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Tips for creating a caring & lively world, 3-5 neighbors at a time.
Forget resolutions. Set intentions.
Happy New Year, y'all!
I hope that you're well rested and ready to rock ‘n’ roll in 2024, which is an infinity year!
2+0+2+4 = 8. 
8 on its side is infinity.
This is the year to think bigger.
But not to make big resolutions that don't stick, but to set big, clear intentions.
We place clear orders at restaurants to get meals we prefer.
Setting clear intentions starts the process of getting what we prefer out of life.
There are layers to this, but at a very basic level, clear intentions shift our focus.
Before buying my Toyota Yaris, I only saw one on the road. That changed once I got it. But that didn't happen because of a surge in Yaris production, but because my eyes could pick them out easily once they were top of mind. 
Clear intentions help us see opportunities we might have otherwise missed. 
Here's some guidance on how to set them:
1. Write intentions in the present tense, as if you're already living them.
2. Start your statements with “I am" for the biggest bang for your buck.
3. Let go of limits. 
Here are some examples:
I am having so much fun getting to know my neighbors.
I am sleeping like a baby and waking up refreshed.
I am completing my best-selling book. 
This year, I intend to grow my mailing list. When first thinking about this, I was aiming for 1000 new readers. But why limit myself to 1000 if I can have more?
Also, I can make many things happen by wearing myself out with work hard. Uh, not my thing anymore. Here's what I intend instead: 
 “I am getting more subscribers having fun than I ever thought possible!" 
Oh, that reminds me of something important:
Write intentions that make you FEEL something. 
I'll talk more about feeling later, but FEELING IS THE SECRET. There's a book by that title by mystic Neville Goddard if you care to dive into the topic before I discuss it. 
For now, the main thing to know is that the secret to living your dreams is to…
Live in the feeling of the wish fulfilled.
It's that simple, though it's not always EASY when we're sick, tired, stressed out... 
I'll close with this: 
There are different schools of thought when it comes to setting intentions: Folks who suggest reading (and even writing out) our intentions often, and those who suggest putting our list of intentions away for a year and seeing how far we got.
I'm a member of the first camp. The more we revisit our wishes, the more they stay in our awareness. To delight yourself the most, remember to set intentions related to work, community / relationships, health, wealth and anything else that you desire. 
After that, follow the bread crumbs: excitement, great ideas, curiosity, flashes of inspiration, vision, intuition, hunches…even if you can't see how they relate to anything. Do what you feel drawn to do and witness how life ties it together.
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Scientist turned storyteller, caregiver & creator of Tiny Village Project