Celebrating the Magical Connection of Earth and Sky |
In this Issue Ramblings, Reflections and Ruminations of Daniel Giamario The Individual vs The Collective The Capricorn Super Full Moon by Daniel Giamario Faywood Hot Springs Eclipse Gathering October 11-15, Event Astrology & Cosmology Social Media News by Naraya Naserian The Sacred Planet Podcast Daniel Giamario: Aligning with Life Purpose Beginners Circle Call with Mary Kern and Shiva Faranpour Cancer New Moon Members Call with Daniel Giamario Venus and Mars Cycles: The Great Saga A Yearly Highlight Seminar on July 19 |
Ramblings, Reflections and Ruminations of Daniel Giamario The Individual vs The Collective |
Philosophers, critical thinkers, independant minds, free electrons, and everyone in between: You will appreciate this in-depth article offering a broad overview of some key foundational concepts to aid in the understanding of the current astrological material that Daniel has been building upon, including the US Pluto and Chiron returns, the shadow of Aquarius, the six converging timelines at the end of Kali Yuga, the Fourth Turning, and many other topics. |
The Capricorn Super Full Moon by Daniel Giamario |
Extreme Out-of-Bounds, Precursor to the 2024 Callanish Lunar Standstill Clearly, this Full Moon is illuminating the way towards the Lunar Standstill season. Keep this in mind as you gaze on the Full Moon. And may the insights streaming in from Galactic Center and Galactic Edge show you the way! |
Faywood Hot Springs Eclipse Gathering October 11-15: Event Astrology & Cosmology |
Thank you to all who have eagerly registered for our We hugely look forward to this next in-person event! While the final pricing is not yet set, as we are working out logistics, it will be closer to $300 (book accommodation separately, see event page!) and include all tuition, free transfer from/to El Paso airport, and the trip into the eclipse path. |
Good news: We have one cabin left to book as well as plenty of RV and camping space! So what are you waiting for? Join us for 4 nights as we soak in the mineral pools, learn from and with each other, share of ourselves, deepen community, stargaze, gather in the stone circle, and journey into the path of the 2023 Great American Annular Total Solar Eclipse! |
Social Media News by Naraya Naserian |
Much is going on in our public media department, and we decided to give you a brief overview of the latest news. So please read the following small print 😊: The AI (Artificial Intelligence) takeover and full commercialisation of conventional “social” media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are now complete. That means our content is hardly being shown to anyone - unless we agree to pay large amounts of money to “boost” our posts. This we are not prepared to do. So while we aim to maintain our appearance on these platforms, we are strongly committed to seek out new and unconventional avenues to publicise our content, let the world know what TOTAMS and the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™ have to offer, and - most importantly - create meaningful engagement with you, our global community! To this end … - TOTAMS now has a Telegram Channel. Click here to join!
- TOTAMS Founder Daniel Giamario can now be found on the UNITE platform. Unite is free to join. To create your free user account, click here. To find Daniel's channel, click here. And should you be interested to become a UNITE content creator yourself, you can click here to start a free 22-day trial, using Daniel's referal code e9xzlx4m
- We are substantially revamping our You Tube channel and have a new playlist called Sex, Gender, Intimacy & Sexuality. Check it out here!
- The platform where we most wish to see you is our TOTAMS Community Forum! This forum is hosted within our own website, and is therefore private, secure, and ad-free. Just like on conventional social media, you can post text, photos and video, as well as comment on other users' posts, tag them, and get notified about events, new posts etc. So once again, we invite you to click here and join the TOTAMS Community Forum!
- Last but not least, this bi-monthly Newsletter continues to be TOTAMS' best asset to get the word out about what's up within our school. Every issue is read by thousands of people around the world. We'd love to increase that to 10.000, even 100.000 readers! Would you help us with this monumental task by inviting at least 5 people you know might be interested in TOTAMS' offerings to subscribe to the newsletter? If so, please send them this link: https://bit.ly/TOTAMSNewsletterSignUp. As a big thank you, every new subscriber currently gets access to the entire Basics of Astrology Introduction Course for FREE!
The Sacred Planet Podcast Daniel Giamario: Aligning with Life Purpose |
To explore the vastness of what we can create during the upcoming pivotal years, our friend and colleague Jocelyn Star Feather has created Daniel's conversation with Jocelyn is titled It goes live on July 8! Through this podcast, we are bringing forward new and groundbreaking information, to guide you in profoundly shifting your understanding of reality and uplevelling your perception of what is possible for you and for humanity as a collective at this momentous time on our planet. |
Beginners Circle Call with Mary Kern and Shiva Faranpour |
As a Beginners Circle we focus on how this paradigm differs from other paradigms of astrology and our personal experiences on how these tenets guide us in ‘knowing thyself” with greater awareness of our gifts, challenges, and where we are at in the cycle of life and soul’s evolution. We specifically invite participants to watch the videos in the Introduction Course: Basics of Astrology (included with membership) and inquire about this content. Members Exclusive! for the call as well as all Beginners Circle recordings. Not yet a member, but would like to learn more? |
Cancer New Moon Members Call with Daniel Giamario |
each month and cover all the major astrological and astronomical events taking place during the current lunation cycle. Find access link and the archive of Not yet a member? Click HERE to learn more and Join Now! |
Venus and Mars Cycles: The Great Saga A Yearly Highlight Seminar on July 19 |
Thank you, First name / dear friend, for your participation and support of TOTAMS, a 501c(3) Educational Non-Profit. Any questions or inquiries? Our dedicated team is here to help! |
Consider a tax deductible donation to support TOTAMS and our mission: CLICK HERE |
TOTAMS Astrology Consultations Schedule a session today with one of our Certified TOTAMS Astrologers! |