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Hello, First name / Lovely!
Yesterday, I answered THE question I get more than any other from my future students. If you missed it, you can check it out here! 👉 CLICK HERE
Today, I wanna chat about why I LOVE creating and adding a variety of different products to my digital planner shop! (spoiler - some of them aren't even digital planners)
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Did you know that only about half of the products in my digital planner shop are actually digital planners??
It's true!
I keep my shop stocked with notebooks, notepads, journals, and advent calendars too!
Here are just a few reasons why:
  1. Digital planners sell really great in some seasons - and not so great in others. If you've been in the planner biz world for any amount of time, you've probably noticed that there are certain times of year that people tend to buy planners - BUT the spring, early summer, mid-autumn? Oui, these times can be so dry! For this reason, I love creating products that keep selling in the off season too!
  2. Offering a lower priced product is a great way to introduce people to your shop and encourage repeat buyers! People who are brand new to digital planning might not be ready to pay full price for a quality planner! They're still testing the waters. So, I like to offer a variety of lower priced items that will allow them to ease their way in. Of course they're going to fall in love with digital planning, and when they do they're going to come back to my shop for my higher priced planners!
  3. I can create something a bit more unique. I have found that creating items like journals give me the to opportunity to allow my unique personality and creativity to shine through! Planners tend to be a bit more generic - but my journals can be about ANYTHING! I love creating prayer journals but you could also create a journal that focuses on mental health, self care, food/health, gratitude, productivity, dreams, travel, etc. - you get the picture!
  4. Sometimes I just get bored! Let's face it - even when we love something we can get a little tired of it. It's important that we give ourselves permission to play! I really enjoy designing my digital planners but when I find myself feeling uninspired, then I take a bit of time to create something completely new!
Do any of these scenarios ring true for you?? I thought so…
Did you know that right now you can grab The Digital Planner Template Bundle or The Digital Advent Calendar Template Bundle for 20% off!
Wanna learn a bit more? Keep reading for all the details!
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What exactly is this template bundle?
Want to add something new and fresh to your digital planner shop? Use this landscape-style digital journal to easily customize a beautiful 12 month journal using Apple Keynote (the desktop version for MAC) or Affinity Publisher 2 (for MAC and PC users).
What do you get?
  • Lifetime Access to All Content: Feel free to customize the templates at your own pace! You'll receive lifetime access to the journal templates, tutorials, and any future template bundle updates!
  • Digital Journal Templates: When you purchase this bundle you'll get a fully customizable, pre-made, landscape digital journal template for both Apple Keynote and Affinity Publisher V.2.
  • Step-by-Step Video Instructions: Whether you're using Apple Keynote or Affinity Publisher V.2, you'll get step-by-step video instructions teaching you how to customize your digital journal template.
  • Canva Templates: This course includes a number of Canva templates for creating your Etsy listing images, Pinterest marketing images, and social media posts.
  • Extended Commercial License: When you purchase this bundle, you'll receive an extended commercial license allowing you to sell your customized journals in your personal shop!
  • Private Online Community: You're not in this alone! With your purchase, you'll get exclusive access to the Cupcakes & Haystacks private online community.
What's the sale price?
This template bundle is typically $99 but you can grab it now for 20% OFF!
What software programs do you need?
To customize the included templates you will need either Apple Keynote or Affinity Publisher Version 2 (if you're using Affinity Publisher Version 1, you'll need to upgrade), and the free version of Canva!
⚠️ Psst - this course will NOT teach you how to create digital journals from scratch. If you'd like to learn how to create your own custom digital planners or journals from the ground up, you'll want to purchase the Digital Planner Design Course listed above!
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What exactly is this template bundle?
Use this PRE-DATED landscape-style digital advent calendar template bundle to easily customize a beautiful, holiday-inspired digital planner using Apple Keynote (the desktop version for MAC) or Affinity Publisher (for MAC and PC users), list it on Etsy, and market using your favorite social media platforms!
What do you get?
  • Lifetime Access to All Content: Feel free to customize the templates at your own pace! You'll receive lifetime access to the planner templates, tutorials, and any future template bundle updates!
  • Digital Advent Calendar Templates: When you purchase this bundle you'll get a fully customizable, digital advent calendar template for both Apple Keynote and Affinity Publisher.
  • Step-by-Step Video Instructions: Whether you're using Apple Keynote or Affinity Publisher, you'll get step-by-step video instructions teaching you how to customize your digital advent calendar template.
  • Canva Templates: This course includes a number of Canva templates for creating your Etsy listing images, Pinterest marketing images, and social media posts.
  • Extended Commercial License: When you purchase this bundle, you'll receive an extended commercial license allowing you to sell your customized advent calendars in your personal shop!
  • Private Online Community: You're not in this alone! With your purchase, you'll get exclusive access to the Cupcakes & Haystacks private online community.
What's the sale price?
This template bundle is typically $79 but you can grab it now for 20% OFF!
What software programs do you need?
To customize the included templates you will need either Apple Keynote or Affinity Publisher (Affinity Publisher Versions 1 & 2 will currently work), and the free version of Canva!
⚠️ Psst - this course will NOT teach you how to create digital advent calendars from scratch. If you'd like to learn how to create your own custom digital planners or journals from the ground up, you'll want to purchase the Digital Planner Design Course listed above!
Don't miss out on this fabulous sale - they don't come around often! 
All discounts will expire on July 30th at 11:59pm EST!
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