Celebrating the Magical Connection of Earth and Sky
In this Issue
Scorpio Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse
by Vivian Hurley 
Beginner's Corner
with Sheridan Semple
Morgan Marckwald - In Memoriam
by Daniel Giamario
TOTAMS 2024 Annual Gathering
in Callanish, Scotland
Lunar Standstill Seminars
now available!
Esoteric Circle: Earth Mysteries
with Daniel Giamario
Taurus New Moon Members Call
Highlights of the Current Lunation
Scorpio Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse 
by Vivian Hurley 
On May 5, the Scorpio Super Full Moon Eclipse is happening at 14Scorpio58, followed shortly by Lunar Beltane on May 6.
You might also like: 
streamed LIVE from the recent TOTAMS Annual Gathering in Oracle/Arizona
Beginner's Corner
with Sheridan Semple
Follow TOTAMS Astrologer Sheridan Semple as she guides you through
the night sky intricacies of the May 2023 Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse.
Morgan Marckwald - In Memoriam
by Daniel Giamario
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November 29, 1979 - April 19, 2023
With great sadness, we learned that Morgan Marckwald, a key member of our school, (both SAMS and TOTAMS), passed away on April 19, 2023, after a long and difficult bout with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Morgan was fully initiated as a Shamanic Astrologer in 2019 and did her solo astrological vision quest ceremonials near Gael Chilson’s stone circle in Sahuarita/Arizona. She had long been planning and looking forward to being with us at our recent in-person All School Gathering in Oracle, Arizona.
I had been collaborating with Morgan for a number of years on her research on cosmology, and we had been planning a joint presentation at the event. Very few knew the cosmology of the Turning of the Ages more than her. Recently she had also been working on bringing the knowledge of Pallas-Athena into the TOTAMS/Shamanic Astrology Paradigm. Her connection to the sacred mysteries of the Feminine and the Goddess were profound.
Morgan passed surrounded by her daughters Riley and Skylar, her mother Trudy, and her many priestess sisters. She was well loved by so many and will be greatly missed. Gratefully, her long suffering is over, and she is now among the stars, 
which she loved so very much.
Rest in peace and soar with the angels and archangels, dear Morgan, 
in reunification with Christos-Sophia.
A Go-Fund Me Campaign has been set up to help support Riley and Skylar:
TOTAMS 2024 Annual Gathering 
in Callanish / Scotland
Following the incredible in-depth experience of our recent event in Oracle/Arizona, we are thrilled to announce the 
at the Callanish Standing Stones, 
Island of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Scotland
we have reserved an entire hotel 
closest to the powerful Callanish Standing Stones! 
The stones of Callanish are at least 6000 years old and comprise the largest ceremonial site in the world dedicated to the Lunar Standstill phenomenon. This will be the final Lunar Standstill within the time frame of the unfolding Great Turning of the Ages, 1962-2034. 
The hotel has 5 single rooms, 5 twin rooms, 5 double rooms, one family room, and a room for the primary staff. Pricing includes breakfast and dinner as well as all our many excursions. We have space for 31 persons.
Due to the increasing popularity and ceremonial significance of the Lunar Standstill, we are announcing this event more than a year out. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, and our list is filling up very fast. With world-events as they are and with constantly changing exchange rates, it is anticipated that the cost will be in the range of $1500-2000 per person, your travel to/from Stornoway not included. We are in the process of creating a dedicated event landing page on our website where details about hotel, pricing, booking options, schedule, add-ons etc. will be released as and when available. Keep tuned!
So if you sense that 
we invite you to make a non-refundable $200 deposit now to reserve your space.
Daniel has been to Callanish thirteen (!) previous times, starting back in 1984. He will be happy to respond to any questions you might have about this epic adventure.
We also plan to gather for four days, October 11-15 of this year, 2023, at
to catch the October 14 Annular Solar Eclipse!
Details to follow asap.
Lunar Standstill Seminars  
with Daniel Giamario and Gemini Brett 
Interested to learn more about the Lunar Standstill phenomenon
and all things out-of-bounds?
are now available for purchase on our website.
Esoteric Circle: Earth Mysteries 
with Daniel Giamario
Friday, May 5, 5:00pm PDT, 
LIVE on Zoom:
The TOTAMS Earth Branch’s studies and research include indigenous and earth-based traditions around the world. Invariably, most of these groups still emphasize ceremony and a living organic relationship with the As Above, So Below realities, but they may no longer have direct knowledge or relationship with the night sky. 
The TOTAMS ceremonial approach, including knowledge and experience of the night sky, synodic planetary cycles and the Galactic Alignment are offerings that can support these groups.This includes working with stone circles, petroglyph sites, and taking journeys to sacred sites, cosmograms and hierophanies around the world.
The Esoteric Circle is hosted quarterly exclusively in the events section of our 
 Creating your account is FREE. For easy access
there is now a dedicated link in the top right corner of our homepage.
Taurus New Moon Members Call 
Highlights of the Current Lunation
Wednesday, May 17, 5:00-6:30pm PDT,
LIVE on Zoom:
Get updates and insights about all the major astrological and astronomical events taking place during the upcoming lunation cycle. Join the discussion! 
Members, click here for your MEMBERS LOGIN
 where you will find access details and the recording once it becomes available.
TOTAMS Astrology Consultations 
Schedule a session today with one of our Certified TOTAMS Astrologers!
Thank you, First name / dear friend, for your participation and support of TOTAMS, a 501c(3) Educational Non-Profit.
Any questions or inquiries? Our dedicated team is here to help!
Totams Team 
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visit us on the web: turningoftheages.com
Consider a tax deductible donation to support TOTAMS and our mission: CLICK HERE