The Call for CONNECTION  
 đźŚ• it's a full moon in virgo
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Image Description:  â€śMy Vibes Only?” Collage on a balck background featuring the head of a Black femme with a round afro surrounded by a halo of bright ornage and pink circles with various images of colored orbs surrounding her head and with small flowers and mushrooms on her left shoulder. 

To listen to me read this essay aloud, click here. 

On Sunday, March 19th from 1–3:30pm ET, I’ll be leading Cosmic Collage! EQUINOX (on Zoom and recorded for those who sign up). We will celebrate the astrological new year and explore what it means to balance, in life & art. 
Start the new season in equilibrium!

🌕 Attuning to My Vibes Only
Hi friends
We made it to March. Yay us! 🥳  
Also, I brought myself to a warm beach. Yay me! 🌞 Thus, a short message…
How are you? Ready for huge shifts? Apparently this month delivers eagerly–anticipated, generation–defining astrological transits. Our entire planet (and many of us personally 🙋🏾‍♀️) have been experiencing seismic shifts for some time — so, like me, you may be wondering what in the cosmic-mayhem-probabilities could be coming next? I do not know. Still, I am preparing. [preparing = anchoring 🌴🏖️🧜🏾‍♀️ + attuning ✍🏾🔮🗣️]
I’ve been on an impromptu pause from Instagram which is my single “real” social media account (I left Facebook years ago and I accidentally, on purpose deleted my Twitter account last year). As you may know, I take weeks-to-months long breaks from the app periodically. Sometimes I post about it before I log off (this time I did not). I always take measures to make sure I won’t be tempted to log back in: I delete it from my phone or I lock myself out of my account (this time I did both). I don’t know when I’ll be back, probably soon.
I like taking hiatuses in the midst of daily life (rather than as part of a “retreat” from it). For me, this provides a powerful practice of attuning to my own vibrations. I have spent all winter settling into living alone for the first time in fourteen years — I am thrilled with how good it’s felt to transform my apartment by myself, to recognize my particular radiance throughout, to cherish my unique energy. And, it can be easier for me to manifest anchors for my physical vibes (refreshing a space) than it can to attune to what is most resonant and harmonious for my energetic vibes (listening in).
Despite this link to a (very excellent) song, I am generally wary of #goodvibesonly bypassy bullshit. It’s taken decades of self–work to connect the full expression of my feelings with the wisdom that #allmyvibesaregood — I am finally allowing the entire range of my emotions without apology. AND (there’s often an and), sometimes the patterns that I’m processing are out of attunement because they’re seriously outdated or not even mine in the first place — #notallvibesaregoodforme.
Recently, I’ve been noticing more people taking breaks from social media or quitting completely. I’m not planning on leaving Instagram. I use it regularly for work. And, I actually like the space. Yet, I don’t imbue it with the significance I once did. Plus, I’m an adult human lady and I can do whatever I want in a fake reality. I will follow/unfollow/follow people willy nilly. I will mute anyone who bugs me for whatever reason. I scroll there much less often than I did many years ago, at the height of the pandemic, or even last year. I usually pop on a few times a day only to check my DMs which are usually filled with hilarious memes and entertaining animal/dance reels sent by friends — while I’m there, I may peruse some posts and stories, maybe get exposed to some interesting people and ideas…
But, like the rest of our mess of a society, that place can get noisy very quickly — the world, les apps are filled with other people’s vibes. I am currently attuning to #myvibesonly and this requires major energetic discipline. Even though I am much less addicted to technology than I used to be, I do feel the tug of energies that are not mine, that draw me in because they validate familiar narratives or follow comfortable pathways. 
Deleting apps is simply the first (and, let’s face it, easier) step. Deleting patterns that I’ve perpetuated for decades? These require more: more awareness, contemplation, resolve, faith… prayers, meditation, walking, writing, ancestor work, music, dancing, singing, friends… love.
I will be back with In My Experience… and links next month.
May you resonate in the fullness of your unique vibes.
With my good beachy vibrations,
P.S.  I recently updated my about page to describe how I view my work these days. Let me know what you think.
P.P.S.  On April 9 &16, my dear friend Jocelyn and I will be leading a two-part workshop called Finding Your Voice: Nurturing Your Sacred Expression in the World. Registration opens March 21.
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