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As above so below
As in skateboarding so in life
My daughter is a hummingbird who pushes up against the boundaries of readiness. 
When it was time for preschool, my husband and I carefully selected a Waldorf inspired school that was cozy, gentle and afforded lots of time for imaginative play and the great outdoors. We imagined her having space to draw and paint, play with puppets and visit the local creek for a daily walk, rain or shine. 
I deeply align with Steiner (the Austrian scientist behind Waldorf style education) when it comes to matching where children are in development with physical tasks. It’s genius to have adolescents who so desperately need to push up against something to be engaged in the act of woodworking, hammering nails into wood and creating their own worlds through the manipulation of hard materials. It’s so damn smart, as it integrates the physical with the intellectual and the spiritual all under the lens of development. I was excited for all the wonders that awaited my daughter within the walls of a Waldorf education. We thought not only would it work for preschool, but it would work as she got older too. We never really imagined anything else for her. 
Looking back now, if there is one lesson from parenting that smacks you in the face over and over again is that everything changes, even the best laid plans can fail in the most spectacular of ways, and once you get close to figuring out whatever it is you are struggling to figure out, it will change. Again. And your task will be to navigate yet another set of choppy seas. 
Not only was my daughter not happy at a Waldorf school, but she led the way in wanting out. Who could have guessed that at two and a half she would want to read and write and be endlessly aggravated at why that wasn’t happening at school. “I’m done making muffins,” she said. When we told her that is it common for Waldorf classrooms not to emphasize reading and writing until age 6 or 7, she made it clear she wanted out. So for the first of many times, she took sovereignty over the path of her education.  
At two and a half. My husband and I must be bonkers. 
This push for being ready long before it is formally called upon her hasn’t changed. At 13, she begins a class at the local community college next week because she’s super into Political Science and well, it’s hard to find a Poly Sci course for middle schoolers. So once again she led the way. 
Who knows how this will go, but isn't it nice for kids to take big steps and have systems acknowledge where they are at and take chances on them. I wish this happened more often. 
Along with diving deep into Poly Sci, she also wants to get a job. Today. And not any job, but a much coveted spot behind the build table at our local skate shop. And this just simply cannot happen. To work at the shop she needs to be at least 15, so she’s got some time to wait this out. Waiting can be a good thing, although it seldom seems as such for teenagers. Or the waiting is a lesson that they really aren’t interested in, but desperately need. That kind of thing. So while she is waiting she’s immersed herself in how to build a custom complete. 
A “complete” is a full skateboard. One with all the necessary parts to hop on and roll away. A deck, trucks, wheels, bearings, grip tape, are the basics. You can purchase a ready made complete from most skate shops, my first board was a ready made complete and ready mades are a nice way to try out skateboarding without getting overwhelmed by all the various specific components and offerings. One skateboard can vary quite a bit from another with different wheels, bearings and trucks. Decks come in different widths, shapes, types of wood. These differences impact the way they handle. 
Skateboarding is like anything else. If you want to get swept away in the minutiae, you totally can. It reminds me a bit of all the variations in phonographic equipment. Some folks are good with a basic turntable and then there are those who swear by a specific needle and set of extras that enhance their experience. 
The building of a custom complete is a skill. There’s a lot of little things to learn. What truck sizes fit which board widths best, what wheels are best for different surfaces and speeds and deck sizes. Hollow trucks, titanium trucks, ceramic bearings, it goes on and on. And then there’s laying the grip tape. Ooof. That’s a beast. 
As we have both been learning together, mostly through multiple grip tape failures,  it occurred to me how interesting it is that out of all endeavors, skateboarding uses the word “complete” for anything. As a pursuit, skateboarding is a beacon for those of us hummingbirds who kind of love always being green. A feeling of incompleteness. That there is always more to learn, further to go, a refinement that requires more study, skill, attention. 
Skateboarding is anything but complete and once you do get a sense of completion, there is always more to learn. And when there is nothing left to learn, there is an invitation to create something entirely new that no one has done before. If you are ever looking to be a finalized expert or an established authority in something, do not try skateboarding. It will only let you down. You will never, ever be finished. 
This amuses me greatly. The idea of something built upon being forever incomplete offering a single version of something complete. Just one thing. It’s kind of funny. Also freeing in a way. 
I enjoy how through a “complete” this single act of completeness gets the notion immediately out of the way. Here’s something complete. That’s all you’ll ever get. So have it and be done with the notion that you will find the experience of completeness here.
There’s something inherently wise about this. A space is opened up, potential is created from this seemingly simple and insignificant naming of something. Perhaps in the receiving of a complete we are free to somehow check that box. Make the mark that this act we can become so consumed with is already done. Here’s your complete. It’s over with now. Get on with the good stuff. The uncertainty. The feeling your way through something. 
I’ve been musing about how this idea relates to the creative process. Something that so often eludes the act of being complete. As creatives we go from one process to the next. Completion becomes a sort of death, as we finish one process and call our energy back to create all over again. Is a thing no longer alive to us once it is no longer in process? Do we live for the process or the completion? How does completion lend itself to the next birth, creation, idea? How does the process shape our future creations? What if we were able to truly get completion out of the way right from the get go? What happens then? 
Big questions.
None of which I have answers to yet.
Let me know what you think. 
A quick note: you've probably read that Pluto has just entered Aquarius as we begin a new 20 years cycle and move from Pluto in Capricorn. There is a lot being written about this. Some of it accurate and some of it sensationalized in order to push on your fear and pain points and that's not really the purpose of astrology. If you are curious about what lies ahead for you this year and as we collectively enter this new phase, please reach out. Guidance is not about fear, but about providing support for you to feel grounded and welcoming of this new exciting and revolutionary 20 year cycle. 
Gate 19
The Gate of Wanting
On January 28, the sun gracefully traverses Gate 19, known as the Gate of Wanting. During this celestial transit, you're invited to embark on a deeply introspective voyage of self-discovery. Gate 19 offers a profound opportunity to delve into your inner realm, particularly focusing on an awareness to sensitivity in your life. 
As the sun aligns with Gate 19, it brightens the path for a deep dive into the energies propelling you toward equilibrium. Embracing sensitivity, or what I term awareness, without sacrificing personal desires and identity becomes an art to master. The goal is to cultivate a thorough comprehension of individual needs, fostering a grounded sense of awareness and autonomy.
This cosmic transit gently guides you towards a holistic perspective that supports heightened awareness while preventing feelings of shutdown, victimization, or falling into codependency. Throughout the week, the spotlight is on self-awareness and fostering a harmonious relationship with sensitivity, viewing it as a source of strength rather than vulnerability.
In celebrating the gifts of Gate 19, it is paramount to establish and uphold boundaries across various life dimensions—time, communication, energy, and personal space. This intentional boundary-setting acts as a protective measure, ensuring that awareness remains balanced without compromising individual needs.
Here are some journaling prompts to deepen your understanding and engagement with this transit:
1. Reflect on moments this week that triggered heightened awareness and explore how you navigated them.
2. How does your heightened awareness support or challenge the pursuit of personal desires or goals?
3. What are some instances where you maintained autonomy in your awareness and avoided compromising your identity?
4. Consider the impact of boundaries on your awareness—explore how setting clear limits influences your experience.
During this transit, you're encouraged to delve into the exploration of your awareness. The emphasis is on maintaining awareness without compromising personal desires and identity, fostering a grounded sense of autonomy. Setting and respecting boundaries becomes crucial in balancing this awareness, preventing feelings of shutdown or victimization. This transit invites you to celebrate the gifts of Gate 19 by exploring the positive manifestations of sensitivity and navigating its challenges with resilience. Embrace this transit as a catalyst propelling you forward on your ongoing journey of self-discovery, fostering the growth of your routines and rituals along the way.
Do you know about Tapping? It can be an effective addition to energy work and nervous system regulation. Many of my Mentorship clients include Tapping as part of their daily ritual. You can learn more about Tapping and how to do it by hitting the button below.
EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping Prompt for this transit.
“Even though I’m afraid to speak my truth, I do so now and trust that I am safe and I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
Have a great week exploring this transit! Ready to learn more about your Human Design? Hit the buttons below to schedule a reading with me and download the free Human Design information sheets to learn more!
Gate 13
Gate of the Listener
On the 3rd of February, the sun gracefully moves through Gate 13, a celestial waypoint often known as the Gate of the Listener. This celestial journey extends an invitation, urging you to embark on a profound exploration of self-discovery, placing a deliberate focus on the art of listening. 
Gate 13 serves as a beacon, shedding light on the profound energy of actively and conscientiously listening to the secrets shared by others, all while cultivating a mindset firmly grounded in forgiveness. Those under the influence of Gate 13 possess a heightened awareness of the deep significance inherent in creating a sympathetic and compassionate space. They actively engage with the narratives, experiences, and challenges of those around them, forging profound connections in the process.
Yet, the transformative power encapsulated by Gate 13 unfolds with its own intricacies. There exists the potential for this energy to transform into a repository, a holding ground for the secrets, challenges, and shadows of others. In this scenario, individuals may grapple with the weight of these burdens, leading to a reluctance to forgive and a tendency to nurture emotions such as anger, blame, and resentment.
Elevating the frequency of Gate 13 necessitates a profound understanding and keen awareness of one's energy boundaries. It becomes imperative to not only comprehend but also openly communicate the limits associated with the act of listening to others. Bitterness and resentment emerge as crucial indicators, signaling an imbalance in this domain and highlighting a potential disruption in the delicate equilibrium between empathy and personal well-being.
The crux of navigating the potential embedded in Gate 13 lies in maintaining a conscious and deliberate approach to energy boundaries. Individuals can then harness the transformative energy of Gate 13 to foster empathy and compassion. Simultaneously, this strategic approach helps them evade the pitfalls associated with unwittingly transforming into a receptacle for negativity. This intentional management of energy boundaries becomes an indispensable component in cultivating a healthy and harmonious relationship with the transformative energy encapsulated by Gate 13. It empowers individuals to strike a delicate balance between compassionate listening and self-preservation, creating a space for positive transformation without succumbing to the adverse effects of absorbing the burdens of others.
Here are some journaling prompts to deepen your understanding and engagement with this transit:
1. Reflect on a recent experience where you actively listened to someone's secrets or challenges. How did it make you feel, and what insights did you gain from this encounter?
2. Explore your own approach to forgiveness. Are there situations where you find it challenging to forgive, and how can the energy of Gate 13 guide you in cultivating a mindset of forgiveness?
3. Consider your role in relationships. How can you create a space for compassionate listening without becoming a holding ground for others' burdens?
4. Delve into your own experiences of being listened to empathetically. How did it impact you, and how can you incorporate similar qualities into your interactions with others?
This transformative transit highlights the importance of maintaining energy boundaries to prevent becoming a receptacle for others' burdens while fostering empathy and compassion in relationships.
Do you know about Tapping? It can be an effective addition to energy work and nervous system regulation. Many of my Mentorship clients include Tapping as part of their daily ritual. You can learn more about Tapping and how to do it by hitting the button below.
EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping Prompt for this transit.
“Even though I’m afraid to speak my truth, I do so now and trust that I am safe and I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
Have a great week exploring this transit! Ready to learn more about your Human Design? Hit the buttons below to schedule a reading with me and download the free Human Design information sheets to learn more!
Q + A
Welcome to my exciting monthly feature: Q + A! I'm absolutely thrilled to be diving into your thought-provoking inquiries about Human Design, Astrology, creativity, and Energy Work. Your curiosity fuels my passion for sharing knowledge, and the process of answering your questions continually enriches my own understanding.
Consider this space a welcoming sanctuary for curiosity, self-discovery, and expanding your horizons. Here, you can explore the intricate world of Human Design, Astrology, and Energy Work, and discover how they can profoundly influence your creativity and success as a creative professional. It's a journey of enlightenment and empowerment, and I can't wait to embark on it with you.
Don't hesitate to send your questions my way by simply clicking the button below. I'll be selecting one or two to address in the upcoming first newsletter of each month. Your inquiries drive the conversation, and I'm eager to provide you with insightful answers.
Q: I've heard that Human Design can be utilized to enhance marketing strategies. How can I integrate this into my approach?
Great question! The key lies in exploring the most relevant aspect of your chart for connecting with your audience, which is your Unconscious Mars. In your Human Design Chart, planetary guidance is found in the Design/Unconscious row on the left of your body graph. Locate your Unconscious Mars by counting 8 down from the top in this row.
Your Unconscious Mars represents your Vocation Zone of Genius—the inherent brilliance guiding the work you are meant to do. This number combination acts as a guide for what others seek from you in both life and business. The first number is the Gate your Unconscious Mars transits, and the second number to the right of the decimal represents the Line, describing your role related to this Gate.
Consider 8.4 as an example, representing the Gate of Contribution.
Gate 8 challenges us to authentically express ourselves and share our true selves with others. It encourages self-discovery, patience, and selective sharing for positive influence.
Line 4, known as the Opportunist, emphasizes establishing connections and foundations. With a transpersonal perspective, 4th Lines learn through interactions with others, excelling as networkers and connectors.
How does this apply to marketing?
1. Authenticity: Connect authentically with an audience ready to hear your message. Share from a place of deep authenticity, as your audience seeks a guide grounded in authenticity and vulnerability.
2. Individual Journey: Speak to your personal journey toward authenticity and success. Show your decision-making process and inspire your audience to learn from you.
3. Community Focus: Utilize your network and immediate circles for effective marketing. Begin marketing within your closest circles, informing them about your offerings, as your network will carry your message outward.
4. Group Experiences: Emphasize shared experiences in marketing, focusing on webinars, retreats, speeches, or small Mastermind opportunities to align with Line 4's networking strengths.
For more insights on integrating Human Design into your marketing strategy, book a Reading to explore possibilities together.
Stay tuned for an upcoming Q&A session in a few weeks. Please send in your questions, and feel free to reach out by clicking the button below. I'm eagerly anticipating guiding you further on this fascinating journey!
A few months ago I had the pleasure of connecting with on of my favorite people, Jennifer Cooper of the GenX online publication Jennifer Magazine. 
It's always a good time chatting with Jen and I was super honored to have the chance to introduce her and the Jennifer audience to Human Design! Join us for a look at her chart, along with a fun discussion about why Human Design can be so transformative. Hit the button below to listen.

Speak soon, Friend!

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