My son turned 12 this week. And any time one of my kids has a birthday, someone asks if we plan on having more. NO. But what better day than today to tell the story of the doctor who performed my husband's vasectomy. This guy goes over the procedure, what to expect, recovery, and bla bla bla, who knows what else. But then, and like what the hell, he ends with, “It will feel the same, look the same, and even taste the same.”
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My husband was so weirded out by this guy, that once his instrument of pleasure was numbed, he was terrified the doctor was going to chop it off. Spoiler alert, he's fine. But I'm not here to confirm or deny the doctor's promises.
Weekly fun fact you didn't ask for
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Weekly Community spotlight 
I asked for your funniest/embarrassing sex stories. Some of you had me SCREAMING. Below is a highlight, and the full list is HERE.
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Are you living your eulogy or your resume?
I read this thought provoking article from 2013. Arianna Huffington asks, “Have you noticed that when people die, their eulogies celebrate life very differently from the way we define success in our everyday existence?”
The eulogy is the foundational document of our legacy, of how people remember us, of how we live on in the minds and hearts of others. And it is very telling what you don't hear in eulogies. You almost never hear things like: 
"Of course his crowning achievement was when he made senior vice president."
"What everybody loved most about her was how she ate lunch at her desk. Every day."
"He was proud that he never made it to one of his kid's Little League games because he always wanted to go over those figures one more time."
"She didn't have any real friends, but she had 600 Facebook friends, and she dealt with every email in her inbox every night."
"But he will live on, not in our hearts or memories, because we barely knew him, but in his PowerPoint slides, which were always meticulously prepared."
Anyone with a few smartphones and a full email inbox knows that it's easy to live while not being aware we're living. "I'm always relieved when someone is delivering a eulogy and I realize I'm listening to it," joked George Carlin. We may not be listening to our own eulogy, but we're actually writing it all the time, every day. The question is how much we're giving the eulogizer to work with.
So powerful.
Another small business giveaway!
Sine Cera Supply is our generous small business this week! Email me to enter. :)
3 winners will receive a gift box that includes their choice of one 12oz Classic candle and one 7oz Crystal candle + a premium matchbox.
Tweets/threads that made me giggle
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What you missed on Instagram 
*thank you to everyone that always likes and comments on my posts, it helps me immensely, and I'm incredibly grateful.
Other things I loved this week
*This section contains affiliate links. That means, while it's the same price for you, I get a very small commission out of it that helps my family and me. 
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And if you missed last week's email, I've shared it HERE.
Merci Ktir <3
If you missed the meaning behind “Merci Ktir," click here.