English is my mother's third language. And while she speaks it very well, the direct translation from other languages has been pretty hilarious over the years.
 One day we were together at Home Depot and decided to part ways for a bit. A few minutes later I found her talking to one of the employees. She was asking for help with something, and the guy was trying his best to keep a straight face. As I got closer I could hear her repeating, “Rubbers! I am looking for rubbers."
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She didn't realize she was asking this poor guy for some condoms, and he had no idea how to respond. “OMG, no she's looking for those no slip furniture grippers,” I clarified. Thankfully they both erupted in laughter, as did the person behind us waiting to get help.
It wasn't as good as the time she told her doctor she swallows instead of she swells, but that's another story for another day.
Weekly fun fact you didn't ask for
Why does this remind me of that one Seinfeld episode?
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Weekly Community spotlight 
This week I asked, “Share a time a parent (or a relative) has embarrassed you.” Below are a few highlights, full list here.
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Stop keeping up w/ the Kardashians
I read a book by Steven Bartlett this week that I couldn't put it down. If you're not familiar with Steven, he's a British-Nigerian entrepreneur and podcaster (one of my fav podcasts). In the book he dismantles the most popular takes about happiness, and talks about why we're chasing the wrong things and asking the wrong questions. 
While the book has nothing to do with social media, there was one chapter (Stop Keeping up w/ the Kardashians) dedicated to it that resonated with me--especially as someone with a public platform who is constantly worried about using it irresponsibly. 
Steven shares a fictitious example of a young girl consuming influencer content, like that of Kylie Jenner, and how she's unaware that her bouts of depression and insecurity are coming from her social media consumption. She'll say she loves watching Kylie Jenner because it's fun without realizing the destructive mental cost of that “entertainment.” Following Kylie Jenner and 100's of seemingly fake perfect influencers like her, Steven argues, is an act of mental self harm.  He goes on to share the sobering statistic that over ⅓ of those seeking plastic surgery come with screenshots of pictures of filtered influencers they want to look like. He goes on to talk about the popular app Facetune and filters, and how destructive they've become. A direct quote below.
"Our timelines have become our libraries, and they're now one of the greatest influences over how we think and how we feel. Unfollow fake, negative, and uninspiring influencers and follow real, honest, and positive ones. Upgrade your library….Despite how entertaining it might be to observe someone's manufactured superiority in the short term, an unavoidable consequence of doing so in the long term is an increased chance of misery. Compare and despair syndrome and an inferiority complex so crippling it might tempt you to create and project onto others the same false flawlessness that caused you to feel so inadequate in the first place.
And not just online, block these people in real life….ignore the hustle porn gurus that sell you their get rich schemes on the same basis that Kylie sells hundreds of millions of dollars of cosmetics, i.e. that you are naturally inadequate. Make your content smaller, healthier, and more real. I mean this when I say it, it might just save your life."
On this note, sharing one of my most popular blog posts on this topic HERE.
A HUGE giveaway
Another generous small business to share, Decor Eighteen Hundred (website linked here), will be giving away 2, yes TWO, $200 gift cards for art. Like, WHATTT.
Two winners will win $200 gift cards to art!
Email me to enter, and the winners will be announced next week!
Tweets that made me giggle
This will soon turn into “threads”
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What you missed on Instagram 
*thank you to everyone that always likes and comments on my posts, it helps me immensely, and I'm incredibly grateful.
Other things I loved this week
*This section contains affiliate links. That means, while it's the same price for you, I get a very small commission out of it that helps my family and me. 
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And if you missed last week's email, I've shared it HERE.
Merci Ktir <3
If you missed the meaning behind “Merci Ktir," click here.