“Ugh, I'm tired. I don't really feel like going on this date."
It was 2016. I was sitting at the bar of the restaurant I worked at, and I had just gotten off world's longest shift. It was a particularly grueling day, and I was in no mental state to meet some random bassist from Tinder at a bar.
“Let's see him,", my friend replied, gesturing for me to hand my phone over.
I obliged.
As he swiped through some of Tinder bassist guy's photos, he smirked. “This guy is either going to be the best guy you'll ever meet, or the worst."
I cackled. “Why do you say that!?”
“Because guys who are in punk bands are always one or the other.”
As someone who was in a punk band himself, I knew my friend was uniquely qualified to give that assessment. But now, I was FASCINATED.
I needed to know.
“Wellp. You're only young once. Guess I'm going!" And within 0.5 seconds, I was out the door and headed towards an East Village dive bar.
No time to think, no time to second-guess. Only time to do.
It's almost 7 years later now, and as I type this, that bassist from Tinder and I are both sprawled out on opposite ends of our couch. (Guess you could say it worked out.)
I often think about how some of the best things in my life were prompted by quick, split-second decisions—going on that date, starting a feminist theatre company, deciding to design a friend's website one day…
Jumping into action has always provided much more benefit to my life than “thinking” my way into a solution. (And that's much to my dismay, because as an enneagram 5, I LOVE to think. Lololol.)
So, if you're anything like the rest of my clientele this month, you might have been thinking this question straight into the ground: “Should I get a pro to design my website?”
And if that is you ^^^, then I challenge you to make a move towards that today.
(And, let me be clear here: I'm not even saying it has to be me!!! Well, I'd love if it was, OBVI, but I believe in the power of a high-converting website so much that I just want you to have one regardless. That shit is life-changing and business-changing.)