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The Current is a twice monthly informative and literary publication for Smith Mountain Lake and Southwestern VA. It is designed as a gentle read to make you smile, introduce you to people and places in the community, and encourage you to create a life you love. We are a reader-supported e-magazine.

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Image by: Kathleen Riordan

Sitting in my living room, admiring the view with a glass of summery Chardonnay in hand, I watch the boats awhile. Most are in a hurry, but a few take the time to stop and smell the proverbial roses as they float on by.
I almost take it for granted now. Being within sight of water, I mean. It has always been such a calming presence in my life. A balm. A respite. A teacher. A friend. Grateful today for this place in which we are so lucky to live. 
Our beautiful mountains. 
Our beautiful lake.

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A shop.
One that showcases wines from around the world with a sense of presence - and place. 
A collection of vintages shaped fully by the terroir in which they are grown… not by the demands of mass production.
That dream is what Ryan McFeely has recently brought to life at SML Fine Wines in Westlake Village. But the seed of that dream was planted many years before as young Ryan found himself working as a waiter at an elegant dining establishment in Baltimore, MD. He climbed his way up through the ranks to Maitre d'Hotel and credits much of his success to Head Chef Cindy Wolf. She and her business partner, Tony Foreman, took him under their wing as they observed his interest and aptitude for soaking in the finer points of the service industry. Amazing opportunities to further his education through wine selection trips with the business duo connected him to the concept that was to become his passion: not simply knowing a wine, but knowing the people, the history, and the very soil from whence it came. 
His own path of exploration eventually grew into serving as a guide alongside other's oenophile journeys. Something he particularly enjoys to this day is providing folks with the chance to experience the same pour in different styles of glassware, and noticing just how much it can change the nuances that are perceived. 
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As life went on, Ryan moved down to Florida and shifted his focus from restaurant service to the distribution side of the industry. During this phase of his career, he was thrilled to be able to study under one of the few female Master Sommeliers in America: Laura DePasquale. He established a new division for his distributor and tested his wings in the business world of wine. Little did he know that just down the road lay a chance to open his own shop which would utilize both chapters of his career so perfectly.
Enter 2023: Ryan and his family relocate to Virginia. 
The draw of generational roots, a rich community life, educational opportunities, and room for their children to enjoy the simple beauty of growing up in a more rural setting landed them here at Smith Mountain Lake. Moving to a new area also seemed like the right time to make the jump to business ownership.
When asked about the shop, Ryan lights up with all the possibilities of what he hopes to offer to the SML wine community! Regular Friday afternoon tastings, educational classes in the intimate living-room-esque learning area (which will be capped at eight participants to ensure a rich experience for all), and local delivery are just a few of the things he will be adding before the end of the year.
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I was curious if there was a new trend or genre that he is particularly interested in, and his reply was that "Grower's Champagne", where small vineyards have cultivated the same vines/land for generations, is a world that has only recently become more accessible. He's excited to share this outside-your-typical-mainstream-bubbly experience with his customers.
It's clear that McFeely has found his sweet spot. A place where he can share his long-acquired knowledge about the fruit of the vine with those who love to learn. Nothing is more thrilling for him than watching other people's excitement when they try a brilliant pairing for the first time!
In addition to what is carefully curated in-store, Ryan also welcomes special-order requests.
SML Fine Wines: 
Bringing the community together one bottle at a time.
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At time of publication, hours are:
Tuesday-Saturday 10am-6pm
Free tastings are held:
Fridays from 4-6pm

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Local Theatre
If you enjoy an evening of live performance featuring hometown talent, here's a quick round-up of what you can find on stage in the coming months!

"Mindfulness arises when you allow your attention to fall effortlessly on the breathing point like an autumn leaf falling on a lake of still water."
-Amit Ray

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Image by: Sean Reed

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Tastes of The Season

Longtime readers know of my intense adoration for fall. I know there are some fellow-autumn-lovers amongst you, so I've been scouting out a few places around the lake where you can get your pumpkin-y, apple-y, cozy-spice-y fix whenever it happens to strike!  
Maybe you're in the mood for something to drink? Head on over to Westlake Coffee and Cafe (Westlake C&C) for a Maple Latte (my personal fav) or a Caramel Pecan Coffee. Do your errands take you over by the Bridge? Well then Smith Mountain Lake Coffee House (SMLCH) has you covered with their delicious Pumpkin Spice Lattes.  
Looking for breakfast? You'll find the perfect NY Style Pumpkin Crunch Bagel with a Pumpkin Spice Cream Cheese Schmear over at The Bagel & I!
Craving a treat? Here at the lake, there is something to satisfy your sweet tooth on nearly every corner! Mia's Sweet Factory (new location on Scruggs Rd.) has a robust fall line-up that includes Pumpkin Swirl Cake, Apple Turnovers, Pumpkin Cheese Danish, and more! If it's a cheesecake you're hankering for, SMLCH might be your best pick with their wonderful assortment of all the usual autumnal suspects - oh, and don't forget to pick up a Pumpkin Scone while you're there. For pastries, Westlake C&C is where you'll find Pumpkin and Chocolate Croissants, Caramel Apple Croissants, Pumpkin Spice Donuts, and *pause for dramatic effect*, Maple Bacon Donuts. 
Be still my salty-sweet-maple-lovin'-heart!
Now if your taste buds have gone cozy, but you're not really into the whole pumpkin spice scene, The Wandering Waffle is going to be your new favorite stop this season. Dinorah is whipping up some Old-World-inspired fallish delights that will have you licking your fingers and heading back for more!
Perhaps your seasonal craving is more home-centered? There's no easier way to scratch that itch than through fragrance! I love Morgan Creek Candles' Fall Collection and have "Nutty Pumpkin Waffles" simmering in my tart burner as we speak. Sidenote: candles and wax melts always make great gifts.
Speaking of gifts, the Fudge Shop in Gifts Ahoy has some yummy-sounding flavors that are making their way into the rotation. You'll find Pumpkin Spice, Carrot Cake, and Cinnamon Bun (just to name a few) tempting you from behind the counter this month.
In sum, there is no lack of warm sensory goodness to be found this September. So, get out there and partake of the local tastes of fall!
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Image by: Patti Black

It's  Apple Time!

Are you looking for u-pick apple orchards within a few hours of the lake? Check out the list we compiled last year on The Current's blog:
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Texas Hold'em Benefit
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Realtor and Rotary Member of Smith Mountain Lake, Charlene Jones, loves Texas Hold'em. In fact, on Thursday evenings you can often find her playing a few hands with fellow enthusiasts at Hot Shots Grill and Bar. One day, while attending a charity tournament that was held in memory of a local player, she was inspired to start her own fundraising event involving one of her favorite games.
Now in its fourth year, the SML Rotary Club's Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament benefits Staunton River, Franklin County, and SMLCA High Schools by providing scholarships to deserving students. A total of seven scholarships were awarded last year and the candidates are interviewed and chosen based on GPA, community involvement, work experience, need, and various other criteria.
The 2023 Tournament will be held on:
Saturday, September 30th at Hot Shots Grill
11:00am: Player's Lunch | 12:00pm: Play Begins
Registration is $50 and forms can be picked up at the Remax Lakefront Realty office (across from Bridgewater Plaza). Alternatively, forms will be available to fill out and turn in to either Charlene, or Don Bull at Hot Shots during a Thursday game night.
The registration deadline is September 21st, and this event has always sold out, so don't delay!
For more information call Charlene at:
If you are interested in attending the regular Texas Hold'em nights at Hot Shots, they are open to the public (with no entry fee) every Thursday at 6:00pm. These gatherings offer a very welcoming and supportive atmosphere with a good representation of both men and women. No experience is required.

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Image by: Sean Reed


I felt the shift so tangibly this morning, and it sent a massive thrill straight to the heart of my autumn loving soul.
Donning a hoodie for the first time in months, I headed outdoors just as the sun was rising to tend to some flower garden chores and then head out for my morning walk. The air was crystal-clear as it teased a stand of goosebumps onto my skin and filled my lungs with the most restorative breath I remember having taken in ages. 
The cicadas seemed to stay in bed a little longer than usual…stunned into silence by the crisp dew.
The birds, however, were flitting around and singing in delight. The garden seemed to have been inoculated with a shot of renewed vim and vigor. The leaves, like me, were reveling in this respite from the oppressive heat.
As Mother Nature slowly tiptoes toward the harvest season, I follow her lead with a well-placed pumpkin here, some apple-scented hand wash there… Tomorrow I'll dig out the flannel sheet sets to air and will stir together a Cider Logger for Happy Hour on the weekend. Needing to replace the spent summer flowers, I'll fill an urn on the porch with new plantings in the same rich hues as the changing trees.
Bidding summer goodbye with grace and gratitude.
Until next time…

Be well,
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