Hi friends! Welcome to my monthly email where I keep you updated on allll the things. I wanted a way to share with you some simple tools to help best move through each month energetically. How I like to do that is via my love of numerology, tarot & astrology. Let's kick off each month feeling in flow, together! 
Welcome to your April energetic update! ECLIPSE SEASON BEGINSSSS!
So, last month's newsletter was long AF - this will be a lil more breezy (ha, maybe not) but the Astrology is just as potent as we are officially in eclipse season at the start to this month. If you want a refresh on all the tea on Saturn & Pluto moving signs (v big deal) check out last month's newsletter HERE as we are still feeling those shifts! 
The big scoop :
4/19 / 4/20 - New Moon Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees Aries. We may indeed need a joint to stay chill for this firecracker energy! Here we have our first Aries eclipse since 2004 (which happened to also fall exactly at 29 degrees on the same day - I am sure there is a significant connection here! Think back to that time.). 29 is a very potent degree. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It represents self, initiative, leadership, gut instinct, creation, bold steps, physical energy, independence. What are you yearning for that may require some “d*ck on the table” energy? This eclipse is exactly square Pluto so it's transform time or you will be giving your power away and may explode from tension…nbd. This is the fresh starts of fresh starts for those who have been bold! More tea at my moon event that I will host. I will go over how this eclipse is impacting you specifically, what to expect and what it means if it impacts your personal planets. 
5/5 - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 14 degrees Scorpio. Margaritas anyone? How funny that both are on a holiday?? Here we have our last eclipse in Scorpio for about 18yrs. (reminder where the nodes are in the sky dictates where the eclipses hit - they officially move into Aris/Libra from Taurus/Scorpio at the end of July). Full moon energy x10. What needs to complete, end, release? What, who, where is holding you back? Epiphanies and emotions can flood in. Scorpio is no-joke and this eclipse is opposite Uranus and Mercury - perhaps some surprising messages that change everything? More specifics on this Eclipse in the May newsletter.
More on the predictions of the nodes changing signs when we get closer but hint hint that Taurus/Scorpio, the signs that rule money, have been impacting finances / the market for the last 18mo ;)
Eclipses bring karmic shifts. I call them the swift kick to the toosh. They happen in pairs, every 6mo and hit the same area of our charts around 3x over 18 months which means a story builds here for you. Sometimes they are massive change followed by a a more chill round of just adding to that story. For some people, it's more internal shifts - not as apparent outwardly - like starting therapy, healing a family relationship, etc. For others, it may be big outwardly noticeable shifts like new jobs, new study, moving, relationship status changes, etc. One thing's for sure - you'll notice everyone in your life shifting around the same time. One heads up that I always give is that because everyone is shifting - it may be hard to receive the attention/support that you need. Don't give all of yours away and nurture yourself - you hold the answers! 
Where are these eclipses hitting your personal chart? Video on how to find. We start feeling the eclipse energy 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after each eclipse. Once you find them in your chart (29 degrees Aries & 14 degrees Scorpio), here is my “eclipses through the houses” doc -  to read up on!
Mercury Retrograde in Taurus 4/21 - 5/14. It's that time again! Mercury retrogrades ~4x a year so can we all stop hating it? Y'all know I love a good Mercury Retro as it allows us to reassess things. Here's my in-general Do's & Don'ts of MerRx. This one being in Taurus may bring up insecurity and self worth issues to the surface as well as our idea of security & money. Collective themes  - supply chain, money & Mother Nature. Where it is falling in your personal chart is more important though! Find 5-15 degrees of Taurus in your chart. This is where it will be moving (could be in 2 houses for you). Read up once you have found - https://cafeastrology.com/transits_mercuryretrograde.html.
Yes, there's more astrology happening in April but eclipses steal the newsletter show! 

April is a 2 Universal Month in Numerology. 
(2023 is a 7yr)
Collectively for the Universal 7 year, April is a 2 month. The 2 month is all about balance, relationships, connecting and slowing down a bit. Tied with the 7 year - harmonious interactions, taking a look at patterns of people pleasing or codependency and whether we are pouring / receiving into our cup enough. Against the background of self-reflection and soul-searching year, this month's sense of harmony offers us time to reassess where we are putting our energy. In 2 energy I like to imagine cups (however many you need) in front of me and label them - work, family, creativity, etc. Notice which ones are full. We tend to keep filling those because we are good at it - therefore some remain neglected. Could you spread your attention a bit and offer some up to the other cups in your life? Intuition is strong this month - pay attention to the unspoken. Support is here for you and hey, it may even show up as a romantic interest in 2 energy!
* For my pros that know their personal numerology year & month - the universal energy is the collective energy that we, as a whole, are feeling. You will feel your personal month more but in blend with the universal month. Or maybe you have it easy like me and are synced with the universal year/month.

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The card of the month is the ‘wish card", the Nine of Cups! This card is so lovely. It’s represents optimism and hope for what's ahead - perhaps after a slew of setbacks or disappointments. This visual reminds me that the past is behind us but not to forget to honor it - it has been the spark, the wisdom, that will be leading us towards the new sweetness. Take time to recognize how far you have come and how much stronger you are for it. Jupiter depicted here reminds me of panning out and thinking bigger for ourselves. It is the planet of optimism - which is a mindset we can choose.  It's time to visualize and manifest - perfect for the April new moon eclipse (new beginnings).
There's something to celebrate when this card shows up. What is it for you? A new job? An old pattern being shifted? Launching something successfully? A decision being made? Getting your confidence back? (shakes titties in glee for you). Reminder - when we are in a place of gratitude, we are magnetic to anything we wish for! 

Announcements :
Book a Reading - Usually I release my full month schedule on the 3rd Monday of each month but life is so unpredictable at the moment that I am releasing dates in 1 or 2 week chunks at a time. Keep an eye out!  Booking link HERE.
Join Astro Curious - Newly launched astrology shared calendar for active members!!!! If you want to create a spiritual / self care practice surrounding the moon cycles, nerd out of all things spiritual, have community, direct access to me, get in flow with the cosmic cycles and get exclusive workshops and discounts to things I do that are open to non-members then this is for you! I mean, Saturn is in Pisces and it's a 7 year - let's get witchy! But seriously - it is my favorite thing and I love seeing everyone so in flow with themselves and the energy. It's $25/ mo and cancel anytime. JOIN HERE 
Astrology Course - Mastering the Birth Chart -  it's been 1 year since I launched my course so I wanted to shout it out here. It was a huge labor of love! For anyone wanting to be able to learn Astrology and read a birth chart - I created a very in depth go-at-your-own-pace course. 
Catch the vibes of the course it by watching this video :

On a personal note : 
My trip to London, Stonehenge, Glastonbury, Bath, Somerset & Paris was a nice mix of frustrating travel issues, bad sleeping, magic, ah-ha's - good & bad, history, beauty, spirituality, bliss, tears, friend time, and a necessary break from the seriousness going on in my life! We spoiled ourselves by staying in Soho Houses everywhere - give me all the Cowshed products now! (said in Veruca Salt voice) We all agreed that we will return to Somerset / Babington House and stay much longer next time… and one of us will have a future wedding there… manifesting
London was our first stop and I was not recovering well from the no sleep from the canceled flight + jet lag. London is beautiful. While it has that older city charm and the accents are sexy - it's not much different than NYC or Chicago, imo. I did get to see an Astro Curious member, Emily, here which was so fun! I also loved the visiting Watkins Books which is London's oldest esoteric bookshop. 
We hit up Stonehenge on the way out to the countryside. (driving on the other side of the road was an adventure for Bridget & Christopher!). To be at Stonehenge on the Astrological new year was such a dream. It was in the middle of nowhere. We parked about a mile away and walked a muddy path lined with RVs and camper vans of fellow eclectics to get there. It was rainy but I loved that vibe. 
Glastonbury was filled with MAGIC. Luckily we had Bridget, the history teacher, and newly purchased books on the lands from Watkins Books with us! While the Tor had amazing history behind it - my ass could have skipped the 1000s of stairs and enjoyed it from the bottom, lol but the Chalice Well was SO grounding and beautiful. I got a download when I sat down with the Well “we had to exhaust your body so you could let go here”. Chills. We brought back healing water from the well, and books and card decks from the shop. We then toured the city center - imagine 100s of metaphysical shops in a row in the most charming cobbled streets - swoontastic. A must visit for the history and spirituality lovers! 
We hit up Bath on the way back to London (to catch the train to Paris). I loved Bath and wish we had stayed longer to give it more time - but off we went! It's where Bridgerton is filmed so imagine those vibezzzz… swoon, swoon.
I personally loved Paris despite us hilariously being there during the intense strikes and protesting. There was trash piled EVERYWHERE, no public transportation, and Cindy and I got caught in the protest gone awry on the 23rd (no coincidence it was the day Pluto moved into Aquarius, ay?), There were thousands of people, grenades, tear gas and sweet talking police to maneuver. “We're Americans!” “We are tourists!” - although we were indeed not protesting and were fearful of getting caught in the mix, I applaud the French for their protesting - it was very cool to witness it! One of the locals, as we were trying to talk the cops into letting us out quipped “First time here?? ahhh…WELL, welcome to the Paris flair!”. I love the Parisian energy. The reason we got caught there was because we were acquiring coats, that Cindy had the inside scoop on, at cost from an amazing man named Steven. He was very protective of us as he mentioned that things may be getting a little hairy that day - giving us routes and rules to follow. He was also very proud of his coats. He was showing us all the designer labels that designers slap on them and upcharge. So, I'd say the chaos, and 18,000 steps taken that day, were worth it. Christopher, who also loved Paris, is now studying French with a plan to go back soon. I think we shall get a piete terre there! Don't y'all?
As far as what the eclipses are bringing in for me - I have the first, new moon eclipse, on my 6th house cusp and the second, full moon eclipse, exactly on my Ascendant (ope!). We shall see - new work or routine followed by a complete purge of self…bring it!
In true Leo fashion, I was a diva with pictures. It payed off sometimes : 
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Have a lovely month ahead,
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