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Hi friend,
This week, let's look at a final cause of fat hatred: tradition.
Sometimes we play out toxic patterns because it’s all we know, generation after generation. 
A friend recently told me a traumatic story about watching The Biggest Loser with her mother, who would use the show as a bonding experience with her adolescent fat daughter, discussing all the ways both of their bodies were unacceptable and fantasizing about doing extreme diets or even competing on the show together. 
Her mother’s own mother likely taught her to hate her body, and so on up through generations.
This generational trauma is no joke. 
“For people with historical trauma, the transmission of their trauma to their children is unintentional but stems from their own pain which has not been dealt with. Unwanted behaviors, such as eating disorders or addictions, may have their roots in this intergenerational trauma, which creates a vicious cycle of unprocessed grief and shame leading to unwanted behaviors, which only cause more pain, guilt, and shame.
 But the good news is that we possess the power to change when we are willing to address these painful memories and move from surviving to thriving.”
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The Conversation

Here's what's being discussed this week in the world of body acceptance and fat liberation:
» COVID Vaccine Needle Size Matters—So Why Aren’t We Hearing More About It? (read)
» Weight stigma kills. Anti fat bias kills. It needs to stop. (read)
» Changing the Narrative: Why Representation in Video Games Matters (read)
» #ShowTHEM Burlesque Basics registration open (Seattle, WA)
» Providers + all fat folks: The Fat Positive Practice Collective is open (more)
🦄 Unicorn chaser: one of my favourite things about bears is that their body language is written in giant straggling first grade crayon letters (watch)

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