Celebrating the Magical Connection of Earth and Sky
The Remarkable Dance of Venus and Mars
Ramblings, Reflections and Ruminations 
of Daniel Giamario
Ever since the mid 1990s, Daniel has been fascinated by the visible pattern of the dance of Venus and Mars with each other. While doing the research that inspired his influential synodic cycles articles in The Mountain Astrologer magazine (1997/98), he noticed a pattern that he had not seen elsewhere! What might those be?
Virgo Full Moon
by Vivian Hurley
Seed People Spotlight: Emitt Dubé
In Conversation with Naraya Naserian
Meet Emitt Dubé, who is not only the TOTAMS Operation Manager, a Council Member and student of the paradigm, but also a Vedic Astrologer in his own right. 
Follow this fascinating conversation as Naraya and Emitt explore how the Giamario Approach™ integrates with Vedic and Western Astrology. Stay on to the end to hear about how Saturn in Pisces calls us to expand Self-Love by learning our boundaries! 
Become A Certified TOTAMS Astrologer
New Student Intake 2024
We are excited to open our doors yet again for a fresh student intake this year.
Gratitude to all who have already expressed their interest!
The TOTAMS Astrologer Certification Program supports you in discovering and deepening your personal relationship with the astrological mysteries by developing your own personal connection to land and sky. You do not need any previous experience with astrology to begin your journey! We also support those who are building an astrology practice, or seek to add the unique TOTAMS techniques to their existing practice.
Our bespoke, personalized Guided Group Experiences are intended to commence in March. So NOW is the best time to get on board! 
Feel free to contact shiva@turningoftheages.com with any questions.
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Transits & Timeline Support Circle
New Monthly Session with Lizzie Moon and Team
Here comes our brand new
a monthly online session 
hosted by Lizzie Moon and members of the TOTAMS Team.
Sunday, March 3, 11am PST / 7pm UCT / 8pm CET
(ideal for both USA and UK/EU time zones!)
This offering was born from a desire for in-depth, personal sharing of how we experience the various initiatory transits, seasons, cycles as well as natal complexes in our individual lives and/or the lives of our loved ones. We intend to come together to assist each other to truly be seen, heard, felt and witnessed in what we might be going through, support each other in better understanding and more successfully navigating these cycles as and when they occur, and to deepen our sense of community, participation, bonding and belonging.
Meetings are open to all who are interested and particularly useful during times of undergoing major transits, timeline initiations, or challenges with natal complexes. If necessary, our team will assist in determining which cycles you might be in and their respective duration.
*** Free To All For The First Three Months ***
Pisces New Moon Monthly Members Call
Astrology & Cosmology of The Current Lunation
Our Members Calls take place at or near the New Moon and cover all the major astrological and astronomical events taking place during the current lunation cycle.
Commencing last month, long-time TOTAMS Astrologer Silvianne K. Delmars is now co-presenting this monthly information alongside Daniel Giamario, adding her expertise to the sessions. So if you haven't been on for a while, now's the time!
March Equinox Seminars
Two Days of  Teaching, Sharing, Celebration
Course 05 In-Person in Ohio
TOTAMS Eclipse Gathering, April 6-12, 4 Places left!
Utilizing the signature TOTAMS approach, in this course, which is embedded in our
you’ll uncover the mysteries of the Inner Planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars and the Moon) from both astronomical and astrological perspectives. 
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This course is a prerequisite to become a Fully Initiated TOTAMS Astrologer 
and currently NOT available online! 
We have only 4 places left. If your soul calls you, get in touch right away! 
Callanish 2024 TOTAMS Annual Gathering
Important Update, Waiting List Re-Opened!
Prices for the different accommodation options are now available 
and rooms are being allocated with alacrity!
Our fabulous events coordinator Shiva has recently updated all on the waiting list with the latest information. So if you are on our list already, please finalize your booking NOW by getting in touch with shiva@turningoftheages.com
As there are some expected changes, we've also opened up the waiting list once again to ive another chance to those who really have a heart's desire to be there.
Looking ahead … 
Thank you, First name / dear friend, for your participation and support of the Turning of The Ages Mystery School.
Any questions or inquiries? Our dedicated team is here to help!
Totams Team 
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visit us on the web: turningoftheages.com

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Just go to ‘Manage Preferences' and tell us what you do and don’t want to receive. 
TOTAMS Astrology Consultations 
Schedule a session today with one of our Certified TOTAMS Astrologers!