Instagram launched their rival app to Twitter this week. And as with all new technology, I was not happy to learn something new, or add a new app to my phone. However, within the first hour I had ignored all my responsibilities and by the next morning that app became my entire personality. I've been refreshing my feed every 10 seconds, and I haven't felt this alive since FB status updates.
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Like an unhinged group chat, every time I open the app I feel like I'm part of a community--something that I think Instagram has been lacking for quite some time. If you're curious, you can check it out here.
Weekly fun fact you didn't ask for
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Weekly Community spotlight 
Sharing an oldie, but a goodie: your edible stories linked HERE. Warning, they will make you laugh so hard your side hurts.
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Takeaways from a podcast
Listened to an episode of On Purpose with Jay Shetty this week, and a portion of his interview stayed with me. Jay talked about the 3 cancers of the mind: complaining, comparing, and criticizing. 
“When we complain recurringly we lose control of the situation. When you're complaining you're basically saying I can't influence this. So when you lose influence you lose your ability to transform your life. 
When you compare, you're setting yourself up for failure because here's the thing..if you feel ahead of other people, you will always feel behind other people in both ways. So you're like I'm now feeling ahead of the pack, that means one day you will feel behind. If you're saying now I'm #1, one day you will feel like #2. So when we place these comparisons we think when we're at the top it will feel amazing. It won't because if you lived your life on comparison, even if you're at the top you're now insecure and unsettled because you're like what if I lose this spot? 
And then criticizing is probably the most obvious one out of all of them. I remember when we were kids, we would watch people on TV…me and my friends…and we'd laugh at like how's that person on TV? They're not even talented. Who are they? Who do they think they are? But what were we doing? We were just sitting on our couches. So I remember being that kid where we were just so critical of other people. And as time's gone on, I've realized but that person tried. They put themselves out there. Yes they maybe made mistakes. Ya they're probably not perfect but at least they put themselves out there whereas I'm just sitting on the couch criticizing.” 
Giveaway winner
And the winner is…
Allison Gagnon!
Email me to claim your L'or de Seraphine candle.
Tweets that made me giggle
This will soon turn into “threads”
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What you missed on Instagram 
You didn't miss anything this week, but look out for an outdoor project this weekend. Should be fun.
*thank you to everyone that always likes and comments on my posts, it helps me immensely, and I'm incredibly grateful.
Other things I loved this week
*This section contains affiliate links. That means, while it's the same price for you, I get a very small commission out of it that helps my family and me. 
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If you're new here, I love it when you respond to these emails. I feel less like a robot.
And if you missed last week's email, I've shared it HERE.
Merci Ktir <3
If you missed the meaning behind “Merci Ktir," click here.