assemblies of the World network.
As we grow stronger with our shared vision, values and purpose, we are establishing a parallel network of trust, integrity and cooperation across the world - bringing more companionship, spiritual healing and beneficial change to ourselves and our beautiful natural world. 
I hope you have enjoyed the latest updates and the information has been helpful. I look forward to catching up again soon.
Sue Cartwright AInstAM
Editor on behalf of the Community Assembly of the British Isles