Whoops! We misspelled an important resource in our June newsletter! 
Please see below for all the appropriate corrections :) 
Ullukkut! Thank you for joining the Isaksimagit Inuusirmi Katujjiqatigiit Embrace Life Council's (IIKELC) bi-monthly newsletter! We are Nunavut's territory-wide suicide prevention non-profit organization and our mission is to support and encourage Nunavummiut to embrace life. We are committed to offering mental health resources and opportunities to promote community wellness among youth and adults throughout Nunavut. 
Please enjoy this message from our 
Qikiqtani Regional Coordinator, Nastassja Bjørknes!
It's June already! The warmer weather is upon us, and so too is National Indigenous Peoples' Day on June 21st. As we move closer to summer and to the solstice, we have a beautiful opportunity to reconnect with so many culturally affirming activities on the nuna, including camping, fishing, hunting, and just spending time outdoors and taking care of the land - avataptingnik munarittiarniq. June is also Pride Month, and IIKELC will be sharing information about the rainbow community throughout the coming weeks. As a queer person myself I know firsthand that understanding and showing love to our 2SLGBTQIA+ family is a hugely important part of suicide prevention, especially for our youth - if this is something you'd like to learn more about, keep an eye on our social media. Qujannamiimarialuk for your continued support, and happy spring!

Check out our monthly updates below! 

Program Highlight
Fur Tufting Program
We hosted our first fur tufting program this spring! Participants began by cutting and dying the caribou fur with Haley (Haley's Handicrafts) and then jumped into tufting. Everyone learned the technique very quickly and made such unique pieces. We are always happy to have creative hands working in the office! 
Upcoming Courses
Babysitting Program
IIKELC will be holding 3 Babysitting Courses this summer; they will run July 7th, July 28th, and August 25th.
For more information or to register, please contact 
Ulliaq Kowmuk at ukowmuk@inuusiq.com
or call 867 975 3233

To celebrate July being Self-Care Month IIKELC will be posting self-care challenges every week!
To encourage engagement, participants have the chance to enter into our raffle draw! Every 7 completed activities = 1 entry into the draw.
There will be lots of cool prizes to be won and 10 winners will be announced July 31st! 
Stay tuned to our social media for when the challenge begins! 


IIKELC offers a variety of workshops which range from a half day to two full days. These workshops include ASIST and Reach Out (our suicide prevention workshops), Trauma Informed Practice, Our Children Our Responsibility (a workshop on child sexual abuse prevention), Talking to Children About Suicide, and others which can be found here. If you or your community are interested in hosting a workshop please don't hesitate to reach out; we would love to visit your community and share these resources! 

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We will be pausing our newsletter over the summer and look forward to sharing new resources with you in September!
- Isaksimagit Inuusirmi Katuggiqatigiit Embrace Life Council

The latest on Instagram
