An extremely rare and unique visionary window is now open from July 20 - August 8. Its greatest expansion will be at the Aquarius Full Moon.
Paired with the eighth chakra Venus portal of “expanded awareness by intent”,
this is a unique window which has not happened since 1991.
It creates the space for a remarkable set of possibilities.
This article highlights these possibilities, including the shadow, the Sabian Symbol and Elias Lonsdale's Zodiac Oracle for the relevant degree of 10Aquarius.
The Perseid Meteor showers are always one of the best to observe, with a high number of meteors per hour at its peak! They began around July 14 and will culminate August 11-13, so you still have a bit of time to prepare for the real show! This year, the Moon will only be at around 10% illumination during the peak,
so given clear skies, we should have incredible conditions to see those meteors!
is a series of five 90-min Q&A sessions led by Daniel Giamario for a small group of students enrolled in Course 02: Tracking Transits and moving through the material together. Students must first be enrolled in the course to join this group experience!
In this extraordinary course, you’ll learn to affect profound personal transformation through the practical application of natal aspects and planetary transits.
Having recently seen the movie Oppenheimer which I found to be really excellent, I have been researching even more deeply into the paths of the 2012 and 2023 Annular Solar Eclipses. Both have Jupiter in Taurus, both enter the continental United States off the West Coast (Oregon and Northern California), and both cross over the same area of New Mexico. Furthermore, the tracks of both cross Los Alamos Laboratory, Roswell/NM, Corona/NM, Socorro/NM, and the Trinity Site. Corona (!) is the 1947 alleged UFO crash site. Additional crashes occurred near Socorro. Los Alamos is where the Manhattan Project developed the atomic bomb, and the Trinity site is where the first nuclear detonation occurred. UFO disclosure projects are heavily in the mainstream news now.
There are so many back stories here, many with esoteric implications. I have always felt that the eclipse paths are messages not to be ignored. Of course, our October 11-15 in-person Eclipse Gathering will include driving in the direction of Corona to experience the eclipse. This is one of the larger contexts to our coming together.
Though all of the cabins at Faywood Hot Springs have been booked, there continues to be plenty of RV and camping space available at this splendid resort. October is fast approaching, so consider now joining us to be part of our ceremonial observance and profound work with this auspicious portal. The healing waters of Faywood Hot Springs and a great stone circle are there to help with our work and invite us to play together in the embrace of powerful natural allies!
Join us October 11-15 as we soak and stargaze in the mineral pools, learn from and with each other, share of ourselves, deepen community, gather at the stone circle, and journey into the path of the 2023 Great American Annular Solar Eclipse!
The Fire Branch of TOTAMS focusses on the spiritual and philosophical foundations of our astrological paradigm and the purpose of our Mystery School. Recently the work of Rudolf Steiner has emerged with even more significance. As always Dane Rudhyar, C.G.Jung, and Sri Aurobindo have provided firm foundations. In addition, a mythic and philosophical overthrow of all forms of patriarchal astrology have been a central feature of this school and paradigm. The primacy of the individual, rather than the collective, is another core value. All of these and related themes are open for inquiry and discussion during this session.
You are invited to our new immersive 19-months virtual group journey:
Ceremonially Celebrating
the Venus Leo Synodic Overstory
beginning with a FREE PREVIEW on August 20!
In celebration of the third wave of our school we are thrilled to reintroduce Daniel’s teachings on the Venus cycle, the myth of Inanna and her journey into the underworld and beyond, in a deeply mystical and fully practical teaching.
Shiva Faranpour will be our lead facilitator, supported by a diverse Totams team.
Based on Daniel’s original research from 1996 which is freely available on our website, and many subsequent discoveries, this offering is designed to include both women and men - as Venus is equally the archetypal Feminine for women and men.
Venus and her elegant dance around the sun has been celebrated in different cultures since ancient times. The wisdom comes from surrendering and cooperating with the processes which are guiding us to our higher purpose. The story of Inanna, an ancient Sumerian myth, is describing Venus' relationship to the sun as experienced from the surface of our earth!
Celebrating The Venus Leo
Synodic Overstory
A Ceremonial Group Journey
withShiva Faranpour & The totams Team
We will be gathering in community at each visible Venus+Moon conjunction during her 19-months cycle, to learn, share and hold space for those who chose to use this practical knowledge to transform their beings, with the aid of Venus and her mysteries. Our intention is to create a group that will work with the entire 584-day Venus/Leo Overstory. We will have regular meetings at the morning and evening star Moon+Venus conjunctions, as well as during the Inanna Underworld and the Metamorphic Underworld gateways.
For the first 3 months these virtual gatherings will be open to all who wish to participate. Thereafter we will continue with those participants who truly wish to take part in this journey and take a deep dive into the Venus mysteries and her transformational powers. Meetings will include the astrology, astronomy, and mythic stories of each phase we encounter,
group sharing, and unique ceremonials for each gate/portal of Venus’s journey.
Whether you are in a Venus Return or not,
stay tuned for the FREE PREVIEW registration link coming soon and join the TOTAMS Venus Team for this deeply transformational journey!