Where are you going?
your vision + trajectory matters
Hey First name / friend
My inbox blew up after last week's email about where I am right now. As if I couldn't love our community any more, the two strongest responses were empathy and shared vulnerability. That's who Warrior Women are. 🧡 I cried reading every email. Thank you.
We talk all the time about how your whole story matters - every dang detail and minute moment.
  • "Where are you from?" provides perspective and context
  • “Where are you now?” provides a reality check and orientation
  • “Where are you going?” provides vision and trajectory
The more self-aware you are, First name / Friend, and the more integrated you are with your past, present, and future, the more wholeness is possible! 
“Where are you going?” 
is the guiding, provoking question in coaching.
First name / Friend, how would you answer that crazy important question today? If you don't have an answer that you love, the consequences are predictable:
  • you'll drift to a destination you likely will not want to be
  • you won't achieve your dreams because that never happens on accident
  • you'll miss out on life-changing opportunities and experiences
  • you'll live on autopilot and sleepwalk through your one wild, precious life
  • you'll continue feeling stuck, stagnant, and sick of it
  • you'll live with regret and “what if's”
  • you'll be a fragment of the person you were created to be
  • you'll have an insatiable ache and longing for more
Feel frustratingly familiar? Take heart: wholeness is a lifelong journey and we're in it together. If you need some help, that's healthy. That's why we're here. Maybe you need to join the waitlist for coaching groups. Maybe you need to join the Warrior Women Membership Community
Whatever it is, do it!
Oh, and if you missed the big announcement on Tuesday, registration is officially open for our FIRST WARRIOR WOMEN RETREAT this fall. (and there are only a few spots left…check it out below!) 
You don't have to know the full answer to “where are you going?” but maybe you can go to the retreat and figure it out with us. 🫶🏾
cheering you on,
