Celebrating the Magical Connection of Earth and Sky
In this Issue
TOTAMS All School Gathering
Impressions and Livestreams
New Foundationally Certified Astrologers
Re-Awakening the Sacred Self
Online Summit featuring Daniel Giamario
Fixed Stars Astrology
with Gemini Brett
April Group Mentoring
with Daniel Giamario
Esoteric Circle: Earth Mysteries
with Daniel Giamario
TOTAMS All School Gathering 
Impressions and Livestreams
We are reeling in the gratitude and profound transformation which this years' 6-nights all-inclusive TOTAMS All School Gathering under the dark night sky of Oracle/Arizona and exceptional guidance of our school's founder Daniel Giamario created for each and everyone who attended. 
Words just don't express it, so here are a few photo impressions … 
(image credits: Gemini Brett and Naraya Naserian)
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In the next Newsletter and on our social media we will share more about the event and about what's coming next. For now, please be invited to check out the livestreamed presentations, including 

Thanks to all who could not be there with us in person but chimed in LIVE, 
and to those watching the recordings!
We'd love to hear your feedback, comments and discussion points.
"For me this gathering was a complete initiation into the mysteries of being. Not only did I receive the astrology knowledge, but it also greatly expanded my awareness of our connection to the stars. And then there is all the healing brought along by music, astro-drama, conversation, and sharing of personal experiences, as well as the mysticism in the star stories!
Mostly preciously, I felt the union of truthful hearts, and the certainty that in this journeying with earth and sky I feel that I belong in wholeness, integrity and truth 
to this wonderful Totams Tribe."
Estela Bremer, Monterrey/Mexico
New Foundationally Certified TOTAMS Astrologers
to four new foundationally certified TOTAMS Astrologers who were initiated 
during a beautiful fire ceremony at our Oracle event:
Ville Viinikka, who flew in all the way from Finland
Allie Maudi from California
Annette Sønderby Hansen from Denmark
and Vanessa Sancho Morales, on the Canary Islands
We feel honored and privileged 
to have such fine graduates among us
and wish you all the very best for your
further studies and practice of TOTAMS Astrology!  
Re-Awakening the Sacred Self 
Online Summit featuring Daniel Giamario
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Online Global Conference, May 1-5 
Speakers from around the world will be sharing their insights and wisdom as to when we embrace a more authentic level of awareness to our own spiritual path 
and how this can create not only positive change around us 
but also deepens our connection to Mother Earth.
Daniel speaks on the topic
available FREE for 48h from Monday, May 1, 5:30pm PDT 
Fixed Stars Astrology 
with Gemini Brett
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Saturday, April 22
is a 4-week School of Earthstrology deep dive workshop series 
by Gemini Brett with many guiding star guest astrologers, 
designed to help you bring more of the living sky 
into your astrology and into your life. 
The full price of this series is $ 123 and we are grateful to Gemini for offering a 
generous discount for TOTAMS Premium Members:  
$ 88.11 only for the entire course! 
April Group Mentoring 
with Daniel Giamario
April 27, 5:00pm PDT
Group Mentoring
Lunar Nodes and Eclipses with
Daniel Giamario
 This month’s topic for the Group Mentoring session is transits and natal complexes of the Moon’s nodes. Nodal returns and reversals along life’s timeline will also be covered. 
And, last, but not least, in rapport with the first eclipse season of 2023, 
we'll look at the eclipse degrees on the natal chart.
This is a monthly mentoring Q&A on Zoom. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and can share chart data in order to receive direct feedback from the founder and other group participants.
Group Mentoring takes place on or near the First Quarter Moon each month. 
The main purpose is to provide an opportunity to enhance understanding and skills in various aspects of chart analysis. Each monthly offering will have a different focus, 
most often suggested by session participants. 
Esoteric Circle: Earth Branch
with Daniel Giamario
The TOTAMS Earth Branch’s studies and research include indigenous and earth-based traditions around the world. Invariably, most of these groups still emphasize ceremony and a living organic relationship with the As Above, So Below realities, but they may no longer have direct knowledge or relationship with the night sky. 
The TOTAMS ceremonial approach, including knowledge and experience of the night sky, synodic planetary cycles and the Galactic Alignment are offerings that can support these groups.This includes working with stone circles, petroglyph sites, and taking journeys to sacred sites, cosmograms and hierophanies around the world.
The Esoteric Circle is hosted exclusively in the events section of our 
private and secure TOTAMS Community Forum. 
If you are not yet on that Forum, it is FREE to create your account! 
TOTAMS Astrology Consultations 
Schedule a session today with one of our Certified TOTAMS Astrologers!
Thank you, First name / dear friend, for your participation and support of TOTAMS, a 501c(3) Educational Non-Profit
Totams Team 
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visit us on the web: turningoftheages.com
Consider a tax deductible donation to support TOTAMS and our mission: CLICK HERE