Dear friend,
I hope this finds you well wherever you are in the British Isles and the world as our network starts to light up in an 'aurora grid' with bonds between members and local people growing stronger every day.
With our 40th Community Assembly joining us in a few days, we will have 160 ‘Founders’, namely Emissaries, Founding Facilitators and Special Advisors, who have taken action against the odds and enabled us to surpass our tipping point of enlisted Community Assemblies (just) within the given time, namely the Spring Equinox.
We can now move into the ‘development and transition’ phase of our organic evolution with our Community Assembly frequencies in balance here and across the world. This resonates across our ‘aurora network’ and it is very powerful indeed. As John says, we must be careful to use this energy wisely by focusing on what is important and keeping the momentum going.
Our Founders will be recognised for their courage and tenacity in stepping forward to take action when so few would. With this in mind,
‘Call for Founders’ will be replaced with
‘Call for Facilitators’ at the end of this month, so please
get in touch within the next few days if you have been working to set up an assembly during the founding phase and are ready to enlist.
It has been nearly two years since we launched the CABI website and what we have achieved during this time together is to be celebrated and shows what can be done. Our thanks to other active members who have contributed to our
resources and projects being worked on behind the scenes.
As we transition from our
‘founding’ phase, we have published the first article in our
‘Motivating Community Culture’ series -
Realising our vision through shared values. I hope this in-depth article reads well and resonates with you. It introduces the idea of designing an ideal community culture based on our shared vision, mission and values using a proven academic model recognised as a
‘world first for British Research’ by Exeter University.
This ‘Community Culture Series’ and other knowledge-based articles will provide a starting point for discussion between members and your input is always welcome. Establishing the fundamentals as we progress means we can create a benchmark that we are all happy with and can benefit from.
Our shared insights and contributions add value to our knowledge-base over time. Our thanks for the cooperation of
People's Assembly of New Zealand in sharing their indepth knowledge of
Natural Law and associated procedures. This has proven to be invaluable in forming a lawful declaration for
‘Assembly Women’ and
‘Assembly Men’ which will be published for comment shortly.
We always welcome your feedback and suggestions on any content so that we can ensure the CABI website remains true to you. If you have anything you would like to share, please
get in touch.
I hope you enjoy the brighter Spring days and look forward to catching up again soon.
Sue Cartwright AInstAM