Celebrating the Magical Connection of Earth and Sky
In this Issue
Sex, Gender, Intimacy and Sexuality
Vlogcast with Daniel Giamario and Elise Hebert
Gemini New Moon at the Galactic Edge 
by Daniel Giamario
Course 01 Guided Group Experience
USA/Europe Time Zones with Levi Banner
June Solstice Seminars
Two Free TOTAMS Offerings
Solstice Sunrise Puja 
An Invitation from Shiva Faranpour
Draco, The Dragon - Serpent Mound
by Vivian Hurley
The Sacred Planet Podcast
Daniel Giamario: Aligning with Your Life Purpose 
Sex, Gender, Intimacy and Sexuality 
Vlogcast with Daniel Giamario and Elise Hebert
For this month's video blog, Daniel is once again joined by Elise Hebert to go deeper on this most important topic. The TOTAMS/Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™ has much to offer to help sort out this highly controversial subject. The TOTAMS approach recognizes 24 different gender expressions, all based on a full spectrum of archetypes. The emphasis here is on the intimacy and sexuality styles of each type. This information is extremely useful to help our personal relationships be more understandable and fulfilling.
Part One of this series with Elise is titled 
“The Full Spectrum of the Archetypal Masculine and the Archetypal Feminine 
in Intimacy, Sexuality and Relationships”
Find Part One along with transcript in the 
Here is Part Two: 
Gemini New Moon at the Galactic Edge
by Daniel Giamario
The full title of Daniel's article for this exceptional New Moon in Gemini is
Make sure you catch the vibe and … 
Course 01: Guided Group Experience 
USA/Europe Time Zones with Levi Banner
Just in time before we launch our fully revised and updated 
 you still have the chance to join a small group of students enrolled in 
to expand and deepen your understanding of the online course material. Sign up now for
for USA/Europe time zones
$100 only!
June Solstice Seminars 
Two Free TOTAMS Offerings 
Nearly upon us are the
with exciting new insights and topics!
Both days are FREE to join, with an option to donate.
A foundational element of the TOTAMS astrological paradigm is an archetypal timeline of our lives. This includes cycles that happen to everyone at the approximate same age: 
The outer planet transits to the inner planets and angles, as well as the progressed Moon cycle. A major innovation of the approach is to understand the four seasons of a life, up until the third Saturn Return. We will be illuminating this timeline and offer navigation strategies to the main cycles.
This seminar is open to all, regardless of previous astrological background. 
It also serves as a great introduction to the soon to be released updated 
Jupiter, as the “year star” spends about a year in each sign. Jupiter began its journey through Taurus on May 16, 2023. Each year, the school explores the ingress of Jupiter into its new sign. In the TOTAMS astrological paradigm, Jupiter is the planet of personal and planetary dharma: a combination of current life purpose intentions and what the world expects as our duty and responsibility. This seminar is about all things Jupiter and all things Taurus. Our focus is on the intent of this once-every-12-years event. Global historical implications as well as personal transits, complexes, and return cycles will be considered.
Solstice Sunrise Puja 
An Invitation from Shiva Faranpour
Our wonderful TOTAMS Astrologer and events coordinator Shiva Faranpour together with her life partner Tony Khalife will be offering a sunrise flower petal puja to honor the summer solstice. In line with TOTAMS’ four-fold focus on Astrology, Cosmology, Ceremony and Spirituality, the honoring of the planets is part of the practice. 
The ceremony, based on ancient Vedic prescribed methods, starts by locating ourselves all the way from out in the galaxy to where we are on Earth. After honoring the deity, prayers are being sent, and mantras associated with each of the seven visible planets, Sun, Moon, as well as South and North Node, to establish greater resonance with cosmic energetics.
Please Note: Clicking the link will lead you to our private and secure TOTAMS Community Forum which is totally free! Kindly take two minutes to create your profile, and you will be redirected to the puja details straight away. 
Draco, The Dragon - Serpent Mound 
by Vivian Hurley
The Sacred Planet Podcast 
Daniel Giamario: Aligning with Your Life Purpose
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Daniel is honored to be once again in conversation with Jocelyn Star Feather on the topic:
How Shamanic Astrology Guides You
to Align With Your Life Purpose
The Sacred Planet Podcast is designed to serve awakening individuals around the world connect to higher consciousness, learn more about the energy body, holistic & energetic healing, original & indigenous wisdom, sacred sites, star connections & our origins in the stars, quantum physics, sacred geometry, astrology, cycles of time, and many other topics which are important and relevant on the life-altering journey of awakening. 
The conversation will air July 8 on YouTube
We will send out dedicated event emails containing the access link. 
Stay tuned! 
Thank you, First name / dear friend, for your participation and support of TOTAMS, a 501c(3) Educational Non-Profit.
Any questions or inquiries? Our dedicated team is here to help!
Totams Team 
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visit us on the web: turningoftheages.com
Consider a tax deductible donation to support TOTAMS and our mission: CLICK HERE
TOTAMS Astrology Consultations 
Schedule a session today with one of our Certified TOTAMS Astrologers!