Hi Friends! 
If you have been thinking of working with me, I've got good news! I currently have 3 spaces open for Mentorship beginning in January of 2024. 
My mission as a Mentor is to assist creative professionals like you in honing your craft, cultivating your genius, and achieving success and fulfillment in your work.  I guide you towards infusing ease, collaboration, and freedom into your creative process and artistry, enabling you to work smarter, not harder.
Drawing upon my extensive 25 year career as a creative professional, along with my background as a former licensed psychotherapist, entrepreneur, author, and Human Design guide, I've developed a holistic approach specifically tailored to creative professionals. By integrating Human Design and Energy Work, I empower you to cultivate a productive and inventive creative process, resulting in groundbreaking ideas, competitive products, and original concepts in the marketplace.
Through my guidance, you'll unlock your full creative potential, overcome obstacles that impede your flow, make aligned decisions in both your creative process and business, tap into an endless well of genius, all while experiencing greater ease and purpose than ever before.
Wondering if you are a creative professional? 
While my clients come from various professions, they all share a common creative trait - they approach their work through the lens of curiosity and imagination. Some of the professionals I've had the privilege to work with include:
  • Physicians and nurses
  • Actors
  • Writers
  • Creative Directors
  • Graphic Designers
  • Metalsmiths and jewelry designers
  • Hair stylists
  • Psychologists
  • Lawyers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Fine artists
  • Corporate executives
  • UX Designers
  • Publishing professionals
  • Coaches
  • Musicians
  • Video Game designers
  • Acupuncturists
If you are ready for a truly transformative experience hit the button below to schedule an intro session to see if we are a mentorship match. 
There is so much content. 
Not only is there content, but there is the push for creatives to produce content. 
And content is not necessarily creation. 
Energy invested in creating content is often borrowed from energy available for whatever it is that we actually create. 
While content can be aesthetically pleasing, engaging, or thought-provoking, it seldom catalyzes tangible change. Interestingly enough, this makes content an ideal shelter for those who lack a genuine interest in taking meaningful action. 
There are many who are much more comfortable with thinking they are changing rather than actually changing. And I get it. Change is hard. But also, change, transformation and evolution are kind of why we are here.
In the realm of Human Design, content manifests as text or images meticulously detailing information about Energy Types, Strategy, Authority, and more. While this can be useful as a reminder, or a starting place, this content is akin to collecting baseball cards—captivating to acquire but unrelated to actually playing the game. 
The distinction lies in context. 
Context is the missing link that the creatives behind the content provide—a pathway to transformation. Accumulating information on Human Design, vegan recipes, or inspirational quotes is akin to collecting, yet without context, it becomes a stagnant reservoir, fostering a population content with inaction.
Content alone does not propel change. Reading an inspirational quote about relaxation is content; actively engaging in relaxation is context. Reaching the point of context often necessitates assistance, whether in the form of instruction, clarification, or guidance. Skill building demands effort and is contingent on context, whereas content demands nothing.
As we approach the year's end, the influx of content promoting fresh starts, planning, and beginning the year on a positive note is inevitable. While absorbing this content is certainly valuable, it's crucial to recognize that simply taking in 7 seconds of information about an interest doesn’t make you that thing.  Reading a book about how to rock climb does not make you a rock climber. Consuming content, whether through books or visually appealing slides, doesn't substitute for the actual work. And that's okay—not everyone aspires to undertake the work, not everyone desires change, and not everyone is capable of change.
But if you are interested in actual transformation, a deeper understanding, gaining a new skill or ability know that content alone will let you down. It is in the context that change and learning occur. 
Yes, the content might bring you in, but it will not change you. 
And depending upon who you are, that might be exactly what you want. 
Gate of the Egoist
The energy of the New Moon beckons us to delve into the depths of our intentions, urging a focused commitment to nurturing the aspects we hope to see flourish and expand in our lives.
In this fresh lunar phase set in Sagittarius, accompanied by Gate 26, the Gate of the Egoist, we embark on a transformative cycle. It begins with the crucial task of acknowledging our worthiness, havingness, and cultivating a brighter future within our community. This lunar journey promises profound revelations and the emergence of newfound wisdom, encouraging us to trust our intuitive knowledge, even when its source eludes precise definition.
Self-nurturing becomes a cornerstone during this lunar cycle, amplifying our capacity for contribution. As we embrace these shifts, the energy of GATE 26 undergoes a profound transformation. It evolves into a catalyst for positive personal growth, serving as a guiding light for collective impact that reverberates through the interconnected web of human experience. This transit transcends being merely a celestial event; it unfolds as a holistic metamorphosis, aligning our energies with the harmonious symphony of a more abundant future for all.
The New Moon in Sagittarius, positioned in the mutable fire sign and illuminating the 9th House, prompts reflection on our ideas and beliefs. With Jupiter as its ruler, Sagittarius's energies evoke powerful themes of truth-seeking, faith, beliefs, and profound abundance. This moment invites introspection to examine our beliefs regarding worthiness, abundance, and havingness, discerning which beliefs are ready for release.
Welcome this New Moon as an opportunity to focus on innate wisdom, exploring how it can be illuminated to facilitate personal growth and contribute to the collective. The Moon assures us that, with synchronized energy and steadfast commitment, substantial expansion awaits when the timing aligns.
Journaling Prompts for this New Moon:
1. What beliefs or self-perceptions hinder your sense of worth, and how can you actively work to release them? 
2. In the spirit of Sagittarius's truth-seeking energy, examine your core beliefs. Which beliefs serve your growth, and which might be limiting your potential? Consider ways to align your beliefs with your aspirations.? 
3. Consider the role of community in your life. How can you contribute positively to your community, and in what ways can your personal growth benefit the collective during this lunar cycle? 
4.ontemplate the idea of abundance. How do you define abundance in your life, and what practices can you incorporate to enhance your sense of abundance in various aspects, be it relationships, career, or personal growth? 
May you welcome this lunar phase with open hearts, focusing on the illumination of your inner wisdom. As you engage with the journaling prompts set forth on a journey of self-discovery and personal transformation. The promise of substantial expansion awaits you, and you are poised to share your insights with the world when the time aligns. This New Moon encourages you to trust in your inner wisdom and embark on a path of growth and self-realization. 

Gate 11
Gate of Ideas
On December 15, the sun gracefully traverses GATE 11, known as the GATE of IDEAS. During this celestial transit, you're invited to embark on a deeply introspective voyage of self-discovery. GATE 11 offers a profound opportunity to delve into your inner realm, particularly focusing on creating space to nurture your imagination and contemplation. 
Human Design Gate 11 channels energy into inner contemplation through visualization, serving as a catalyst for self-reflection. It introduces both itself and others to profound ideas, recognizing the crucial role of timing in delivering powerful insights.
Conversely, Gate 11 may manifest as an energy fostering an overactive imagination, leading to heightened anxiety and fear. Additionally, there's a tendency to experience burnout from attempting to act on every idea that arises.
A key strategy for raising the frequency of Gate 11 involves creating ample time and space for active imagination and contemplation. This intentional approach is crucial for fostering a positive and balanced expression of the energy associated with this gate.
This transit encourages you to engage in the process of organizing and overseeing the myriad ideas and inspiration you possess. To cultivate trust in the notion that your authentic ideas will manifest in actionable ways. Gate 11 asks that you recognize your self-worth, appreciating both yourself and the ideas you harbor, and patiently await the opportune moment to share these ideas with the right individuals.
Here are some journaling prompts to deepen your understanding and engagement with this transit:
1. Reflect on the current state of your creative ideas and inspirations. What methods or systems can you implement to effectively organize and manage the multitude of thoughts you possess?
2. Delve into the theme of self-worth. In what ways can you deepen your appreciation for your own value? Consider how acknowledging your self-worth impacts your creative ideas and their potential impact.
3. Take stock of the ideas you currently hold. Are there specific ideas that resonate strongly with you? How can you honor and prioritize these ideas in your creative pursuits?
4. Visualize the ideal scenario for sharing your ideas with the right individuals. What kind of impact do you envision your ideas having on others? Explore ways to align your intentions with the potential outcomes of sharing your creative insights.
During this transit, focus on organizing and managing your abundant ideas while fostering trust in their potential manifestation. Recognize and amplify your self-worth, valuing both yourself and the creative insights you hold. Practice patience as you await the opportune moment to share these ideas, envisioning their positive impact on the right individuals.
Do you know about Tapping? It can be an effective addition to energy work and nervous system regulation. Many of my Mentorship clients include Tapping as part of their daily ritual. You can learn more about Tapping and how to do it below.
And of course hit the button below with your questions!
EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping Prompt for this transit.
“Even though I have so many ideas, I now trust that I will know exactly what action to take and when to take it, and I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
Have a great week exploring these transits! Ready to learn more about your Human Design? Hit the buttons below to schedule a reading with me and download the free Human Design information sheets to learn more!
Welcome to a new little Newsletter feature. Twice a month I will be sharing quotes from the books, Art is the Highest Form of Hope and The Creative Act. I find perspectives on the creative process to be so meta when it comes to life. We are a creative process and everything we do is subject to the same rules. Creation is non-linear. It's messy. It moves forward and backward. And also gets stuck. Oftentimes we do not realize the purpose of a singular creative process until years later. Creativity likes to surprise us. 
“I want a picture to seem as if it had grown naturally, like a flower; I hate the look of interventions-of the painter always butting in.” Willem De Kooning
As a creative, it is challenging to reach a state of flow - of stepping aside, minimizing the intervention - without neutrality. (I'm working on a longer essay about the importance of neutrality so more on this later), but for now neutrality, as boring as it may seem is one of the surest signs of clarity and health. Neutrality allows the artist space to experience a broader perspective. And I believe it is in this perspective that the artist can trust. Step aside and listen. It is in the listening where the so called magic of the creative process resides. 
When we are skill building as creatives, under all the exercises, assignments, prompts, what we are essentially teaching ourselves to do is listen. The nature of the assignment is irrelevant. What creates change, what shifts the way we think and create is in the listening. 
Neutrality creates space to listen. to listen with clarity. Without bias. To step aside, give up control and be in response. Creativity from a reactive space is difficult to sustain. Reactivity of all kinds creates burnout. Neutrality is the anecdote. 
Are you a teacher? Do you manage an in person or online classroom of children or adults? I'm looking for you! I'm putting together a short educational series (Three-Four 60 minute Zoom sessions) for teachers so that I can learn more about the impact of energy work on groups and leadership. I will be leading participants through a series of short energy meditations and exercises designed to create a more stable environment that is more conducive to learning. I firmly believe that what happens in the classroom begins with the teacher being cared for. And let's face it, that's just not happening!
At minimum you'll walk away with quick and easy ways to experience energetic sovereignty and neutrality yourself and set up your classroom to foster these qualities. I require a fee of $25 for each participant to cover administrative costs. Everything else is free of cost to you.
I ask that participants are open to and interested in energy work, and meditation and arrive coachable - meaning open to implementing what you learn. You will also be asked to complete a short questionnaires during and after the series.  Along with provide a testimonial and feedback about your experience. If you are interested, please hit the button below. Space is very limited to just a handful of participants so get on it! 

Speak soon, Friend!

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