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A throwback to 2016 (!) with Client D. at their Wildest Dreams session. 
Hi friend,
Over in the Body Liberation Blanket Fort, we've added some new emotes to cheer each other on, created a new #fatshion (clothing and fashion centered on larger bodies) channel and are reveling in glorifying o*sity with the new-ish #glorifying-fatness channel.
Also, I finally had a chance to redo the photography session page on my website and it looks SO MUCH better.
This week continues our series on why fat people are so hated. 
This time, we're looking at profit. Who profits when fat people are considered second-class humans?
The diet industry. Worth $72 billion in 2020, the diet industry is one of the obvious culprits in this list. They still haven’t figured out how to make fat people thin; it’s a scam. I’ve talked quite a bit about the diet industry and its ramifications.
Other industries. From the beauty industry to the wellness industry, dozens of major industries reap the financial rewards of people feeling bad about their bodies. The healthcare industry isn’t exempt, either; the bariatric surgery market alone is worth around $2 billion. (Funny how with all that profit, they can’t seem to reliably make fat people thin, either.)
Individuals. Every individual who makes money from enforcing the body hierarchy is responsible for upholding and increasing the oppression of fat folks. 
(You don’t have to be malicious to uphold oppression, by the way, but the impact you make means more than your intent.) 
These folks include, but aren’t limited to:
  • Beachbody coaches, people who sell skinny tea, and every other diet, “body transformation,” “health coaching” and weight loss peddler out there
  • Personal trainers who focus on or promise weight loss
  • Influencers who build audiences on body positivity and then sell those audiences diets and weight-loss products
  • Anyone who makes money telling you that your body is the wrong shape or size (and how you can pay them to change it)
P.S. Share this week's letter or save to read later here

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The Conversation

Here's what's being discussed this week in the world of body acceptance and fat liberation:
» Allyship opportunity: TBB+YOU Campaign: Shaping the future of Two Big Blondes (read)
» "Trauma and Eating Disorders: A Course for Dietitians" is now open (see)
» The Utter Ridiculousness of the 5-10% Weight Loss Recommendation (read)
» “Two days ago, it occurred to me that this advice to limit distractions so kids can eat just until they’re full and immediately stop is classic women’s magazine advice.” (read)
» How Understanding Racism And Diet Culture Will Cultivate Joy (listen)
» Some Seattle doctors are ditching the scale. They say focusing on weight drives misdiagnoses (read)
🦄 Unicorn chaser: Upon closer inspection I realized it was a fairy garden with a little note about the 4 year old girl who felt lonely in quarantine and wanted to spread some cheer (read)

"I wasn't intrinsically without value, I was just doomed to live in a culture that hated me." » Shrill, Lindy West

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