This month, Daniel is joined by TOTAMS council member Khar Wei Lee to discuss the final phase of Mars before entering the exterior underworld on September 30. This is an important phase in the currently unfolding Mars synodic overstory of Gemini.
Mars in the sign of Libra will be passing by some of the most significant stars of the Priestess Constellation, including Zaniah, Vindemiatrix, Porrima, and then descending with Spica. All of these stars have powerful connections with the mythic and historic sacred feminine. Daniel and Khar Wei will dive deep into how these stars can inform Mars as he prepares for his surrender and initiation in the underworld.
This video blog also has an important part to play in our Journey of Inanna Revisioned immersive group experience. The opportunity to join is still available!
This month's Group Mentoring is all about Chiron. This includes the TOTAMS view of Chiron and how it can be applied to chart complexes and transits. An important topic is the Chiron return. Also explored will be the 5th Chiron Return to the US chart as well as possible implications of the April 8, 2024, Chiron Total Solar Eclipse.
Group Mentoring calls are open to all who are interested
and particularly useful to students of TOTAMS Astrology wishing to
keep up to date with the latest developments in the paradigm.
They provide an outstanding personalized opportunity to enhance understanding and skills in various aspects of chart analysis. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and can share chart data in order to receive direct feedback from the founder and other participants.
$ 20 only
Free for Premium Members, Basic Members receive 50% discount
This seminar explores how the astrology of TOTAMS and the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™ views Venus and Mars. This understanding provides the foundation for experiencing the Inner Sacred Marriage. The Inner Sacred Marriage process is a spiritual and psychological approach to gain inner wholeness and is one of the main teachings of the Turning of the Ages Mystery School. Join TOTAMS Founder Daniel Giamario and long-time council member Mary Kern, to explore all things Venus and Mars, and these planets’ crucial function in understanding our relationships and the development of inner wholeness.
Two eclipses, both of which can be called a Great American Eclipse will happen in the next two eclipse seasons. On October 14, 2023, there is an Annular (ring) Eclipse at 21Libra08. Then, on April 8, 2024, at19Aries24, there is a Total Solar Eclipse of over four minutes duration. Both cross the continental United States, and, in an astonishing criss-cross pattern, weave paths also connected to the Annular Eclipse of June 20, 2012, and the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017. We will discuss the ramifications of this for the United States chart, as well as individual chart applications. All things about eclipses will be considered. Our special inquiry pertains to the possible significance of the eclipse paths themselves. The cosmological and historical events of the six converging timelines at the Great Turning of the Ages as well as the Lunar Standstill season
3. When is the next Annular Solar Eclipse crossing the USA?
4. What are the four branches of TOTAMS?
5. What is the title of Daniel Giamario's latest YouTube vlog?
Winners will be drawn LIVE during the Equinox Seminars on Sept 21/22.
Winners will be notified by email.
Current Basic Members who win will be upgraded to Premium Membership for one year or may transfer their prize to a person of choice!
Faywood Hot Springs Eclipse Gathering
Final Update
The Eclipse Gathering at Faywood Hot Springs in New Mexico is now less than a month away. Although all cabins are fully booked, marvelous camping and RV space is still available in plenty.
On Friday, October 13, several talks will be offered by Daniel Giamario, covering Eclipses, The Lunar Nodes, The history of The Mimbres Valley Area, and The Esoteric History of The Eclipse Track over Los Alamos, Corona, Socorro, Aztec, Roswell, and the Trinity site.
A day pass will be made available for this day!
This TOTAMS Eclipse Gathering also includes evenings under dark skies at the large stone circle at Faywood Hot Springs, as well as ample time to soak in one of the greatest hot springs in the world!
On October 14, we journey together to the eclipse center line.
A day-by-day narrative has been added to the event page.
The Turning of the Ages Mystery School has slowly been creating more in-person events. These gatherings and classes have always been a central feature of the school, only interrupted by the 2020 global happenings.
Our all-school gathering in Oracle/AZ this past April was a great success, and October 11-15 we will have an Eclipse Gathering at Faywood Hot Springs in New Mexico. Now we are excited to announce yet another opportunity to meet, learn and commune in person:
Solar Eclipse Event and Live Course 05
Bainbridge/Ohio, April 6-12 2024
The group will be limited to 22 participants and the event includes two important features:
1. We will convene near the center line of the great Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024. Our venue is in close proximity of many ancient mound structures and just minutes from Serpent Mound.
Mound researcher and TOTAMS Astrologer Vivian Hurley will be our tour guide.
2. We are offering an in-person course valid towards certification: Course 05 “The Overstory: Cycles of the Inner Planets” (formerly called “Living Wisdom of the Inner Planets - The Synodic Cycles”).
As it has been many years since we have done so, there have been numerous requests to have this course again presented in-person.