In 2018, there were around 66,880 Black entrepreneurs in Canada, representing 2.1% of all business owners.
Statistics Canada
Why should you take part?
Every single purchase creates a positive economic impact for the community and offers you the chance to win a gift box of products from our UP ecosystem. It's an opportunity to be the difference you want to see in the world.
How to
get involved?
Buy from a Black business Choose Black businesses for your purchases throughout the month;
Capture your receipt Keep track of your purchases by capturing the sales receipt;
Share on your social networks Express your commitment by sharing your purchases with the hashtag #29DaysUP
Send us the receipt Upload your receipt via the participation form.
Turn Valentine's Day into a once-in-a-lifetime occasion by favoring purchases from black businesses. Here are a few suggestions:
To all our precious supporters, we thank you for your generosity and trust. Together, we can keep building a successful future for the Afro-descendant community in Canada.
For the economic development of people of African descent, let's strengthen our role in the economic, financial and social spheres.